Homeschooling in Australia - The Ultimate Guide (Updated for 2023) (2024)

Homeschooling in Australia - The Ultimate Guide (Updated for 2023) (1)

Looking for information on homeschooling inAustralia? You’ve found it!

This guide covers homeschool registration inAustralia, homeschooling facts and figures, socialisation and homeschoolsupport groups, and answers all the questions you need to know to help you get started homeschooling in Australia.

There’s a LOT of helpful information here, so I’ve also putit in a PDF ebook that you can download, print, and refer back to.

Want me to email it to you? Just pop your details in below and you’ll get it straight away.

OK, let’s get started mastering homeschooling in Australia!


If you’re thinking about homeschooling in Australia, you’renot alone. The number of Australian homeschoolers has increased exponentiallyin the last decade.

In our early days of homeschooling we considered ourselves lucky to have a group of five families in our area. Now, in the same area, there are over 200 families.

But when you begin homeschooling it can seem completelyoverwhelming, especially if you’re homeschooling unexpectedly.

    • There’s paperwork to be done and decisions to be made.
    • There may be an anxious child to reassure or an irritatedschool to deal with.
    • Maybe your partner isn’t too keen on homeschooling.
    • Maybe YOU’RE not too keen on homeschooling
    • And every friend and family member will have a concern theywant to discuss with you.

Just take a few deep breaths and focus on the next task thatneeds to be done. As with anything new there’s a learning curve you need to getthrough before it gets easier, but it WILL get easier.

And remember there’s plenty of assistance out there if you need it – us homeschoolers tend to be a helpful bunch!

What is homeschooling?

Homeschooling simply means your children learn at home andin the community, rather than school, and parents are responsible for their education,rather than an outside organisation.

It DOESN’T mean you’ll be at home all the time, or thathomeschooling will look anything like school.

It’s a difficultconcept to get your head around in the beginning, but school does not equaleducation. They’re two totally different things.

And as you’re educating, not schooling, you can do it inwhatever way you like. Many homeschoolers don’t spend a great deal of timedoing traditional schoolwork but instead attend activities in their communityor with homeschool groups, explore the outdoors, read dozens of books, dohands-on activities and experiments, travel, and take advantage of the endless range ofactivities and resources that happen to be educational.

Want to see what homeschooling really looks like? Take a look through the Day in the Life posts.

Distance education vs homeschooling

OK, so you just enrol with a school, they send you the work,and you’re homeschooling – right?


That’s distance education. And while distance education and homeschooling are often seen as thesame thing they’re quite different.

Distance education involves enrolling with a school, whoprovide all the work. You make sure the work is done, send it back, and theygrade it and produce reports. They often have online classes to attend. As theparent you are responsible for supervising the work, doing some teaching, andmaking sure it gets done.

If you’re interested in distance education in Australia, read my guide here

Home schooling in Australia involves registering to homeschool, choosing your own course of work, and ensuring your child receives an education. Other than infrequent reporting and re-application to your state or territory homeschool body, you decide what your child’s education will involve.

You choose your content and your style. You can use complete curriculum, build it from scratch yourself, do in-person and online classes, and use tutoring.

You can add whatever you like to your homeschooling mix tocreate a truly individualised and interesting education. In some states you mustdeliver a program that addresses the curriculum, but it’s quite easy to getcreative with this.

Interested in the many ways you can help your child get a great education? Check out the Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles.

Homeschooling Curriculum in Australia

There’s a growing misconception that you need to purchase an Australian homeschooling curriculum, or follow a homeschooling program, in order to legally homeschool.

Let me make it clear:

You do NOT need to buy a complete curriculum to homeschool.

Although there are a growing number of homeschooling curriculum providers in Australia, who will provide you with work for all subjects and assist with homeschooling registration, it is NOT mandatory to enrol with one of them.

You can if you choose to, of course. But you definitely don’t HAVE to – and most homeschoolers choose to put together their own curriculum and resources so they can tailor it to their children and family.

In 2017, there were 19,004 registered homeschooling students, an increase of 8563 since 2011.

And in 2019 there were 21,437 home schooled students in Australia. I told you numbers were growing!

Anecdotally, many people who homeschooled through lockdown in 2020 continued to homeschool – I look forward to seeing the numbers.

