29 Lumen Technologies Interview Questions & Answers (2024)

Table of Contents
1. Tell me about how your career progression has led you to wanting to pursue this role with Lumen. Why the Interviewer Asks This Question 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example 2. What is your greatest weakness? How to Answer 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example 3. If you were the successful candidate, how much notice would you require to give your current employer? How to Answer 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example 4. Tell me about one of the most rewarding experiences you had working on a team. How to Answer 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example 5. Are you applying for any other jobs? How to Answer 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example 6. Tell me about a time you handled an incredibly difficult client. How did you come to a resolution with this person? How to Answer 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback 7. What are your salary expectations? How to Answer 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback 8. Is compensation the most important factor for you when taking a new job? How to Answer 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback 9. When change occurs in the workplace, it can create new problems. Do you see these as an inconvenience or as opportunities to learn? How to Answer 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback 10. What is your personal mission statement? How to Answer 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback 11. What do you see as the most difficult task in being a manager? How to Answer 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example 12. What kind of people do you enjoy working with? How to Answer 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example 13. Have you ever been advised by a fellow employee or supervisor to lie about a situation? How did you handle this ethical dilemma? How to Answer 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback 14. Do you have experience in corrective discipline and terminations? How to Answer 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example 15. Outside of work, what type of creative activities do you like to pursue? How to Answer 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example 16. At Lumen, our core purpose is to further human progress through technology. How would you contribute to that goal as a member of our team? The Goal Example: Example Example: Example 17. How would you describe your written communication skills? Focus Your Answer On 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback 18. How do you handle conflict resolution in the workplace? Why the Interviewer Asks This Question 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example 19. Tell me about a time when you had to analyze a problem and recommend a solution. Why the Interviewer Asks This Question Sends the right message: Example Sends the wrong message: Example 20. When have you had to adapt your workload due to increasing demand from your supervisors? What You Need to Know 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback 21. Tell me about a time that you completed a project ahead of schedule. How to Answer 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example 22. At Lumen we are striving to be the best in our industry. What do you think we could change in order to meet that goal? Focus Your Answer On 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example 23. At Lumen we are dedicated to helping our customers meet sustainability goals. Why is this cause important to you? Focus Your Answer On 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example 24. Do you have any relevant degree or certifications that may align with the role you have applied to with us? How to Answer 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example Ask this if offering certification: Example 25. We have a variety of career paths available at Lumen. What kind of growth would you like to see here? The Goal Answer Example A question you can ask your interviewer: Example 26. We have a few strong competitors at Lumen Technologies. In your opinion, what makes us stand out from the rest? Focus Your Answer On 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example 27. The telecommunications industry is very competitive. What area do you consider your specialty and how does it align with our strengths at Lumen? How to Answer 1st Answer Example 2nd Answer Example 28. At Lumen, we offer a range of technology services. How familiar are you with our business? The Goal About the business as a whole: Example Specific technology: Example 29. At Lumen we offer both Managed Services and Professional Services. What experience do you have in either of these service offerings? Why the Interviewer Asks This Question Managed Services example: Example Professional Services example: Example Related Companies Related Careers Related Topics See More Topics Related Companies Related Careers Related Topics See More Topics References

Lumen Technologies Mock Interview

To help you prepare for a Lumen Technologies job interview, here are 29 interview questions and answer examples.

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Question 1 of 29

Tell me about how your career progression has led you to wanting to pursue this role with Lumen.

  • Why the Interviewer Asks This Question

  • 1st Answer Example

  • 2nd Answer Example

The interviewer wants to know more about your career progression but also how the previous roles you have held have equipped you for the role you've applied to with Lumen.

You have an opportunity here also so highlight any type of tenure you've held at previous companies and the growth you experienced therein. If you don't have a very consistent job history, take this opportunity tell your interviewer why Lumen is a company you feel you could be a part of for a long time.

"From the time I graduated high school I know that I wanted to pursue Systems Engineering. I was able to graduate with the undergrad degree in Systems Engineering and took the first role I landed right out of the gate with AT&T. My work there withing the NOC was so rewarding, and I was happy to be able to be promoted from an associate-level engineer, all the way to a Sr. Engineering Manager during my 15-year tenure with the company. In my search for new roles, I became interested in Lumen because your company is utilizing cutting edge technology and the growth opportunity within Cloud technology is exactly what I am seeking."

