Low Carb, THM Friendly Yeast Bread (2024)

by Judy 140 Comments

Wow after being on plan with Trim Healthy Mama for over 2 years we finally have a Low Carb Yeast Bread!!

That is a big deal!!! This Loaf is a Fuel Pull unless you brush it with butter like I did so that it would take a pretty picture.

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Most of the time when you try to use yeast with alternative flours it doesn’t work all that well because there is nothing to hold the CO2 in to help the bread rise. I’ve tried this not only with this recipe but also with my Simple Soda Bread recipe.

This recipe works the best for texture, I will say that if you decrease the yogurt in the soda bread it will also work well with the yeast, but that’s another blog post.

Low Carb, THM Friendly Yeast Bread (1)

Adding Yeast to My Trim Healthy Mama Breads

I’ve been wracking my brain and trying many things to get yeast into some of my Trim Healthy Mama baking. Yes I know I do use it in my E baking, but the breads that are used in S meal settings just didn’t taste right to me or to my husband.

Personally I’ve been able to sub without an issue but he has not, until now. Let me tell you the smile on his face when he ate this was worth all the headaches and loaves that had to be thrown out, and yes there have been a few of those.

Using Other Baking Mixes to Make Low Carb Yeast Bread

Yes this Low Carb Yeast Bread works with RunAmok Mama’s Quick Mix. and my Low Carb Bakers Blend. I’m sure it will also work with Briana’s Baking Mix and with MamaShire’s Gluten Free Blend. I have not tested it with any of the other homemade baking blend recipes.

Low Carb, THM Friendly Yeast Bread (2)

About Using Vital Wheat Gluten

I did add vital wheat gluten to this to help with structure, it is an optional ingredient so if you are gluten intolerant don’t worry this recipe will still work without it. (The photos are of my loaf without added gluten).

Vital Wheat Gluten is a wonderful tool if you can tolerate it. It is the protiens that help add structure to baked goods and allow them to rise properly. The Trim Healthy Mama Plan does not recommend the use of it in large quantities because the carbs in it can add up quickly.

Alternatives to using this ingredient include psyillium husks ( 1 tsp per 1 cup of flour) xanthan gum (1/4 tsp per 1 cup of flour) or unflavored protien powder ( in equal measurements). Using an alternative can change the texture of this basic low carb yeast bread so use caution when trying to sub with these ingredients.

If in doubt just leave it out.

Why I Use Silicone or Glass Bakeware to Make Low Carb Yeast Bread

I will say that I love using Silicone Loaf pans like these for these types of breads, it really cuts down on the possibility of the loaf sticking if you are using metal pans I would suggest lining them with parchment.

These are 8×4 loaf pans which make the smaller loaves but allow for a better shape to your loaf.

Glass bakeware can be your best friend in recipes like this low carb yeast bread. The rigid sides allow your bread to rise evenly and cooling the loaf in the pan for a bit helps it to keep it’s shape as it cools.

Low Carb, THM Friendly Yeast Bread (3)

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  • 1 cupTHM Baking Blend
  • ½ cupTHM Oat Fiber
  • 4 teaspoons Vital Wheat Gluten (OPTIONAL)
  • 2 cups egg whites
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • ¼ cup water, warmed to 90-110
  • 2 teaspoons yeast
  • 1½ teaspoons baking powder
  • 1½ teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 3 teaspoonsThm Super Sweet Blend


  1. Warm water to 90-110 degrees, combine honey water and yeast, allow to proof for 5 minutes.
  2. While yeast is proofing combine all other ingredients and blend well, (I do this in my blender), add yeast mixture to bread batter and allow to sit for 5 minutes.
  3. Spray loaf pan with coconut oil spray, preheat oven to 350 degrees. Pour batter into loaf pan, score top of loaf. Bake at 350 for approximately 45 minutes. Allow to cool completely before slicing

Nutrition Information

Serving size:2 slicesCalories:67Fat:2gCarbohydrates:11gSodium:360mgFiber:7gProtein:10gCholesterol:0mg

Low Carb Yeast Bread Printable Recipe

Basic Low Carb Yeast Bread

Author:Judy Witherby

Nutrition Information

  • Serves:8
  • Serving size:2 slices
  • Calories:67
  • Fat:2g
  • Carbohydrates:11g
  • Sodium:360mg
  • Fiber:7g
  • Protein:10g
  • Cholesterol:0mg

Recipe type:Bread

Cuisine:Trim Healthy Mama

Prep time:

Cook time:

Total time:

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Low Carb, THM Friendly Yeast Bread (4)


