How to Take Notes: The Ultimate Guide to Efficiency - TCK Publishing (2024)

How to Take Notes: The Ultimate Guide to Efficiency - TCK Publishing (1)

Writing solid notes in an efficient way is a skill that many require but few have mastered.

Whether you’re a student in need of efficiently-written notes to study for an upcoming exam, or a business representative coming out of an important meeting, great notes can spell the difference between success and failure.

So how can you make sure that the notes you take will serve you well?

First we’ll take a look at different tools you can use to write great notes. Then, we’ll discuss ways to do so efficiently, before examining the top 5 methods for note-taking.

Tools for Taking Notes

Some people like writing notes by hand, while others type more efficiently. Studies show that writing things by hand help to cement them to memory.

Another theory is that transcribing on a computer can easily be a mindless exercise, whereas writing things down by hand forces you to choose only the relevant information to keep up with the person talking.

So if you are writing notes for a class that you need to study for in the future, you might consider doing your note taking manually: in this case, brushing up on your cursive may save you much time.

Handwritten Notes

For taking notes by hand, the following tools will come in handy:

A Big Notebook

A big notebook allows you the freedom to write so much morebefore needing to turn the page. This saves you valuable time, especially in alive class or meeting.

In terms of the pages, lined notebooks work best for plenty of text, but if the notes you’re taking will include illustrations, consider a dotted-page notebook or one with blank pages.

Blank pages also allow you to decide on the size of your handwriting: some people find it faster to write small for note-taking.

Find the best notebooks that can help you to maximize your efficiency while note-taking.

A Trusty Pen or Pencil

Quality writing tools can really make a difference when it comes to your efficiency. Some people prefer the quick flow of a pen, while others thrive by the pressure that a pencil makes on paper.

If you’re using a pencil, make sure you either have a sharpener, in case the lead breaks, or at least one or two extra. Also bring an eraser. However, crossing things out tends to be faster when taking live notes.

Different Colored Pens

If you’re writing notes from someone talkinglive, you probably won’t have the time to switch pen colors.However, when taking down notes from a book or a webinar, using differentcolored pens to color-code certain themes in your writing will help you whenyou come back to review your notes.

A little trivia for you: studies show that you can memorize wordswritten in red ink more easily than those written in blue or black ink.


Used to be every student’s best friend, highlighters may not be as popular now in this digital age. However, serious note taking from thick textbooks may still benefit from having certain passages highlighted before you copy them onto your notebook.

Eyeglasses or Hearing Aid

While this may seem common sense, if you wear glasses or ahearing aid, also make sure you have them with you before you go into a classor lecture!

Taking Notes Digitally

If you want to take notes on your laptop or smart device, make sure you have and know how to use the following:

A Fully Charged Battery

You don’t want the frustration of running out of battery right in the middle of an important lecture or meeting.

Make sure you have fully charged your laptop battery or at least plugged it into a power outlet. Coming to the classroom or meeting venue ahead of time will help you find the nearest power outlet.

However, if you are coming into a venue not familiar to you, it’s best to have a fully charged battery just in case you can’t find a power outlet!

A Good Word Processing Program

MS Word is the most popular, but Mac users will have Pages pre-installed. Familiarize yourself with the program before you start using it to take notes, particularly the “Save” function.

Although they typically come with an Autosave function, you don’t want to type notes over a few pages only to lose your work because you forgot to hit Save!

Keyboard Shortcuts for Copying and Pasting

When taking notes from soft-copy documents, such as onlinearticles or Portable Document Files (PDFs), you will find keyboard shortcutsfor copying and pasting to be your best friend in timesaving.

Noise-Canceling Headphones for Video Calls or Webinars

If you will be taking notes from a webinar or a video chat, make sure you have either noise-canceling headphones or good ear buds.

You will be able to capture details more accurately instead of just relying on your laptop speakers.

A Recording Device

A good note-taker always has a backup plan. When taking notes from a live speaker, you will feel more confident if you have a recording to look back on, just in case you miss anything.