"My job history is testament to the fact that it took me some time to determine what it is that I wanted to do long-term. I went from the service industry to cable laying to retail before finally finding my calling within telecom helpdesk. This career path has allowed me to combine my communication and interpersonal skills with my technical knowledge and I have greatly enjoyed my year within the industry. My current role is a contracted position, ending next month, and I am looking to join Lumen to continue my trajectory and begin to build some tenure and consistency within my career."

Next QuestionNext Question

Below is a list of our Lumen Technologies, Inc. interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 5 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. Tell me about how your career progression has led you to wanting to pursue this role with Lumen.

      Why the Interviewer Asks This Question

      The interviewer wants to know more about your career progression but also how the previous roles you have held have equipped you for the role you've applied to with Lumen.

      You have an opportunity here also so highlight any type of tenure you've held at previous companies and the growth you experienced therein. If you don't have a very consistent job history, take this opportunity tell your interviewer why Lumen is a company you feel you could be a part of for a long time.

      1st Answer Example

      "From the time I graduated high school I know that I wanted to pursue Systems Engineering. I was able to graduate with the undergrad degree in Systems Engineering and took the first role I landed right out of the gate with AT&T. My work there withing the NOC was so rewarding, and I was happy to be able to be promoted from an associate-level engineer, all the way to a Sr. Engineering Manager during my 15-year tenure with the company. In my search for new roles, I became interested in Lumen because your company is utilizing cutting edge technology and the growth opportunity within Cloud technology is exactly what I am seeking."

      2nd Answer Example

      "My job history is testament to the fact that it took me some time to determine what it is that I wanted to do long-term. I went from the service industry to cable laying to retail before finally finding my calling within telecom helpdesk. This career path has allowed me to combine my communication and interpersonal skills with my technical knowledge and I have greatly enjoyed my year within the industry. My current role is a contracted position, ending next month, and I am looking to join Lumen to continue my trajectory and begin to build some tenure and consistency within my career."

  • 2. What is your greatest weakness?

      How to Answer

      Pick a weakness that is not a core skill for this position. You can be candid in your answer; recognizing that you aren't great at something and acknowledging your need to improve. Be sure to have an action plan in place for improving on this weakness.

      Perhaps you are watching TED talks to gain skills in a particular area, reading the latest-and-greatest book on the subject, or maybe you are taking a seminar at a nearby community center. We are all human with our weaknesses, so don't be afraid to share yours!

      1st Answer Example

      "I believe I could improve on some technical skills including Excel and PowerPoint. Currently I am at a beginner to intermediate level; however, I would be more comfortable at an advanced level. I have enrolled myself in an evening/weekend workshop for the next six weeks. We will see how stellar my skills are after that course!"

      2nd Answer Example

      "This is super cliche, but it's also true. I am not good at delegating to others. When I become submerged in a project, I don't like to give away any of the control. While this can be good, it can also definitely inhibit the outcome of the project and my growth as a team player and individual.
      I am currently working on this, as I know it is a deficit."

      View This Question and Answers
  • 3. If you were the successful candidate, how much notice would you require to give your current employer?

      How to Answer

      Every employer wants to know that you would give the professional cutesy of proper notice to your current employer. Keep your answer short and sweet, avoiding going down any rabbit hole surrounding your notice period.

      1st Answer Example

      "I would like to give my current employer the professional courtesy of 2 weeks' notice. I can begin immediately after that."

      2nd Answer Example

      If you have a vacation booked, this is the perfect time to discuss that as well. "I am on vacation until December 27th and can begin immediately after that."

  • 4. Tell me about one of the most rewarding experiences you had working on a team.

      How to Answer

      The interviewer wants to hear that you feel accomplished through teamwork. Talk about a time when you felt fulfilled through a team setting or project collaboration. An example may be a time when you worked on a team project in University, a recent work collaboration, or possibly an extracurricular experience such as coaching a little league team. Discuss the positive results of the teamwork and how you attained a positive outcome as a group.

      1st Answer Example

      "The most rewarding teamwork experience that I have had was in my last year of university. We were assigned a project in teams of 4 which accounted for quite a large part of our grade. I believe everyone pulled more than their weight because so much was at stake. Teamwork is very rewarding when everyone has something to win, or lose."

