10 of our favourite Nigella Lawson recipes (2024)


by Malou Herkes

published on 11 March 2020

10 of our favourite Nigella Lawson recipes (1)

Nigella needs no introduction. She is thequeen of simple cooking made good, with cookbooks that are so beautifully written, they’re worthy of reading in bed. Her timeless recipes have become staples, not least because they’re straight-forward to prepare and they always have that extra special something thrown in. Here are 10 of our favourites, from midweek dinners that wouldn’t be out of place at a weekend feast to teatime cakes and celebration desserts.

“Orzo pasta is a non-negotiable staple in my kitchen.It makes for wonderful, cosy one-pot dishes, of which this is a pre-eminent example”, says Nigella. Thiscomforting dinner pairs homemade meatballs with a rich tomato sauce and her favouriteorzo pasta – scroll down for her equally goodorzo pasta risotto.

These meatballs combine minced beef with black pudding for a comforting dish with an irresistible depth of flavour. They are particularly good when served alongside Nigella’s brown butter colcannon.

Nigella Lawson’s Black Pudding Meatballs

by Nigella Lawson

from Cook, Eat, Repeat

These meatballs combine minced beef with black pudding to create a warming dish with an irresistible depth of flavour. They are particularly good when served alongside Nigella’s brown butter colcannon.

From the book

Cook, Eat, Repeat

Nigella Lawson

10 of our favourite Nigella Lawson recipes (3)

Cook, Eat, Repeat

10 of our favourite Nigella Lawson recipes (4)

A collection of recipes you’ll want to make over and over again

10 of our favourite Nigella Lawson recipes (5)

Including quick and easy meals, Christmas comfort food, and stunning bakes

10 of our favourite Nigella Lawson recipes (6)

Interspersed with witty, thoughtful, and beautifully written essays

Turkish Eggs

by Nigella Lawson

from At My Table

Greek yoghurt, poached eggs and hot peppery butter might seem like an odd combination but as Nigella testifies it’s “a revelation and a complete sensation”. If you can get hold of mild, sweet, lemony Aleppo pepper or Turkish red pepper flakes, it’s worth it.

From the book

At My Table

Chicken with Red Grapes and Marsala

by Nigella Lawson

from At My Table

This simple but sophisticated dinner for two combines tender chicken, plumpgrapes, thyme and a mustardy marsala sauce.“Brimming with mellow fruitfulness”, this chicken recipe is best served with steamed new potatoes or crusty bread for mopping up all the juices.

From the book

At My Table

Chicken Traybake with Bitter Orange and Fennel

by Nigella Lawson

from Simply Nigella

A one-tin dinner that will fill your kitchen with the fragrance of anise and citrus, this chicken dish is both comforting and elegant. Nigella’s top tip: marinade the chicken a day in advance for a supremely tender and flavoursome dish.

From the book

Simply Nigella

Buy Book

Pasta Risotto with Peas and Pancetta

by Nigella Lawson

from Nigellissima

Nigella swaps risotto rice for orzo, a rice-shaped pasta that cooks in just 10 minutes and doesn’t require constant stirring. Flavoured with the classic combination of peas and pancetta, this is a one-pan midweek winner.

From the book


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Gemelli with Anchovies, Tomato and Mascarpone

by Nigella Lawson

from At My Table

Nigella’screamy, tangy, spicypasta dish involves making a 10-minute tomato sauce, tossing it through hot ‘gemelli’ pasta and serving with parsley and plenty of Parmesan.Pure comfort.

From the book

At My Table

Nigella Lawson’s Chocolate Raspberry Pudding Cake

by Nigella Lawson

from How To Eat

This dessert has a heavenly texture, somewhere between a pudding and a cake. Sour-sweet juicy raspberries and rich chocolate make foran incredible pairing, too.

From the book

How To Eat

Prodigious Pavlova

by Nigella Lawson

from Nigella Christmas

This mega-meringue has a soft marshmallowy centre and a crisp outside. It’s served with whipped cream, lychees and passionfruit, and drizzled with a sharp, brightraspberry sauce. If making this out of raspberry season, feel free to use frozen.

From the book

Nigella Christmas

Ginger and Walnut Carrot Cake

by Nigella Lawson

from At My Table

This rustic teatime cake comes topped with ginger-spiked cream cheese icing, crystallised ginger and walnutsfor a touch of decadence.

From the book

At My Table

Nigella Lawson’s Warm Chocolate Tahini and Banana Pudding

by Nigella Lawson

from Cook, Eat, Repeat

“Embracingly cosy and almost regally sumptuous” is how Nigella describes this warm chocolate tahini and banana pudding, and we couldn’t agree more.

From the book

Cook, Eat, Repeat

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10 of our favourite Nigella Lawson recipes (2024)


What is Nigella Lawson's most famous dish? ›

Top 10 Recipes that made Nigella Lawson famous
  • Chocolate Guinness Cake. ...
  • Lemon Polenta CakeNigella Lawson's. ...
  • Old Fashioned Chocolate Cake. ...
  • Flourless Chocolate Brownies. ...
  • Chicken and Pea Traybake. ...
  • Chilli Jam Chicken. ...
  • Sticky Toffee Pudding. ...
  • Vietnamese Pork Noodle Soup.