However, continue to take your own notes, as you are never sure just how clear the words will be in your recorded file. Look at the recording simply as a backup.

How Do You Take Good Notes?

The following tips can help you to take thorough notes quickly and efficiently, saving you time while also ensuring that you’ll remember everything when you look back at them.

1. Determine what kind of notes you are taking.

Are you taking a live class, where you need to jot down important information you need to remember at a later date? Or are you listening to a story where you only need to remember the basic outline?

Experts explain that listening for information differs from listening for understanding, and they will also result in different sets of notes.

If it is a class that focuses a lot on facts, you may want to pay attention to key information such as who, what, when, where, and why, and jot them down accordingly.

Having these keywords listed on the side of the paper ahead of time will help you fill them in quickly.

For taking notes on a storyline, you will likely be writingbullet points in an outline form, taking you less time. Some people even addlittle sketches or diagrams as part of their notes.

If it’s a board meeting where you need to find out what eachmember thinks about an issue, you’ll do well to note down even nonverbal cues,such as a frown or a smile.

Clearly, the notes you make for someone talking without stoppingwill also look different from those that you write from a book you’re reading or a YouTube videoyou can pause and replay along the way. For the latter, you will be able towrite more details and even rephrase them with your own words.

2. Develop your narrating skills.

Experts say that you only retain what you tell back in your own words. This means that the best notes you can take would be those that you rephrase. It could be in bullet points or in full sentences, but the key is that you state them as you understand them.

You will get the added perk of having the information ingrained in your memory. If you are note-taking for school, that means you already have the bonus of not needing to review the contents as much.

Rephrasing ideas in your own words also forces you to listen tothe speaker, instead of mindlessly jotting down facts without understandingthem.

3. Brush up on your transcribing and abbreviation skills.

Perhaps the days are long gone when shorthand was a requiredsubject taught in school. But if you take notes often, having certain symbols or abbreviations to usefor regularly-used words will save you valuable time.

Examples of common words that you can use a symbol orabbreviations for include:

Full Text Shorthand Abbreviations
because b/c
before b4
especially esp
approximately approx.
compared to cf
different diff
each Ea
for example e.g.
and so on etc
that is i.e.

The transcription symbols you use will also depend on whether you will be sharing your notes with someone else or not. If you are, make sure you use standard symbols.

However, if it’s only for your own consumption, you can invent your own shorthand symbols, but just make sure you use them consistently to avoid confusion.

Top 5 Note-Taking Methods

Outline Method

The Outline Method is one of the fastest ways of notetaking. Yousimply pay attention to the main points and write them down as bullet points.This is the most helpful method for taking in a lot of detail.

  • During a class, start your notes by writing the main topic as a bullet point.
  • Indent slightly to the right and write down the first subtopic.
  • Organize the bullet points by making use of indentations, keeping whole themes together on the same indentation level.

Cornell Method

The Cornell Method organizes class notes into easily understoodsummaries. You take down the main points, the details, and summary of a giventopic or lecture.

1. Draw a line to form a 2”margin on the left side of your notebook page, and a 2”summary section on the bottom. A large notebook will give you about 6”to work with for the main notes.

2. Take down your main class notes in the large section of thenotebook page.

3. During the review, write study cues or prompts on the 2”margin on the left. Vocabulary definitions will also go into thissection.

4. Write a summary of the contents of the page on the 2”summary section.

Mapping Method

The Mapping Method is a more visual-oriented note takingstrategy. It helps you see how each topic relates to another.

  1. Begin mapping by writing the main topic on topof the page. You may choose to encircle or draw a box to highlight the maintopic.
  2. Write the subtopic headings by drawing a branchoff the main topic.
  3. Under each subtopic, write down the main points.Branch off some more if needed.

Charting Method

The Charting Method makes use of a table to organize theinformation. You can use charts to show relationships or comparisons betweendifferent items.

