Modular Science Kit as a support platform for STEM learning in primary and secondary school (2024)

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Modular Science Kit as a support platform for STEMlearning in primary and secondary school (1)

J Chem Educ. 2021 Feb 9; 98(2): 439–444.

Published online 2020 Dec 16. doi:10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c01115

PMCID: PMC7876798

PMID: 33583951

Renato Rogosic,* Benjamin Heidt, Juliette Passariello-Jansen, Saga Björnör, Silvio Bonni, David Dimech, Rocio Arreguin-Campos, Joseph Lowdon, Kathia L. Jiménez Monroy, Manlio Caldara, Kasper Eersels, Bart van Grinsven, Thomas J. Cleij, and Hanne Diliën

Author information Article notes Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer

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Supplementary Materials


Modular Science Kit as a support platform for STEMlearning in primary and secondary school (2)

The need to develop interest in STEM(science, technology, engineering,and mathematics) skills in young pupils has driven many educationalsystems to include STEM as a subject in primary schools. In this work,a science kit aimed at children from 8 to 14 years old is presentedas a support platform for an innovative and stimulating approach toSTEM learning. The peculiar design of the kit, based on modular components,is aimed to help develop a multitude of skills in the young students,dividing the learning process into two phases. During phase 1 thepupils build the experimental setup and visualize the scientific phenomena,while in phase 2, they are introduced and challenged to understandthe principles on which these phenomena are based, guided by a handbook.This approach aims at making the experience more inclusive, stimulatingthe interest and passion of the pupils for scientific subjects.

Keywords: Hands-on Learning, Elementary/MiddleSchool Science, Multidisciplinary, STEM Subject, 3D Printing


Our society is moreand more dependent on technology and engineering;however, there is a profound lack of understanding of the basic principlesof most of these technologies by a majority of the population.1 In the early 2000s, scientists started noticingthat in the USA there was an incongruence between the job market demandsand the distribution of college graduates across different fieldsof studies.2 This phenomenon was not aproblem in the USA alone. Many reports in the 2000s and 2010s showedthat science and mathematics education in postcompulsory years ofschooling was also dramatically declining in Australia3,4 and Europe,5 while the demand for theapplication of STEM skills was rapidly increasing.6 In the same period, the term STEM subject was introduced:an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.The idea behind STEM was to create a subject that would give the studentsan integrated course, focused on skills that are required in today’sjob market, rather than letting them learn fragmented bits of knowledge.The development of high-level STEM skills is reliant on an early-ageonset of interest and passion for scientific subjects. Primary educationhas a crucial role in this regard. In 2012, the PISA survey (Programmefor International Student Assessment, promoted by OCSE) showed that,in the European Union, 18% of the pupils had low-level science skills,in line with the USA but much higher in comparison with 7% for Koreaand 8% for Japan. To address these problems, many different initiativeshave been launched, both nationally and internationally. One suchbranch of initiatives included the development of new pedagogicalapproaches to STEM, focusing especially on the link between experienceand classroom.79 The idea is that young students should be engagedin the learning process, making STEM lessons more enjoyable. Handin hand with this evolution of the teaching methods, a multitude ofsupporting materials were developed. In the past decade, many scientifickits appeared on the market: affordable platforms focused on a scientificsubject that allow pupils to learn in a fun and entertaining way.These kits are mainly focused on children of ages between 8 and 14,in order to be usable in both primary and secondary school classrooms,10 as well as at home as entertaining tools. TheSTEM kits are generally focused on one of the following subjects:chemistry, simple electronics and coding, physics and engineering,biology, and life sciences. While these kits provide a valid platformto engage the pupils and stimulate in an early phase their interestand passion for science, they are focused on one specific subject.To address this issue, we designed an educational toy made up of modularblocks that allows the creation of a multitude of different scientificexperiments in various STEM fields. As shown in the literature, 3Dprinting is playing an important role not only in the research environment11 but also in the field of education, providingnew tools for novel teaching methods.1214 In these examples, theauthors exploit the advantages that 3D printing offers, mainly versatilityand cost efficiency, to develop all kinds of ideas that could havea benefit for the learning process of students.15 One of the fields where such tools are employed is chemistry,with examples ranging from a simple visualization of concepts (3Dprinted models of molecules and proteins)16,17 to more complex examples such as the fabrication of Ag/AgCl referenceelectrodes.18 Also developed thanks to3D printing, our scientific kit features individual building blocksthat have internal fluidic channels, making it possible to createa connected system by combining different blocks. This allows a childto flush liquids through the system: we designed scientific experimentsthat can be performed inside such created connected structures. Thanksto the modular approach, it is possible to develop many differentexperiments, exploring a broad range of scientific phenomena. Ouraim is to let children play in the first place and, along the way,get passionate about science and ultimately discover properties andprocedures of scientific experiments.