Thanks to Stuart Chapman & the HSLDA for crunching the numbers – you canview the full homeschooling statistics chart here.

However, it’s difficult to know the true numbers, as apparently manyhomeschoolers in Australia are not registered.

I’ve seen estimates ranging from 1/3 to 1/2 of homeschoolers not being registered, but it’s impossible to know. Just assume there are many more out there than the numbers state.

And for that reason, don’t go asking people you barely knowif they’re registered. They may not want to share.

There are many reasons, but most fall into the followingcategories.

    • Schools can’t manage special needs– The biggest growth in homeschooling numbers is coming from children who don’t fit the system, mostly on the autism spectrum. After years of struggling (and failing) to get help from the system they drop out to homeschool.
    • Bullying– Unfortunately, bullying is a common reason. Again, after the school doesn’t fix the problem their parents feel they have no choice but to homeschool.
    • Provide an individualised education– When you create you own learning program you can tailor it directly to your child. You can organise it in a way that is suited to their learning style and body clock and addresses their unique interests.
    • Believe school doesn’t provide the best academic environment– Let’s face it, we don’t have the best school results.PISA scores are declining alarmingly, and anyone who uses older resources knows how much the curriculum has been dumbed down over the last few decades. Finally, the home environment is usually still the key factor in academic success, even for school kids, so many parents decide to skip the school part.
    • Religious reasons– Families who want to raise their children with strong faith often choose homeschooling over a religious school.
    • Avoid school socialisation– Many people don’t like the socialisation that school provides. They don’t want their children to be exposed to bullying, early sexualisation, the glorification of drinking and drugs, a shallow appearance-oriented culture, or anti-intellectualism.
    • Build a strong family unit– School doesn’t support families. Many parents want their family relationships to be the strongest, and homeschooling supports that goal.
    • Believe school starts too early– Many parents don’t want to send their tiny children to school and decide to keep them at home for at least the first few years.

Many parents have more than one reason, and reasons mayevolve and change over the years. A family who begins homeschooling to escapebullying may realise their child is doing better academically and socially, andso add those reasons to why they homeschool. Someone who begins because theirchild isn’t being challenged academically at school may be happy that theirchild is now learning more, but also realise that their family is much closeras a result.

Homeschooling in Australia - The Ultimate Guide (Updated for 2023) (2)

Ah, the dreaded homeschooling registration!

First up, please remember that homeschooling registrationand actual homeschooling are two different things, and both need to beaddressed. Many people spend too much time obsessing about registration, whenit’s the day-to-day stuff that will really make or break your homeschool.

So register, but spend MORE time making it all work for you.

Second, getting your registration rejected isn’t common. In 2015, NSW (known as a ‘tough’ state) only knocked back 0.27% of applications for not providing a good enough application (reference). That’s only 1 out of 400! Know that if you put some effort in you have a huge chance of success.

Now, over to thelegal stuff.

Homeschooling is legal in all states and territories in Australia.

Registering to homeschool is a legal requirement. It terrifies most people who are new to homeschooling, but if you follow the instructions and access the guidance available it is not especially difficult, and it gets easier each time you do it.

Some parents even say they enjoy being required to record, review and plan because they wouldn’t sit and do it otherwise – there’s always a silver lining.

If you’d like more guidance, there are plenty of workshops addressing homeschool registration and reporting in Australia included in theAustralian Homeschooling Registration Bundle. They’re full of step-by-step information about planning, recording, and everything you need to know about homeschool registration.

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Homeschooling in Australia - The Ultimate Guide (Updated for 2023) (4)
Homeschooling in Australia - The Ultimate Guide (Updated for 2023) (5)

I also recommend contacting your local homeschooling group,or an online group, to obtain assistance and support. Just don’t expect them todo EVERYTHING for you – ask for tips and help with the tricky parts, but ultimatelyit’s your responsibility.

Here are the basic requirements of homeschool registrationin each state. I’m not a law expert, nor do I play one on the internet – this is simply my summary. The requirements may change at any time, so please refer to thewebsites linked for the most up-to-date information.

Homeschooling in New South Wales

Findforms and full details on the NSW Education Standards Authoritysite.

First, fill out and submit the Application for Initial Registrationform. You need to do one for each child.

