Design with purpose.
Differentiating aspects of the interior design curriculum from other disciplines across campus are the DESIGN STUDIO EXPERIENCE and the OPTION SEMESTER.
DESIGN STUDIO EXPERIENCE: Students enroll in sequential design studios throughout the program, beginning in the fall of their first year. Design studios are student-centered, project-based courses with a low student to faculty ratio. These courses foster a variety of creative transactions, engage students in the learning process, and are a place for collaboration, intellectual exchange, innovation, and critique.
OPTION SEMESTER: During the spring semester of the 3rd year or fall semester of the 4th year students choose from one of several options to expand their educational experience. Options include a full time, off-campus professional residency, a semester long study abroad experience or enrollment in one of LSU’s domestic exchange or international exchange programs.
Following the recommended sequence of courses is critical for students undertaking the Bachelor of Interior Design curriculum. Students who fail to complete required courses more than one year later than the time designated in the curriculum will be prohibited from advancement in the design studio sequence until the courses are completed.
Thirty-nine hours of general education courses, as required by the university, must be completed prior to graduation. The interior design curriculum requires enrollment in specific general education courses, including College Algebra and Plane Geometry (Analytical Reasoning), Introduction to Interior Design (Arts), Architectural History (Humanities), Introduction to Environmental Sciences (Natural Sciences), and Contemporary Global Issues (Social Sciences).
Interior Design Curriculum
Students with questions about the curriculum should schedule an appointment with a counselor in Student Services.
Click here to schedule your advising appointment online.
Bachelor of Interior Design Curriculum — 130 Total Semester Hours
Bachelor of Interiordesign majors must pass all required courses, an Interior Design Focus elective, an Approved College Elective, and ENGL 2000 with a grade of “C-” or better. A student who earns less than a “C-” in one of these courses must repeat the course in the next regular semester in which the student is enrolled and the course is offered.
Thirty-nine hours of general education courses as required by the university must be completed prior to graduation. The Interior Design curriculum requires enrollment in specific general education courses, including College Algebra and Plane Geometry (Analytical Reasoning), Introduction to Interior Design (Arts), Architectural History (Humanities), Introduction to Environmental Sciences (Natural Sciences), and Contemporary Global Issues (Social Sciences).
Total Semester Hours: 15
CRITICAL: ID 1051 and ID 1711; 2.75 Cumulative GPA
ID 1051 Introduction to Interior Design (3)
ID 1711 Design Foundation I (3)
ENGL 1001 English Composition (3)
MATH 1021 College Algebra (3)
General Education Course – Natural Sciences (3)
Total Semester Hours: 15
CRITICAL: ID 1712 and ID 1780; 2.75 Cumulative GPA; Admission to the professional program
ID 1712 Design Foundation II (3)
ID 1780 Interior Design Technical Drawing (3)
ENVS 1126 Introduction to Environmental Sciences (3)
MATH 1022 Plane Trigonometry (3)
General Education Course – Natural Sciences (3)
Semester 3
Total Semester Hours: 18
CRITICAL: ID 2750, ID 2770, ID 2774 and ID 2781
ID 2750 Interior Design Studio I (6)
ID 2770 Color and Illumination I (3)
ID 2774 Interior Construction and Systems (3)
ID 2781 Interior Design Graphics (3)
ARCH 2007 History of Architecture I (3)
Semester 4
Total Semester Hours: 18
CRITICAL: ID 2751, ID 2775, ID 2776 and ID 2785
ID 2751 Interior Design Studio II (6)
ID 2775 Interior Materials, Finishes and Furnishings (3)
ID 2776 Interior Design Human Factors (3)
ID 2785 Computer Visualization (3)
ARCH 2008 History of Architecture II (3)
Semester 5
Total Semester Hours: 19
CRITICAL: ID 3752, ID 3760, ID 3777, ID 3782 and ID 4741
ID 3752 Interior Design Studio III (6)
ID 3760 Career Development (1)
ID 3777 Design for Health and Wellbeing (3)
ID 3782 Interior Design Construction Documents (3)
ID 4741 History of Interior Design (3)
ENGL 2000 English Composition (3)
Semester 6
Total Semester Hours: 15
In semester 6, students select a two-semester sequence, Sequence A OR Sequence B, completed during semesters 6 and 7. The sequence must be approved by the student’s faculty advisor or the Professional Residency Coordinator.
ID 3753 Interior Design Studio IV (6)
ID 3770 Color and Illumination II (3)
ID 4720 Seminar in Interior Design (3)
ID 4742 Interior Design Contemporary Issues and Theory (3)
ID 4765 Interior Design Professional Residency (6) OR
ID 3765 Field Studies in Interior Design (6)
INTL 2000 Contemporary Global Issues (3)
General Education Course – Social Sciences (3)
General Education Course – Humanities (3)
Semester 7
Total Semester Hours: 15
In semester 7, students complete the two-semester sequence selected in semester 6 (above).
SEQUENCE A (continued from previous semester)
ID 4765 Interior Design Professional Residency (6) OR
ID 3765 Field Studies in Interior Design (6)
INTL 2000 Contemporary Global Issues (3)
General Education Course – Social Sciences (3)
General Education Course – Humanities (3)
SEQUENCE B (continued from previous semester)
ID 3753 Interior Design Studio IV (6)
ID 3770 Color and Illumination II (3)
ID 4720 Seminar in Interior Design (3)
ID 4742 Interior Design Contemporary Issues and Theory (3)
Total Semester Hours: 15
ID 4754 Interior Design Studio V (6)
ID 4761 Professional Practice (3)
Interior Design Focus Elective (3)
Approved College of Art + Design Elective (3)