      2nd Answer Example

      "My current team is made up of 4 incredibly talented mechanics and three knowledgeable sales experts. I find every day to be incredibly rewarding because my team is like a well-oiled machine. I can count on them, and they can count on me."

  • 5. Are you applying for any other jobs?

      How to Answer

      It always puts a little bit of fire under the hiring manager if the are aware that you are actively looking for a new position. Tell the interviewer about your search so far.

      1st Answer Example

      "I am keeping an eye out for viable positions. Although I am not in final stages with any other company, I am actively seeking a new position."

      2nd Answer Example

      "I am actively seeking a new opportunity; however, will be choosy in my final decision. I am very excited about this opportunity with Lumen Technologies and look forward to next steps in the interview process."

  • 6. Tell me about a time you handled an incredibly difficult client. How did you come to a resolution with this person?

      How to Answer

      Remaining level-headed and staying professional is what the interviewer is looking for in your example. Give an example of how your excellent communication skills allowed you to handle a difficult client. If you haven’t had an experience with a problematic client, explain how you would handle the situation.

      1st Answer Example

      "In my current position I am faced with challenging clients on a daily basis. I seem to always come to a good resolution by using my gift of gab. I ask questions and actively listen. A recent example would be when a very unhappy customer called in, wanting to speak with the manager. Our manager was away, and I was the next best person for her to speak with. By listening and accepting responsibility for the company's actions, I was able to calm her down. We came to a solution that was great for everyone, and I was sure to follow up with her actively."

      2nd Answer Example

      "I had a client call saying that we delivered a defective piece of merchandise valued at over $30k. Understandably, he was livid. He was threatening to not only stop doing business with us but also make sure no one else in his company or his contacts in the industry would give us the time of day. This was one of my best customers, previously, so it was a rough phone call. I immediately took responsibility and asked pointed questions to try to get to the root of what was defective about the item, and assured him over and over that we would make it right. I went into a conference room, bringing the COO and Director of Ops with me, and we all assured him how we valued his business and would be sure to make it right. Not only that, we would put steps in place to ensure this type of thing did not slip through QA again. Ultimately, we had a satisfied customer who went on to grow in business volume and praised how we remedied the situation."

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "There was a situation where a customer was upset because we had to have them update the terms on their Purchase Order. She was mad because they had always in the past used those terms, why the change now? The first step is to be empathetic to the customer's concerns. I told her I understood how she felt, but that our accounting department had undergone an audit and all POs needed to have net 30 terms moving forward. Through open communication and understanding, I was able to calm her down and she agreed to have the terms updated on her end."

      Marcie's Feedback

      Excellent! You've used the STAR method well here to describe the situation, your task/actions, and the end result. The interviewer will be pleased to hear that you tried to understand the customer's perspective so they felt heard. Some other things you might mention are that you remained calm and professional throughout the entire encounter, practiced active listening, repeating back what she said to confirm you understood the issue accurately, expressed gratitude for her bringing her feelings to your attention, and reminded her that her opinion matters to you. You might also say that in other similar scenarios, you always strive to come up with a solution quickly and to follow up with the customer if needed. Great job!

  • 7. What are your salary expectations?

      How to Answer

      The best way to discuss your salary expectations is to use your current earnings as an example. Be open, and honest. Transparency is the best choice when salary based questions arise.

      1st Answer Example

      "Currently, I earn a base salary of $45,000 per year plus a potential 20% annual bonus. Last year my earnings were $52,000, and I would like to stay in the same range or slightly higher."

      2nd Answer Example

      "I am currently making $100,000 per year with two bonus opportunities. I am looking for compensation that is aligned with the role and provides an opportunity for growth."

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "My salary expectations align with what Account Managers in this area are earning for similar roles. I am looking for a base of 90 - 95 K with an OTE of 120K and up. I believe that my experience as a Sr. Account Manager aligns with that earning potential."

      Marcie's Feedback

      This is a strong response. It's great that you've researched what folks in this role typically make in this location; you come across as knowledgeable and prepared. Further strengthen your answer by emphasizing what experience, qualities, and skills you bring to the table. Nice job!

  • 8. Is compensation the most important factor for you when taking a new job?

      How to Answer

      In addition to compensation, there are many other factors to a fulfilling career. Talk to the interviewer about other factors that are important to you when considering a new job.

      1st Answer Example

      "Salary is important to me because I know that I am skilled and well educated. With that said, I do look at the full picture which includes factors such as benefits, work-life balance, perks, and company culture."