Next, you’ll need to put together a plan – again, one foreach child. You must address the NSW curriculum and personalise it to yourchild’s needs, but you can use your choice of approach to cover the content.Examples are provided on the site.

An Authorised Person will visit your house and assess yourplan, learning area, and intended recording and reporting methods. It’srecommended you have an impartial third person sit in on the meeting – manyhomeschooling parents are happy to do this so get in contact with your localgroup. Your child must be sighted, but there is no requirement they participatein the meeting.

Registration periods can be 3, 6, 12, or 24 months, but initialapplicants can only get a maximum of 12 months.

Renewal is similar. Three months before the end of yourregistration fill out and submit the Application for Renewal of Registrationform. You’ll then have your second meeting – you will need to show some samplesof work done, plus provide a written assessment of each child and your plan forthe upcoming period. You can register for 24 months if the AuthorisedPerson agrees.

There are comprehensive workshops aboutstep-by-step homeschool registration and reporting In NSW in the Rego Bundle – check it out!

Homeschooling in Queensland

You register with theHome Education Unitbetween the ages of 5.5 – 17. You will need to submit the application form, your plan of education for the year, identification, and the certified Statutory Declaration. You need one for each child. Templates are provided for several planning methods (there’s agreat workshop about theme planning plus a couple of other specific QLD homeschool registration and reporting workshops here).

Six months into your registration you will receive areporting pack. This needs to be completed and returned by the tenth month,along with your plan for the next period of registration.There are no home visits.

Homeschool Registration in the Northern Territory

The NT only accepts applications for limited periods, twice a year, for children 6 – 17. You need to fill in an application form and attach a weekly learning plan and teaching and learning plan, plus identification documents. Your plan must be guided by the National Curriculum, but you can apply for an exemption.

The application is assessed, and if approved you will have a
home visit from a local principal or other senior school staff member, or
Department of Education officer.

Once approved, the process for each year is virtually the same. You need to submit next year’s application by the end of each year.

Need more help? There’s a step-by-step NT homeschool registration workshop in here.

Homeschooling in Victoria

You willregister with the VRQA. You need to submit an application form, ID, anda learning plan for each child between the ages of 6 – 17 ONCE. This isn’t a yearly thing. The learning plan must cover the prescribed eight learningareas, but the content is up to you.

Around 10% of students are chosen randomly and reviewed eachyear. If your family is selected ONE child will be reviewed. You can choose tosend VRQA the evidence of learning, describe it via telephone, or have anin-person interview. If the review is successful you won’t be reviewed againfor at least two years.

You can partially enrol at school. There are no home visits.

Homeschooling in Australia - The Ultimate Guide (Updated for 2023) (6)

Homeschooling in the ACT

ACT Homeschool Registration details

The ACT doesn’t provide much information about homeschooling on their site – you need to request application forms and submit any questions via email. Their previous FAQ document has been removed.

You can apply for registration simply by filling out the application form and attaching the necessary ID documents.

You then have three months to provide your educational plan, in line with the National Curriculum. You need to apply for full registration at least 20 business days before the end of your 3-month registration period. This application must include a written statement, called a Parent Report, that addresses how you will meet the requirements. You can request a template for your Parent Report.

You’ll then meet withan Authorised Person in the Education Directorate’s office to discuss yourplan. You’ll need to take details of your program and materials.Registration lasts two years, but at the end of each yearyou must submit a Progress Report. These describe your child’s educationalprogress over the year.

For renewal, you must submit a registration renewal application form plus your Parent Report and Progress Report at least 3 months before your current registration expires. You will have another meeting with an Authorised Person, but renewal meetings can be done via videoconference.

You must provide the majority of education from your approved address, and you may enrol in school part-time.

Homeschooling in Tasmania

There is a very comprehensive workshop about registration and reporting in Tasmania in Homeschooling Registration Bundle

In Tasmania you’ll register with theOffice of the Education Registrar. Part-time homeschool registration is allowed.

You need to complete a single application form for yourfamily that includes each child aged 5 – 18. You’ll them create a learning plan foreach individual child called a HESP (Home Education Summary and Program) which details howyou’ll address each of the standards. Templates are provided, andTHEACprovides completed examples plus an excellent FAQ.

After your program has been assessed you’ll have a visitfrom a Registration Officer, which can be at your home or a suitable place ofyour choice, or via phone or Skype. Your child must be sighted.