  1. When a class mentions categories, start by drawinga table. The number of columns will depend on the number of factors beingdiscussed. You can get around this challenge by starting with a thin column andadding more as you go along.
  2. Alternatively, you can put the topics on the topof each column and write down the details underneath. This way you can simplyadd another table below the first one if needed.

Sentence Method

The Sentence Method means simply writing notes down in sentences.This works especially for lectures or interviews that may not have a fixedoutline or flow.

  1. Listen carefully and jot down key thoughts or ideas.
  2. Leave space in between key thoughts to give you room to elaborate on them as the speaker goes along.
  3. Use visual cues such as boxes or lines to group ideas together.

How to Take Notes Efficiently

Taking good notes is an essential skill for your studies, your work, and your life. It can help you to remember details and stay organized, ensuring that you’re always up to date on the most important information.

Now that you have the tools, skills, and techniques that you need, you can be sure to take better notes and remember them quickly and easily.

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How to Take Notes: The Ultimate Guide to Efficiency - TCK Publishing (2)

Yen Cabag

Yen Cabag is the Blog Writer of TCK Publishing. She is also a homeschooling mom, family coach, and speaker for the Charlotte Mason method, an educational philosophy that places great emphasis on classic literature and the masterpieces in art and music. She has also written several books, both fiction and nonfiction. Her passion is to see the next generation of children become lovers of reading and learning in the midst of short attention spans.

How to Take Notes: The Ultimate Guide to Efficiency - TCK Publishing (2024)


How to take notes from an online textbook? ›

If you have an online text, you can still record your thoughts, key words, and summaries in this way. Just grab a plain sheet of paper, label it with the text and chapter/page number, and jot them down on the paper instead of in the book.

How to make notes from reference books? ›

5 Do's of Textbook Note-Taking
  1. Skimming Through Chapters for Information. ...
  2. Displaying Notes in Different Ways. ...
  3. Paraphrasing and Summarizing Content in Your Own Words. ...
  4. Reviewing and Organizing Notes. ...
  5. Making Use of Headings and Abbreviations. ...
  6. Over-Highlighting Information. ...
  7. Copying Word-for-Word From the Source.

How to take notes on readings? ›

Using linear notes and spidergrams
  1. Use loads of HEADINGS for main ideas and concepts.
  2. Use subheadings for points within those ideas.
  3. Stick to one point per line.
  4. Underline key words.
  5. You can use numbering to keep yourself organised.
  6. Use abbreviations - and don't worry about using full sentences.
May 30, 2024

How to take effective notes? ›

Techniques and Tips
  1. Write phrases, not full sentences. ...
  2. Take notes in your own words. ...
  3. Structure your notes with headings, subheadings and numbered lists. ...
  4. Code your notes—use colour and symbols to mark structure and emphasis.
  5. Use colour to highlight major sections, main points and diagrams.
Mar 25, 2022

How to take notes without writing everything down? ›

Don't try to write down everything being said

Be selective—you don't have to transcribe the entire lecture. Effective listening note-taking involves recognising key concepts and identifying and selecting what is relevant. Listen for the overall argument and note the main points and key information.

How to take history notes? ›

Students may organize their notes using headings and subheadings or color-coding different sections, allowing them to quickly access the information they need. When organizing your notes, try to group related ideas together, and use headings and subheadings to indicate the main themes or topics being covered.

How do you take notes on a PDF online? ›

Open your document in the Acrobat online PDF editor. Click the Add Comment icon and select whether you'd like the comment to be visible as text on the document or whether you want it to show up as a comment icon. Make your comment and repeat throughout the document.

How to make notes from book pdf? ›

Once the PDF file is open, click on the 'Annotations' tab located on the left side of the screen. This will open a toolbar with various annotation tools. Select the 'Note' tool from the toolbar. This tool allows you to add text-based notes to the PDF document.

What are the five methods of making notes? ›

  • The Cornell Method.
  • The Outlining Method.
  • The Mapping Method.
  • The Charting Method.
  • The Sentence Method.