      2nd Answer Example

      "Several factors are important to me when taking a job. Compensation is a driving component of that along with company mission, culture, benefits, and location."

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "Compensation is important to me as well as growth potential within the company. I am looking for a long-term opportunity with growth. The products I sell, company culture, and the longevity of other employees all factor into the big picture. I don't want to work for a company that seems like they have a hire/fire system for their sales teams."

      Marcie's Feedback

      Excellent! You appear to be confident about what you're looking for in a role, which is great. Everything you mention - compensation, growth, superior products, company culture, and employee longevity - should all definitely factor into your decision-making process. While you're clear that compensation isn't the only thing that matters to you, you indicate that it still matters - you strike the perfect balance. Good response!

  • 9. When change occurs in the workplace, it can create new problems. Do you see these as an inconvenience or as opportunities to learn?

      How to Answer

      When a change occurs in the workplace, often problems arise due to new procedures being implemented, or unforeseen kinks needing to be worked out. Do you approach these problems positively or do you resist the change? Talk to the interviewer about how you can adapt to the inevitable issues that come with a change in the workplace.

      1st Answer Example

      "I fully understand that when a change occurs in the workplace, some new problems may arise because of it. I embrace workplace change because it often gives me the opportunity to learn a new skill or even teach a colleague a new skill."

      2nd Answer Example

      "I like to approach every day and situation as an opportunity to learn and grow, so even though it's uncomfortable, I like to think that there's something valuable to take away from the situation."

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "Workplace change is important for a company's growth and I embrace it. Recently I was tasked with collaborating with the Business Development team at my company to format the new Sales Force Quote tool. It was a team collaboration with a lot of test quotes produced by me to work out the issues. The result was we hit our goal to go live on the date we were given."

      Marcie's Feedback

      The interviewer will be pleased that you're open to change and learning new skills. Backing up that assertion with an example is also a good idea. Consider discussing why you viewed the Sales Force Quote tool as a good change. And ultimately, besides the team meeting its deadline, was the tool an improvement and beneficial to the team and the company? Also, what were the issues it caused? Did the tool's benefits outweigh those issues? Adding some more details will make your answer even more meaningful to the interviewer. Nice job!

  • 10. What is your personal mission statement?

      How to Answer

      Not everyone has a mission statement or personal mantra just off the cuff. In business, especially when entering leadership, this is an important question to ponder. Do you have a quote that inspires you or a saying that you grew up with that resonates with you?

      1st Answer Example

      "My mantra is that 'people who shine from within do not need the spotlight.' I feel that it is incredibly important to be a humble leader and I take this mission statement very seriously. I want my team to be in the spotlight rather than being the kind of leader that takes credit for good work."

      2nd Answer Example

      "My mission is to give my best 100% of the time. It's important to me that I have a great reputation in this industry through hard work and a positive attitude."

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "My personal mission statement is "Isn't Life Fun if you don't weaken" There will always be challenges and changes but if we stay focused and march on we can overcome the bad days."

      Marcie's Feedback

      Interesting! So you think people should stay tough and resilient through the hard times so they can enjoy all the good? How does this mission statement connect to the role? How will this mindset help you to excel in this position? (This should be easy to connect because resilience is highly valued in sales roles.) Good job!

  • 11. What do you see as the most difficult task in being a manager?

      How to Answer

      Being in a management role is always a significant challenge. Share with the interviewer what you feel is the most challenging part of being a manager, and why. Also, discuss what you are currently doing to make this task less stressful in the future.

      1st Answer Example

      "As a manager, the most difficult task for me is to delegate the work evenly. You will always have team members who are absolute rockstars, then some who are a bit less enthusiastic or are lower producers. I have to remind myself to distribute the work and responsibilities evenly despite my natural inclination to give more work to the high performers. I am currently working with my underperforming team members to prepare them for a larger workload."

      2nd Answer Example

      "Working with people and being responsible for business operations are two of my favorite things. It can be easy to get caught up in these important aspects and forget to carve out time regularly to develop - myself and my team. I have set reminders and triggers to help me stay focused on doing this in the background."

  • 12. What kind of people do you enjoy working with?

      How to Answer

      Culture fit is a significant factor when looking for a new position. Talk to the interviewer about the types of personalities that you best work with. Be sure to remain positive and avoid using this as an opportunity to speak poorly of previous colleagues.