  • 1 cup THM Baking Blend
  • ½ cup THM Oat Fiber
  • 4 teaspoons Vital Wheat Gluten (OPTIONAL)
  • 2 cups egg whites
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • ¼ cup water, warmed to 90-110
  • 2 teaspoons yeast
  • 1½ teaspoons baking powder
  • 1½ teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 3 teaspoons Thm Sweet Blend


  1. Warm water to 90-110 degrees, combine honey water and yeast, allow to proof for 5 minutes.
  2. While yeast is proofing combine all other ingredients and blend well, (I do this in my blender), add yeast mixture to bread batter and allow to sit for 5 minutes.
  3. Spray loaf pan with coconut oil spray, preheat oven to 350 degrees. Pour batter into loaf pan, score top of loaf. Bake at 350 for approximately 45 minutes. Allow to cool completely before slicing

Low Carb, THM Friendly Yeast Bread (5)

Low Carb, THM Friendly Yeast Bread (2024)


What happens if I don't use enough yeast in my bread? ›

Just remember: the less yeast, the longer the rising time (and/or the warmer the rising temperature). Start by cutting the yeast in your recipe by 50 percent and if the results are reasonable, lower the amount even more next time.

What happens if you use too much yeast in bread? ›

Because yeast does not divide much in bread dough (only 20-30% increase in cell numbers in 4 hours), what you start with is what you end up with in terms of yeast numbers. This can affect the bread by adding a "yeasty" taste if you put too much into the dough.

Is yeast good for low carb diet? ›

Is yeast keto friendly? Yes it is! But, also remember that yeast in smaller doses is better. Don't overdue it.

What do I do if I don't have enough yeast? ›

You can substitute yeast with equal parts lemon juice and baking soda. So if a recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of yeast, you can use half a teaspoon of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of baking soda. Keep in mind that the bread will not need the typical proofing time and the dough will begin rising right away.

Can I use too little yeast? ›

Leader says you don't want to go down to such an infinitesimal amount to be insignificant, but as little as 1/4 teaspoon of dry yeast, in the above example, is fine.

How many net carbs does Aunt Millie's low carb bread have? ›

Aunt Millie's Live Carb Smart 5 Seed Bread (1 slice) contains 12g total carbs, 1g net carbs, 2g fat, 3g protein, and 40 calories.

Can I eat keto bread every day? ›

You can, maybe a slice or two here and there, but you ideally don't want to be eating too much of it. This is because a keto diet involves eating minimal carbs; less than 50g a day. However, a slice of bread contains around 20g of carbs, which is quite a chunk of your daily carbohydrate allocation.

Is 2 teaspoons of yeast too much? ›

Depending on the recipe and rising time, you may use as little as 1 teaspoon, or up to 2 1/4 teaspoons (sometimes more) of instant yeast per pound (about 4 cups) of flour.

Does more yeast mean fluffier bread? ›

Perfect Your Yeast Levels

Carbon dioxide is responsible for all the bubbles that make holes in bread, making it lighter and fluffier. Because gas is created as a result of yeast growth, the more the yeast grows, the more gas in the dough and the more light and airy your bread loaf will be.

What carbs have no yeast? ›

Grains,Oats, rice, buckwheat, millet, quinoa.

Does oatmeal have yeast in it? ›

Yeast-free grains include items made from corn, rice, oats, and dense wheat products such as pasta. It is not necessary to avoid gluten while following a yeast-free diet as yeast and gluten are not similar. Gluten is a protein found in some grains that helps them to keep their shape by providing a glue-like texture.

Does yeast eat all the sugar in bread? ›

The effect of adding sugar to your bread dough

Adding up to 5% of sugar will speed up fermentation as it will feed the yeast in the initial stages before enzymes begin to break down the complex sugar molecules in the starches into simple sugars that the yeast can eat.

Will bread rise more if I add more yeast? ›

The more yeast, the more gas is produced and the more quickly your dough rises. You may therefore think it best to add more yeast if you'd like to get your dough to rise as quickly as possible. However, whilst your dough may rise quickly, the dough will likely have less flavour and may even taste slightly of yeast.

How much yeast for 3 cups of flour? ›

If it is of any help, a typical bread recipe calling for 3 or 4 cups of flour usually recommends 7 grams of dry yeast. You can use less, of course, and the bread will be just fine; you will note that it takes the dough longer to rise when less yeast is used.

Can bread still rise without yeast? ›

Instead of using yeast to make the bread rise, quick breads rely on other leavening agents like baking soda and baking powder to get height. "Quick breads, like banana bread, zucchini bread, and cornbread are delicious and easy alternatives to yeast-based bread and can satisfy cravings in a pinch," says Tyler Lee.


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