How to take notes from nonfiction books? ›

When you're taking notes from a textbook or nonfiction book, you can save yourself time and effort by using the same headings that the author uses (assuming that it is a well-organized and well-edited textbook or book). These section and chapter headings are going to encompass the main ideas of the book.

Does Bill Gates take notes while reading? ›

“For me, taking notes helps make sure that I'm really thinking hard about what's in there. If I disagree with the book, sometimes it takes a long time to read the books because I'm writing so much in the margin,” — Gates says in the Quartz interview while explaining how he reads books.

What should one avoid while taking notes? ›

You should not try to take down entire sentences. You should concentrate on the important bullets of the lecture and review these with the source material, usually assigned reading or slide presentations that lay out the whole of the material to be mastered. It's best to record lectures when possible.

How can I memorize notes effectively? ›

Simple memory tips and tricks
  1. Try to understand the information first. Information that is organized and makes sense to you is easier to memorize. ...
  2. Link it. ...
  3. Sleep on it. ...
  4. Self-test. ...
  5. Use distributed practice. ...
  6. Write it out. ...
  7. Create meaningful groups. ...
  8. Use mnemonics.

What is best to take notes? ›

Take visually clear, concise, organized, and structured notes so that they are easy to read and make sense to you later. See different formats of notes below for ideas. If you want your notes to be concise and brief, use abbreviations and symbols. Write in bullets and phrases instead of complete sentences.

How to take notes like a pro? ›

Write short, succinct sentences. Save time and use abbreviations and symbols. Use your own words that mean something to you. Use your teacher's notes or your textbook as a starting point and a way to familiarise yourself with the topic.

What should I do instead of taking notes? ›

Instead of spending that time on note-taking, which is often a more passive form of learning, you could spend it on active learning techniques such as flashcards and practice questions which are more effective.

What are three strategies you can use to take better notes? ›

Three Effective Note-Taking Methods
  • Cornell Method. Developed by a Cornell University education professor in the 1940s, the Cornell Method simplifies note-taking and test preparation. ...
  • Mapping Method. ...
  • Outline or Bullet Method.
Apr 7, 2023

How to make proper notes? ›

Here are some tips on how to create more visually appealing notes:
  1. Always start on a fresh page. You'll find your notes much easier to read if you start on a fresh, blank page for each new class or topic. ...
  2. Make sure your writing is legible. ...
  3. Use wide margins. ...
  4. Use symbols and diagrams.

What is the outline note-taking method? ›

The outlining method is perhaps the most common form of note taking used by college students; an outline naturally organizes the information in a highly structured, logical manner, forming a skeleton of the textbook chapter or lecture subject that serves as an excellent study guide when preparing for tests.

How do you take notes from an online course? ›

Follow these simple guidelines to become an all-star online note-taker for your online classes in no time.
  1. Determine your Online Note-taking Style. Typing your notes is faster than handwriting them. ...
  2. Show Up Prepared. ...
  3. Listen For Key Words and Phrases. ...
  4. Put it in Your Own Words. ...
  5. Review & Edit Your Notes.

How do I convert an online textbook to PDF? ›

Simply follow these four steps to convert your eBook to PDF:
  1. Navigate to Adobe Acrobat online services Convert to PDF page.
  2. Drag and drop the file you want to convert or select the File button to navigate to your file.
  3. Your PDF will be ready within moments.
  4. Download or share your new PDF file.

How do I copy text from an online textbook? ›

Display the topic from which you want to copy text. Highlight the text that you want to copy. Press Ctrl+C, or right-click the highlighted text and select Copy. Paste the text into another application, such as Word.

Can you print pages from an online textbook? ›

Typically, you will be able to download and print up to 40% of the e-book's pages, including chapters. You will not be able to print the entire book. The exact number of pages available for you to print are displayed in each e-book. To print, click on the Print icon at the top of the online viewer.


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.