      1st Answer Example

      "I best enjoy working with individuals who are driven, positive, energetic, and take accountability for their work. I do have the ability to work with a large variety of individuals; however, these are the ideal traits I would see in future colleagues."

      2nd Answer Example

      "I enjoy working with people who are driven to succeed, but not at the expense of others. I want to be around people who pick each other up and keep the team moving."

  • 13. Have you ever been advised by a fellow employee or supervisor to lie about a situation? How did you handle this ethical dilemma?

      How to Answer

      Ethical dilemmas in the workplace will come up from time to time. Assure the interviewer that you can handle these types of difficulties with professionalism and poise.

      1st Answer Example

      "I have never been told to lie to a fellow employee or supervisor on the job. If I were to be asked to lie, I absolutely would not do that. I am not the type of personality to be pushed around on the job. I will always be myself and keep my integrity first."

      2nd Answer Example

      "Yes, I have been asked to lie on the job before. In a previous role, our inventory count was off. My co-worker wanted to go home, and he suggested that I lie about our count. I refused to lie, and we stayed late. I would always choose honesty over lying, any day."

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "I would never be comfortable lying about any situation at work. I would decline but I would try to be understanding of the situation and try to find a different solution to the problem or reason I am being asked to be dishonest."

      Marcie's Feedback

      Excellent! You come across as honest, ethical, and understanding, in addition to sounding like a creative thinker and problem solver. Has this situation ever occurred before for you? If not, state that it hasn't so you directly answer the question. If you can think of another ethical dilemma you've faced, however, and give details about how you chose to handle it, this will further strengthen and build out your answer. Good job!

  • 14. Do you have experience in corrective discipline and terminations?

      How to Answer

      Terminations and corrective discipline measures can be very difficult to do but, with experience, they do get more comfortable. Talk to the interviewer about the extent of your experience with terminations and discipline.

      If you do have the experience: "I have been a part of individual terminations and group lay-offs throughout my career. I am comfortable with these types of tasks."

      1st Answer Example

      "I have been a part of individual terminations and group lay-offs throughout my career. I am comfortable with these types of tasks."

      2nd Answer Example

      If you do not have the experience: "I have not been in a position to perform terminations or hold corrective discipline meetings; however, I would be willing to perform these types of tasks with a small amount of training and research."

  • 15. Outside of work, what type of creative activities do you like to pursue?

      How to Answer

      A genuinely creative minded person will have outside activities aside from what's happening in the workplace. Tell the interviewer about the variety of ways in which you express your creativity.

      1st Answer Example

      "Outside of work I like to attend dance classes and I also attend the odd paint and sip wine nights at a local wine shop. I also enjoy reading as a way of nurturing my creative side."

      2nd Answer Example

      "I love to explore my creative side. I practice photography for fun and dabble in the arts. As an avid reader, I also explore writing. Cooking is also an art for me, and I try to incorporate creativity into the fun meals I prepare for family and friends."

  • 16. At Lumen, our core purpose is to further human progress through technology. How would you contribute to that goal as a member of our team?

      The Goal

      As this is the core purpose of this multinational technology company, it is important to be able to give your interviewer a good idea of how your skillset and strengths would align with the team's larger purpose. The goal in answering this question is to give your interviewer a sense of confidence in your understanding of the importance of this purpose and ability to champion this cause for Lumen.

      Example: Example

      "In researching Lumen, something that stood out to me profoundly was your team's commitment to delivering simple solutions, so that your customers can focus on innovation, not their IT. As a part of this team, I would utilize my expertise in offering creative IT solutions, troubleshooting, and providing exceptional customer service, in order to help contribute to advancement of technology as a whole."

      Example: Example

      "This core purpose is a large part of the reason that I wished to pursue a role with Lumen. I believe that your company's core purpose aligns with my own goals in equipping every with the most efficient technology possible, allowing them to streamline productivity."

  • 17. How would you describe your written communication skills?

      Focus Your Answer On

      Even if you have applied for a role that you feel there will not require much written communication, it is important to remember that even if a simple email to a customer, reminder message to an installation tech, or community board post could be a daily part of any role in a company.

      The important things to portray here is your understanding that professionalism is key in all forms of workplace communication.