Registration renewal is essentially the same – fill out theform, produce a HESP, and have a meeting. In your renewal meeting you’ll beexpected to evaluate and show evidence of learning from your previousregistration period.

Homeschooling in Western Australia

There is a comprehensive workshop about WA homeschool registration and reporting in the Registration Bundle

You’llregister with the Department of Education. You need to lodge an application form with your nearest RegionalEducation office.

Within three months you’ll have a meeting with a homeeducation moderator. You’re not required to have a formal plan, BUT you do needto be able to show evidence of learning. You can do this by showing worksamples, diaries or other recording methods, photos, completed projects,certificates, or any other suitable method. It’s a good idea to have a document outlining the child’sprogram and progress ready before the visit so you can ensure you cover itcomprehensively.

Registration renewal is similar – you’ll have a meeting witha moderator every 12 months and you’ll need to provide evidence of learning.

Homeschooling in South Australia

Homeschool registration in South Australia is a little bitdifferent. You don’t register to homeschool – instead, you enrol your child at aschool and then apply for an exemption from attending.

Contact the HEU here

You need to email to obtain an application pack, and you only need one application for allyour children. You’ll provide a short outline of a typical day, and your intended program/curriculum– it’s not a full yearly plan and should take less than a page. You will needto detail how you will assess their progress and the learning environment, plusthe social interaction they will have.

BOTH parents must sign – even if the second parent is notinvolved or is hostile. Parents and home education groups are campaigning to change this requirement.

Once you’ve submitted the pack, a home education officerwill visit your home to discuss it. Your child must be sighted but does nothave to participate. It’s recommended that you have an impartial third personthere to observe and take notes of the meeting. Many experienced homeschoolingparents are happy to do this for each other – join your local group and ask.

You’ll have an annual review, which is a similarprocess. You’ll fill out a form describing educational progress and theresources used in each subject area, and a paragraph about your plan for thefollowing year. You’ll then have a meeting with a home education officer whereyou will show evidence of learning in the form of your records. These can bework samples, summaries, lists of curricula completed, photos, attendancerecords, whatever form your record keeping takes.

A note about age in all states–Generally, from the age of 15 you can fulfil education requirementsin other ways without being registered to homeschool, such as TAFE, employment, university, or an apprenticeship. This can often be easier than homeschool registration, and your child will get a recognised qualification.

If you’d like to get your registration application donequickly and easily I highly recommend you watch thehomeschool registration workshops inthe Australian Homeschooling Summit. There are plenty of step-by-step workshops all about homeschoolregistration, including specific workshops for Queensland, NSW, Tasmania, WA, and the NT. The information provided in those and the general registration and reportingworkshops will show you how to put together a plan quickly and with minimal stress, in a way that is very likely to be approved the first time.

Homeschool registration while travelling can be confusing. NSW and NT specifically mentiontravelling, and state that you are not allowed to homeschool and must enroll indistance education if you intend to travel for longer than a term.

Tasmaniasays you can travel if you intend to return as a permanent resident. If you’re travelling at the time of re-registration they will not re-register you.

Twofamilies from WA have contacted me because WA refused to register them when they were going travelling, and seemed content to have them go unregistered.

Homeschooling in Australia - The Ultimate Guide (Updated for 2023) (7)

Each state’s regulations state that you cannotregister to homeschool if you aren’t a permanent resident of the state. And if you don’t have a fixed address, you’re not.

For example, this is what the ACT has to say about travelling –

Can I become registered or renew my registration while myfamily is not residing in the ACT?

No. Home education must be provided from the ACT home baselisted on the registration certificate. If you are travelling at the time ofregistration or renewal you can re-apply for provisional registration on yourreturn to the ACT.

What are you meant to do in the meantime in states other than NT and NSW? Nobody’s reallysure. If you’ll only be travelling within your registration period it shouldn’t affect it, but you may find you don’t qualify for registration when your registration expires if you’re not in the state.

If you’re refused registration or told you’re not eligible keep a record. I know several people who have re-registered or enrolled at school after a period of not being registered and they’ve had no issues at all, so don’t fret – they’ll most likely just be happy to have you back in the system.

Homeschooling in Australia - The Ultimate Guide (Updated for 2023) (8)

Interested in travelling? We’ve spent over four years travelling Australia as a family. Read my.

