McDonald's Cheeseburger Recipe » (2024)

2 comments By Laura Ritterman
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We’re lovin’ it! What are we talking about? Why our very own homemade McDonald’s cheeseburger recipe, of course! McDonald’s cheeseburgers are famous the world over, but sometimes it can be a chore to queue at the drive thru. This is our alternative, and it is slightly healthier as you’ll know exactly what’s in them. You will want your burger to taste as authentic as possible, so be sure to check out our tips and tricks for a perfect result.

McDonald's Cheeseburger Recipe » (1)

Contents hide

1 How To Make a McDonald’s Cheeseburger

2 McDonald’s Cheeseburger Recipe (Original)

2.1 Ingredients

2.2 Directions

2.3 Like this recipe?

3 Tips and Tricks

4 Conclusion

5 Frequently Asked Questions

5.1 What kind of beef is best to use for the patties?

5.2 Can I use any other type of cheese instead of American cheese?

5.3 Can I make these burgers in advance?

5.5 Can I add other toppings to my cheeseburger?

5.6 How do I get my patties to be the right size and shape?

5.7 Can I cook the burgers on a grill?

5.8 Related

5.9 Related

How To Make a McDonald’s Cheeseburger

The good thing about this recipe is that you aren’t going to need any fancy equipment. And provided you get yourself organized, it shouldn’t take too long to make them either.

After all, McDonald’s is fast food!

You are going to need a few items that you wouldn’t expect for making burgers. For a start, make sure you have got baking paper.

Baking paper? Why McDonald’s don’t bake their cheeseburgers. Nope, that’s true. But there is one standout feature that will really make your recipe so much more authentic!

Ever noticed how thin their burgers are?

You’ll need baking paper and a rolling pin to get a good result, oh, and something to cut the burger into a perfectly round shape. We actually use a large mug!

There isn’t anything fancy to the McDonald’s cheese burger recipe when it comes to the burger itself. As the company themselves say, beef, and a little seasoning, that’s about it.

We combine the beef with salt and a dash of pepper, then roll it flat before cutting out 8 patties. Once this is done, we get a pan smoking hot and fry the burgers for about 4 minutes on each side.

While they are frying, it is time for a little prep. Split the buns, finely slice and onion and make sure that the pickles are sliced too (yes, it isn’t an authentic McDonald’s Cheeseburger recipe without a little green pickle).

Once the burgers are nearly done, it is time to add the cheese. No, you don’t want posh or fancy cheese, yes you do want slices of ‘American cheese’. The residual heat from the burger should melt the cheese in seconds.

From there, it is just a case of assembling your cheeseburger. Don’t forget the ketchup!

Related: Try our easy McDonalds recipes at home.

McDonald's Cheeseburger Recipe » (2)

McDonald’s Cheeseburger Recipe (Original)

4 from 85 votes

Recipe by Laura Ritterman Course: MainCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy




Prep time



Cooking time






There really is anything better than recreating a copycat McDonalds cheeseburger in your own home. With this recipe you’ll be able make these burgers without a queue


  • 1 small 1 white onion, very finely sliced

  • 1 tablespoon 1 white wine vinegar

  • ¼ lb ground beef

  • Large pinch of salt and pepper

  • 2 tablespoons 2 ketchup

  • Yellow American mustard

  • 8 slices 8 American cheese

  • 4 4 soft burger buns

  • 2 2 sliced pickles


  • In a small bowl, add your sliced onion, vinegar, and a small pinch of salt. Give it a little stir.
  • In another bowl, add your ground beef, along with a large pinch of salt and pepper. Give it a really good stir.
  • On your counter, lay out a wide strip of baking paper, tip the meat onto it and then top with another equal-sized strip of baking paper. Using a rolling pin, roll out the beef until it is about 1/8 inch thin. Remove the upper paper, and using a large mug or large cookie cutter, cut out 8 patties, and set aside.
  • Heat a frying pan and when smoking hot, add your burgers. Cook for around 3 – 4 minutes or until browned, and then flip them. Add a slice of cheese to the top of each burger.
  • Move the burgers to a plate and plate the burger buns, split side down into the pan until they are just lightly toasted.
  • Remove the buns, top with a burger, a squirt of ketchup, and mustard, and then top with a sprinkling of your pickled onion and a couple of slices of green pickle.
  • Now that is what we call a happy meal!