      1st Answer Example

      "I haven't often had roles which require a large amount of written communication, but when I have had to write professional emails or create notes on customer accounts, I have always been professional, concise, and respectful."

      2nd Answer Example

      "My written communication skills are very strong as I have had experience within technical writing and have needed to communicate via email with customers. I have always prioritized professionalism and ensure that I always review anything I send before sending."

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "I am highly confident in my written communication skills. I continually sharpen my sales skills through reading books and sales training solutions that become available. Written communication skills are a vital part of today's sales process using email campaigns."

      Marcie's Feedback

      Great! It's awesome that you're confident in your ability to communicate effectively via the written word. How has this skill benefited you in your career so far? Can you provide an example of a time when you were able to persuade someone or sell something because of your written communication? This will make your response much more impactful. Nice job!

  • 18. How do you handle conflict resolution in the workplace?

      Why the Interviewer Asks This Question

      Part of the interviewer's job is not only to determine if you are a technical fit for the team, but also if you are a culture and personality fit. The interviewer will ask you this question with the knowledge of his expectation for his team already in mind. Honesty is the best policy here, but you can also show adaptability in your answer.

      1st Answer Example

      "My experience is that open communication and mutual respect are usually key to any disagreement within a team. If I find myself in a conflict with a coworker, I try to calmly explain my perspective while also prioritizing listening to theirs. If there is no compromise that can be reached, I would lean into whatever team standard is in place for escalating an issue, while still prioritizing the respect of my colleague,"

      2nd Answer Example

      "In mediating conflict between other employees having a disagreement, I ensure to set the expectations that the conversation be calm and respectful and that we prioritize mutual respect. I ensure that each employee has a chance to describe their perspective and follow up with the team standard and a course of action that ensure that the needs of the team are met while also meeting the employees' needs as closely as possible."

  • 19. Tell me about a time when you had to analyze a problem and recommend a solution.

      Why the Interviewer Asks This Question

      Your answer to this question will tell your interviewer two things:
      1. How creative and confident you are in problem solving and solutioning
      2. The type of management involvement and dynamic you expect

      Sends the right message: Example

      "I received a call from a customer who our team has just completed an installation for the week prior. The customer indicated that there was a TCP/IP issue that they could not rectify. Though this was an IT client, the network was very large which can create some difficulty in pinpointing the exact location of the connection. I was able to quickly send the tech the network diagram and walk them through the process of fixing the connection issue."

      Sends the wrong message: Example

      "I was the asset coordinator on my last team and received a call from an install team complaining that hadn't received their scheduled delivery in the window quoted and that the customer was now frustrated. I ended up forwarding the call to my direct supervisor because I realized that I had make a scheduling error and didn't really know what to do to fix it. My supervisor was able to offer a solution and the on-site team smoothed it over with the customer. Teamwork!"

  • 20. When have you had to adapt your workload due to increasing demand from your supervisors?

      What You Need to Know

      Workloads will increase and decrease as the market demands. How do you adapt to these changes?

      1st Answer Example

      "In my current position, my workload changes depending on the team and their needs. I can adapt to those needs quickly and effectively. Just last week I had two team members who were sick, and my workload increased significantly. I worked overtime and met my deadlines."

      2nd Answer Example

      "My workload changes by the minute. I keep a to-do list every day and push unfinished items to the next. Then, the next day I come into 150 emails and have to completely re-prioritize yesterday's to-do leftovers with today's emergencies."

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "This summer in my internship, during my month-long internal auditing project, my supervisor wanted to work with me to create a bonus budget allocation plan. To fit this into my schedule, I worked with my supervisor on this project for that week while they were still in the office and then worked an extra hour or two of overtime to keep up with my schedule on my other project. Because of this, I was able to create the bonus budget allocation plan with my supervisor while staying on schedule with my other project."

      Amanda's Feedback

      This is a strong response! You can improve it further by relating any other steps you took to handle your increased workload, such as scheduling tasks, rearranging or focusing on daily priorities, or removing distractions.

  • 21. Tell me about a time that you completed a project ahead of schedule.

      How to Answer

      This question provides a dual opportunity to show your strength within time management as well as show your interviewer that you are proactive in seeking new tasks once one is complete. Companies prefer hiring candidates who they know will take initiative and prioritize productivity.