Don’t stress about the uni thing! It’s quite easy to get into university as a homeschooler – it’s easier than finishing school, in my opinion.

And I’ve written a HUGE guide to show you how homeschoolers enter university, complete with real-life examples.

As a quick summary, here are a few of the options available

    • TAFE to university
    • Open Universities
    • Enabling/bridging courses
    • STAT (Standard Tertiary Admissions Test)
    • Portfolio entry

There are homeschoolers who have never stepped foot in a school studying everything from medicine to music, and entry gets easier all the time.

So don’t worry about this one – you can work out an alternative entry path for any degree.

There is nospecificfinancial assistance from Centrelink for homeschooling families, but there are other ways families can access financial help from Centrelink.

If you qualify forNewstartproof of homeschooling registrationexempts you from looking for work. You can also receive this exemption if you have four or more children.

Assistance for Isolated Children– This payment is available to families who have school aged children who can’t attend school because of distance or special needs (physical, psychological, or intellectual). There’s a bit of paperwork to do, but it’s a substantialpayment. Many families with children on the autism spectrum, or with anxiety,receive AIC.

Apart from that, financial assistance for homeschoolers is rather random and fragmented. Homeschooled students receive free dental care via theSchool Dental Services in each state. Queenslanders can receive theTextbook and ResourceAllowance, while Territorians can access theBack to School Payment Scheme.

Manystates/territories can claim sports vouchers once a year. WA residents can claim theSecondary Assistance Scheme, and bothWA and NT residents can get free swimming lessons.

Financial subsidies for homeschoolers are always changingand there may be grants in your local area – ask your homeschool group forinformation specific to your state and area.

Definitely not! Testing is not required by anystate or territory.

Your children can choose to do NAPLAN at a local school, but it’s not compulsory. Some homeschoolers do NAPLAN, and homeschooler scores arewell above average.

However, it’s a very small self-selected sample, and as thechildren who are likely to do well at NAPLAN are the ones who do it, we can’tuse the results to say that homeschoolers get a better education.

Do I need to be a teacher to homeschool?

You’ll get asked this a lot, and the answer is…


You don’t need an education degree, or a special
certificate, or anything to ‘prove’ that you’re able.

The only thing you need is a strong commitment to providing
a great education for your child. If you’re willing to put in the time and
effort, to troubleshoot and persevere, then you have a great chance at making
it work.

Most importantly, you don’t need to know everything to
homeschool your child.

Homeschooling tends to be less like teacher and learner, and more like committed co-learners. If you don’t know something you can learn along with your child. You can source a great complete resource, online lessons, or tutoring if you need to.

Homeschooling in Australia - The Ultimate Guide (Updated for 2023) (9)

As an example, I just leaned over and pulled this sentence
from Asha’s MOOC (she’s 14).

“Specialised statistical analysis ruled out phylogenetic autocorrelation as the sole explanation of the relationship between BMR and aridity.”

Huh? Apparently, it’s from a study about larks and how arid
environments affect their energy use.

I can’t teach this (I can’t even understand it without
looking up definitions), but she can certainly learn it.

This is a difficult question to answer! As homeschoolers,we’ve turned learning into a lifestyle, and we’re always learning.

If you decide to do school at home, with workbooks addressingthe National Curriculum, you can expect to spend less than three hours per weekday covering core content. One hour a day is plenty in the younger years, and fourhours is plenty for most teens. The teens will do most of it by themselves, too.

It may not seem like enough time compared the hours a dayspent in school, but us homeschoolers can be efficient. Much of school time iswasted on organisation, assemblies, notices, and activities that aren’tparticularly educational.

And when you spend the rest of your day reading books,pursuing interests, doing arts and crafts, watching documentaries, and otherinteresting and incidentally educational activities, it adds up to many more productivelearning hours, even if it doesn’t look like school. These hours tend togreatly reduce the hours spent on workbooks – if your child has already learnedit from a board game they’ll fly through the worksheets.