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Tips and Tricks

  • As we said at the start, to make your cheese burger really authentic, you will have to make those patties as thin as you can. Don’t worry if they are too thin. When they cook, they tighten up and turn a little fatter.
  • If you want to make something on the McDonald’s menu akin to the quarter pounder, feel free to leave your burger patties slightly thicker.
  • Be sure to lightly pickle your sliced onion before adding it to your burger. This is exactly what the company use in making their burger, and if they do it, so should you.
  • Toasted burger buns are the order of the day. We like to fry ours in the pan that we just cooked the burger in. That way, they soak up all of the delicious juices from the meat.
  • Pickle or not pickle. It’s your choice… We say with a pickle for sure
  • Want a top tip? Ever noticed how their cheeseburgers are just a little bit floppy? As a final step to make them look and taste really authentic, we occasionally wrap them in paper and give them a quick blast in the microwave for 15 seconds.
  • This recipe is identical to the McDonald’s recipe. The only difference is the cheese. If you want a standard hamburger, feel free to leave the cheese out. Alternatively you can make their big mac recipe also.
  • For a slightly classier cheeseburger, you can use a thin slice of cheddar or whatever cheese you have on hand, while we suggest American cheese.


Making this cheeseburger recipe is easy. There is no fancy equipment, no ‘special’ ingredients, and it is actually pretty quick as long as you are organized. Stick to our tips and tricks, follow the recipe exactly, and you’ll be rewarded with a fast-food snack that is every bit as good as the original. The only problem we have is making enough to go around as there are always people coming back for seconds!

What McDonald’s recipe is your favorite? Let us know in the comments. It’ll really make our day.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of beef is best to use for the patties?

Lean ground beef, preferably 80/20, is best for this recipe. The fat content will ensure a juicy burger while still maintaining a good beefy flavor.

Can I use any other type of cheese instead of American cheese?

Yes, you can use other types of cheese. However, American cheese is used in the original McDonald’s Cheeseburger for its perfect melt and creamy texture.

Can I make these burgers in advance?

Yes, you can prepare the patties in advance and store them in the fridge. However, they are best when cooked and served immediately.

What type of buns should I use?

Soft, fluffy hamburger buns are the best to use. Make sure to toast them lightly for the best taste and texture.

Can I add other toppings to my cheeseburger?

While the original McDonald’s Cheeseburger only includes pickles, onions, ketchup, and mustard, feel free to customize your burger with your favorite toppings.

How do I get my patties to be the right size and shape?

To get the perfect size and shape for your patties, you can use a burger press or a round cookie cutter as a guide. Remember, the patties should be thin, not thick.

Can I cook the burgers on a grill?

Yes, you can cook the burgers on a grill. However, a flat griddle or frying pan will provide a more authentic McDonald’s Cheeseburger experience.



McDonald's Cheeseburger Recipe » (3)

Laura Ritterman

Hi, I’m Laura and having studied an MSc in Nutrition, becoming a professional chef and appearing on major publications with my recipes I decided to create a website of my own. This website is where I share unique recipes, tips and cooking inspiration that will allow your culinary skills flourish. You can contact me here. For more information, you can find more about me.

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  1. McDonald's Cheeseburger Recipe » (6)


    October 31, 2021 at 10:44 pm ·Reply

    To do it right you need to use sharp American cheese as opposed to standard American cheese. This will give the proper Mc Donald’s flavor

  2. McDonald's Cheeseburger Recipe » (7)


    October 9, 2023 at 8:26 am ·Reply

    The meat used for cheeseburgers/hamburgers/Big Macs is referred to as “ten to one (10:1)” ten patties to one pound. Quarter Pounder meat is (surprise!) 4 to one (4:1).
    The ratio of ketchup in cheeseburgers/hamburges to mustard is 4:1, with rehydrated onions and the dill pickle slice all on the same side of the caramelized bun top with the cheese on the bun until the meat is added.
    Bon Appertit!

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McDonald's Cheeseburger Recipe » (2024)


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