      1st Answer Example

      "I was scheduled for an 8 hour shift to complete a Fiber installation in an office building. We needed to set up the Optical Network Terminal and ensure that everything was connecting smoothly for the customer. I had a talented group working with me, and we finished ahead of schedule. Rather than leave early, I asked the customer if there was anything else that they wanted us to take a look at while we were onsite. They mentioned having some difficulty integrating certain printers into the network and myself and one other employee were able to stay on and diagnose the connection issues causing this problem."

      2nd Answer Example

      "I have learned as I become more skilled in this space that the instances where I finish ahead of schedule become opportunities to help others on my team who may need an extra hand. When everyone's goal is the overall happiness of the customer and success of the team as a whole, we all win."

  • 22. At Lumen we are striving to be the best in our industry. What do you think we could change in order to meet that goal?

      Focus Your Answer On

      A great answer here will put emphasis on the continuation of a recently implemented company initiative along with an idea that could take that offering to the next level. You want to show the interviewer your ability to commit to team goals and decisions, while also showing that you bring creative or thoughtful ideas to the table to increase efficiency or effectiveness.

      1st Answer Example

      "Your recent collaborate with Finastra in consolidating their networks and then modernizing their contact center and how they deal with customers, was a brilliant project and one that I would love to see the company expand upon. This model worked extremely well for the financial technology sector, and I believe could also greatly benefit other Lumen customer markets like the automotive industry or some of the less-advanced spaces we service."

      2nd Answer Example

      "The recent sale of local fiber networks that Lumen made in order to leverage a larger scale focus of Quantum was a strategic move that increased its ability to become more focused. I think that continuing to narrow our scope of expertise will allow them to excel in a few areas rather than be decent in most."

  • 23. At Lumen we are dedicated to helping our customers meet sustainability goals. Why is this cause important to you?

      Focus Your Answer On

      Lumen has aimed a huge part of their marketing strategy towards sustainability within the tech and telecom industries. Because this is such a huge piece of Lumen's brand as a whole, it is important that you display an understanding of the importance of sustainability as well as share any of your own passion surrounding the topic.

      1st Answer Example

      "Lumen's commitment to sustainability is incredibly important to the future of our environment and it is one of the biggest reason's I'd like to join your team. Lumen being capable of reducing their Carbon Footprint in 2020, along with being listed on top 100 lit of Sustainable Companies, speaks volumes to the company's dedication to this sustainability commitment and I would love to be a part of that."

      2nd Answer Example

      "Sustainability is important to me because of reduction of finite resources that will eventually greatly impact our environment as well as our industry. Resources like Cloud networks make the need for physical components to be produced fewer and further between, reducing the impact to our environment."

  • 24. Do you have any relevant degree or certifications that may align with the role you have applied to with us?

      How to Answer

      Most job postings and job descriptions will outline the ideal educational background for which the company is looking. This is a good place to mention any of their "ideal" qualifications, or any other achievement that may be relevant to the comapny or the role.

      If you don't have any additional education supporting the role, express your willingness to obtain certifications as necessary.

      1st Answer Example

      "I recently obtained my Cisco CCNA Certification in pursuit of a stronger knowledge and understanding of Network Security. I am also currently enrolled in an undergraduate program for Network Engineering."

      2nd Answer Example

      "Though I do not have any additional education at this time, I did notice that your team would like someone for this role who is CCNA Certified. I have looked into the test and would be willing and interested in pursuing this Certification. I believe that my current knowledge and experience would help me to be able to study for and pass the CCNA exam."

      Ask this if offering certification: Example

      "Does Lumen offer reimbursem*nt for any technical certification that I might pursue to strengthen my expertise in this field? If so, how are these reimbursem*nts offered?"

  • 25. We have a variety of career paths available at Lumen. What kind of growth would you like to see here?

      The Goal

      Show knowledge of Lumen's business and be confident about the trajectory of your career. Be prepared to discuss how you would like to see your career grow and be willing to concede the areas which you may need growth and learning opportunitoes in order to reach. This shows the interviewer that you are engaged in this process and interested in becoming a long-term fixture at Lumen.

      Answer Example

      "I have pursued employment opportunities with Lumen because of the career growth opportunites offered by a company with such numerous offerings. My experience has been primarily within network instillation, but I am pusing my degree in Network Security, and eventually I would like to be able to grow into an Analyst or Engineer role within NetSec."