Here’s how homeschoolers save time –

    • No time spent moving between classes or changing focus at inconvenient times.
    • Many tasks are redundant with one-on-one learning – there’sno need to do 30 maths problems if they’ve mastered it with 8.
    • We can focus because we have fewer distractions – even ifyou have a large family it’s still easier than managing 25.
    • We can ensure topics are learned thoroughly the first time, eliminatingmost review.
    • No admin necessary – we don’t need to record and grade dailyfor dozens.
    • Interest-based learning is astonishingly effective andefficient. If your child has a true interest in a topic they’ll become anexpert in it with very little effort and time from you.

So don’t think you need to schedule 6+ hours a day of study for each of your children! You won’t be racing around non-stop with no time to brush your teeth – if you’re working harder than them you’re doing something wrong.

You’ll get asked about socialisation ALL THE TIME,and you may think it will be a big issue.

Luckily, you’ll soon realise that homeschool socialisationis not a big issue.

Except in the media, which isn’t known for accuracy….

Homeschoolers leave the house. They go to homeschool group, andto groups like Scouts, they play sports and games. They do the shopping and errands,visit museums and galleries, and spend lots of unstructured time with familyand friends.

In short, our children interact with a wide range of peopleof all different age groups from many demographics. While doing so they’reguided by adults who care for them and have a vested interest in their future.

This is how homeschooled kids get socialised– they learn to interact with many people across varied areas of society by interacting with many people across varied areas of society.

Not by being stuck in a large number of mostly age-group peers within an institution and play-acting life skills like shopping (does anyone else think that’s utterly ridiculous?).

As I mentioned earlier, many people don’t like thesocialisation that school provides. They don’t want their children to beexposed to bullying, early sexualisation, the glorification of drinking anddrugs, a shallow appearance-oriented culture, or anti-intellectualism being‘cool’. Frankly, I’m baffled as to whypeople fret about children ‘missing out’ on it.

If you’re stressing about social skills, make a consciousdecision to put that worry aside for six months. Join your local homeschoolgroup (or start one if there’s none around) and go about your daily life. Whenyou assess your worry after six months you’ll most likely realise that it’s notworth worrying about at all.

If you’re worrying about this, there are LOTS of workshops about socialisation, co-ops, and all things to do with other people in the Australian Homeschooling Summit. It’s a great way to get a look at what we REALLY do all day – and the rich and varied social experiences homeschooled children get.

Australian Homeschool Groups and Support Groups

Repeat after me – you don’t have to homeschool alone!

Chances are there will be a homeschooling group near you.Join it! Even if it doesn’t suit you perfectly you’ll still get a sense ofbelonging and be able to chat to families in a similar situation.

It’s greatfor your child to see that this homeschooling gig is normal. It alsogives you a group to organise activities with, whether that’s a visit to thelocal BMX track, a camp, or a tour of a historical site.

Or rafting on lilos and dressing up in costume and beating on each other with wooden swords – whatever takes your fancy.

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Homeschooling in Australia - The Ultimate Guide (Updated for 2023) (11)

If there isn’t a local homeschooling group, try to startone. Advertise at your local library, community centres, and online groups tofind families. You may get a lot of people with toddlers who are only thinking aboutit, but persevere. Even 1 or 2 other families can make a great group.

Now, I could try to reinvent the wheel and create my own list of Australian homeschooling groups, but Beverley Paine has already created a fantastic one. It’s full of in-person and online support groups you can join – there’s something for every niche.

Download Beverley’sSupport Group Directory here.

She also has four other resource directories (all free!) –you can get them all here.

Finally, I quite like watching what other homeschooling families are up to and following people over the years. I like getting insight into people’s day-to-day lives, ideas and inspiration from what they’re doing, and watching their children grow and change over the years. And I’ve actually met a few, which is always fun!

Again, I don’t need to reinvent the wheel – Erin has a great list ofAustralian Homeschooling blogsand a list ofAustralian homeschooling Instagrammers.

Check them out to find your reliable sources of ideas, inspiration, and friendship.

Finally, remember that you can do this. All sorts of people homeschool successfully – you don’t need to be well-educated, have superhuman patience, be militantly organised, or have a huge budget.

If you needed those qualities I would have quit years ago!

Take it a day at a time, continue to read and experiment, and enjoy your kids – homeschooling can be much easier and more enjoyable that you think.

I wish you the best of luck with homeschooling in Australia, and I hope you have as much fun doing it as I do.

Homeschooling in Australia - The Ultimate Guide (Updated for 2023) (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.