What illness does Nigella Lawson have? ›

Nigella Lawson, a British celebrity chef and author, has been open about her struggles with weight and health issues, including her diagnosis with type 2 diabetes and a heart attack.

Are Nigella Lawson's recipes good? ›

Nigella needs no introduction. She is the queen of simple cooking made good, with cookbooks that are so beautifully written, they're worthy of reading in bed. Her timeless recipes have become staples, not least because they're straight-forward to prepare and they always have that extra special something thrown in.

How much is Nigella Lawson worth? ›

In 2008 Lawson reported that she held a personal fortune of £15 million. Her husband Charles Saatchi was worth £100 million at that time. She said her two children should not inherit any of her money, saying: "I am determined that my children should have no financial security.

What does Nigella have for breakfast? ›

For me, the weekend cries out for American Breakfast Pancakes – and if you want to make your life even easier, try my Home Made Instant Pancake Mix – or French toast (either Orange French Toast or Doughnut French Toast, you choose).

What is a Nigella bread? ›

Introduction. Look, the name is meant to be a bit of a joke, but what I'm talking about is a pitta-like bread, glazed golden with beaten egg and sprinkled with nigella seeds. This is what I make when I'm in mezze-mode.

How did Nigella lose all her weight? ›

The chef lost weight through a combination of exercise and diet. She practiced yoga, which can be greatly beneficial for the mind, as well as the body. As for her diet, Nigella focused on reducing her portion sizes, putting her body into a calorie deficit.

Has Nigella Lawson had weight loss surgery? ›

The celebrity chef Nigella Lawson had been reported to have lost up to three stone recently. However, unlike most celebrities who lose weight, she had not attributed this to a miracle diet programme, which was highly unusual. As it turns out, the reason for her weight loss was actually surgery.

Why does Nigella Lawson not age? ›

It's 90% because she avoids the sun. Sun exposure is responsible for 90% of the signs of skin ageing. It's called dermatoheliosis or photoageing.

Is Nigella Lawson a trained chef? ›

Nigella never trained as a professional chef. In fact, she has often said that she doesn't like being called a celebrity chef at all. She has described herself as a “kitchen klutz” because, she says, she's just not naturally organized or graceful in the kitchen!

Why is Nigella Lawson so famous? ›

British television personality Nigella Lawson is known worldwide for her popular cooking shows such as Nigella Express and Simpy Nigella, as well as for judging food competition shows like Iron Chef America, MasterChef Australia, and The Taste.

What is Jamie Oliver's most famous recipe? ›

Alongside chasing turkey twizzlers out of school dinners, Jamie is famous for his Italian and American inspired dishes, but it's his classic, rustic and simple steak sarnie (from his Meals in 30 Minutes book). This steak sarnie recipe remains one of Jamie Oliver's most famous dishes.

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Top 7 richest chefs in the UK - Number 3 will surprise you!
  • #1 Jamie Oliver - $300 Million. ...
  • #2 Gordon Ramsey - $220 Million. ...
  • #3 Levi Roots - $45 Million. ...
  • #4 Marco Pierre White - $40 Million. ...
  • #5 Paul Hollywood - $15 Million. ...
  • #6 Gino D'Acampo - $10 Million. ...
  • #7 Heston Blumenthal - $10 Million.

Is Nigella Lawson upper class? ›

Nigella Lawson is upper class through and through (she's the daughter of former UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson for heaven's sake), and she never worked in a restaurant.

How many languages does Nigella Lawson speak? ›

After all, she has a Masters degree in Medieval and Modern Languages from Oxford, speaks four languages, and was a successful journalist and deputy literary editor of The Sunday Times before becoming the Domestic Goddess.

What recipes are in Simply Nigella? ›

  • Salmon, avocado, watercress and pumpkin seed salad. Nigella Lawson.
  • Slow-cooked ham. Nigella Lawson.
  • Chai muffins. Nigella Lawson.
  • Apricot almond cake with rosewater and cardamom. Nigella Lawson.

Does Nigella have kids? ›

29-year-old Cosima Diamond is one of Nigella's two children with the late journalist John Diamond. She has a brother, Bruno Paul Diamond, who is 27. The TV chef appears to have a close relationship with her two children, and was recently spotted walking around Central London arm in arm with her daughter Cosima.

What kind of food does Nigella Lawson make? ›

Nigella is known for her love of using duck fat to cook with, for example. Her most beloved recipes include main courses like roasted buttermilk chicken and coq au riesling, a stewed chicken dish. She is also known for luxurious, indulgent deserts, like chocolate mousse cake and coffee walnut layer cake.

What cooking utensils does Nigella use? ›

Nigella is using a metal spatula made by Wusthof. It is the "4435" spatula and is 12cm/4 1/2 inches long and is available from several sources on-line. The measuring spoons used by Nigella are Amco Professional Performance stainless steel measuring spoons.


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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.