      A question you can ask your interviewer: Example

      "Is there potential for an employee with my skillset to be able to grow into Network Security from the physical installtion side of things? If so, what does that trajectory usually entail and how will Lumen partner with me to achieve career growth?"

  • 26. We have a few strong competitors at Lumen Technologies. In your opinion, what makes us stand out from the rest?

      Focus Your Answer On

      As with any company you wish to work for, you should do research on Lumen before your interview. Some of what you will find regarding Lumen's advantages, however, pertain more to stock and market price/performance than actual difference in service. In your answer, you will want to stay away from talking stock cost, instead focusing on the key differences between Lumen its key competitors.

      1st Answer Example

      "Assuming that competitors are companies like Cox Communications and Massergy, I would say that Lumen's advantage is a much larger fiber-optic network as well as the adoption of the Lumen Cloud Platform. This platform is much more advanced than that of your competitors and allows Lumen to offer IaaS to its customer base."

      2nd Answer Example

      "Because Lumen's array of services is so broad, they have a leg up on any competitor in a given industry as that industry is not their only service offered. For example, companies like Spectrum may compete in terms of telecommunications, but are unable to offer the Managed and Professional services that Lumen does. a competitor like Oracle has a strong Cloud Platform and IaaS offerings but is not in the market of fiber optics like Lumen."

  • 27. The telecommunications industry is very competitive. What area do you consider your specialty and how does it align with our strengths at Lumen?

      How to Answer

      Your answer should focus on two aspects:
      1. The difference that sets Lumen apart from its competitors
      2. How your strengths align with this difference

      1st Answer Example

      "My specialty is leading large installation projects. My 6 years of experience in fiber-optic installation and troubleshooting would lend well to the expansion of Lumen Fiber+. I think that Lumen's decision to pivot away from the broadband services space was a very strategic and wise decision as we've seen the decline in this industry for broadband within offices and larger buildings and I would like to be a part of growing the fiber-optic market."

      2nd Answer Example

      "I consider my specialty to be in sales and marketing of internet services. Though a great deal of my experience lies within selling and marketing home internet services, I have spent some time in the business marketing space and would like to continue to grow my skillset in that arena. With Lumen's focus shifting from Broadband to Fiber, I think this would be a mutually beneficial opportunity to lend my sales and marketing skillset to this role while also gaining a great understanding of large group and company internet sales."

  • 28. At Lumen, we offer a range of technology services. How familiar are you with our business?

      The Goal

      It is essential that you research Lumen before you go into your interview so that you have a strong understanding of the range of their technology services offered.

      You will want to research the markets in which Lumen operates, any recent news articles of wins or challenges, their trajectory as a company, and any relevant competitor information.

      About the business as a whole: Example

      "I was familiar with Lumen prior to your transformation from CenturyLink. I was happy to learn that with a name change and a brand change, also came a refocused mission to lead businesses through technology challenges. As a Fortune-500 company operating in the North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia Pacific, I was impressed to learn that Lumen is the #6 telecommunication provider in the US and continues to grow,"

      Specific technology: Example

      "I've had an eye on Lumen Technologies for quite some time and have worked for one of your competitors, Spectrum, in the past. I am familiar with the majority of telecommunications services offered by Lumen including network services, security, cloud solutions, voice, and managed services."

  • 29. At Lumen we offer both Managed Services and Professional Services. What experience do you have in either of these service offerings?

      Why the Interviewer Asks This Question

      Your ability to differentiate between managed services and professional services and best categorize your background and experience will be important to the interviewer in determining where you will best fit in the company's service offerings. Ensure that you understand the difference between both and do not refrain from stating where you think your skillset lends itself most adequately.

      Managed Services example: Example

      "Most of my professional experience falls in line with managed services. Working at Rackspace, I was able to assist our customers with managed Cloud hosting and managed Network Security throughout my tenure. I feel as though my skillset lends well to the ability to work directly with the customer, understand their needs, and provide creative solutions, making me a strong asset in this arena."

      Professional Services example: Example

      "As a Network Security Consultant, I am most familiar with providing Professional Services to customers. As a SME in the field, I have lead multiple Network Security implementation plans, liaising both functional and technical aspects according to each customer's need. I enjoy this aspect of services greatly as it allows me to assist a team with a large challenge, set them up for success, and then move on to the next team in need of assistance."

  • 29 Lumen Technologies Interview Questions & Answers (2024)


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    Name: Barbera Armstrong

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