Materials and Hazards

The kit is composed of modular transparent building blocks (see Figure ​Figure11), inspired by Legobricks.

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Figure 1

Science toy kit: (A) coiled channels; (B) droplet generator; (C)straight channels; (D) 90° turn and T junction; (E) mixing andvisualization chamber; (F) all of the blocks together on a Lego mat;(G) picture of the Poseidon pumps used.

The classic design with circular features was replicated, allowingfor vertical interconnection of the blocks. In addition, to allowthe creation of a “fluidic circuit”, a second type ofconnection has been developed: an axial link (see Figure ​Figure11) between two adjacent blocksthat allows connecting the outlet of one block to the inlet of thesecond block. In such a way, the blocks can be modularly combinedto create a fluidic channel. Furthermore, standard Lego bricks canbe used in combination with the kit, to build supporting structures(see Figure ​Figure22).

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Figure 2

“Fruitcaviar” experiment. From left to right: layoutof the experiment with the modular blocks assembled and placed onthe supporting mat; schematic of the assembly that the children haveto build in order to perform the experiment; final results of theexperiment, with the colored alginate droplets created in the reservoirsection.

The kit is made out of eight differenttypes of blocks, dividedinto functionalized and nonfunctionalized parts. Functionalized partsare those that feature geometries and design features which allowthe creation and visualization of a specific scientific phenomenon.Functionalized parts are mixing chambers, droplet generators, andreservoirs. Nonfunctionalized parts are blocks that are used to completethe fluidic circuit: straight channels, coiled channels, 90°turns, T junctions, and connectors for tubing. Each kit is also providedwith a set of pumps that allow control of the flow rates inside thefluidic circuit (see Figure ​Figure11). The pumps are based on an open access model.19 A simple software (Appendix 2) is used to control the pumps through an intuitive user interface.The bricks are designed with Fusion 360 (Autodesk) and printed witha commercially available desktop 3D printer (Form2, Formlabs). Onthe basis of previous studies,20 we selectedClear resin V5 (Formlabs) as the material, thanks to its transparencycharacteristics and reliability in printing. For the current study,three examples of experiments have been developed and tested. Allof the experiments can be performed with nontoxic, nonharmful andeasily available materials. For the set of experiments presented inthis study, on top of the supplied science kit, the following itemsare necessary: fruit juice (any type), food coloring, sodium alginate,calcium chloride, water, lemons, red cabbage, baking soda, and vegetableoil.

The Experiencing Phase

Fruit Caviar

The goal of the experimentis to createcolored spherical droplets (fruit caviar) with a solution of sodiumalginate and calcium chloride. The experiment starts by building thefluidic circuit as shown in the schematic in Figure ​Figure22. There are two inlets, both of which areconnected to nonfunctional blocks. These parts terminate in a functionaldroplet generator block. The outlet of the droplet generator is linkedto a mixing block, which ends in a reservoir. For this experimentwe use two simple syringe pumps (see Figure ​Figure11): pump 1 is filled with air, while pump2 is filled with a solution of sodium alginate (1.8% w/w) in waterand fruit juice. Once the pumps are turned on, the fluids from thepumps meet at the droplet generator block: here the two streams areconveyed in one stream where droplets of the sodium alginate solutionare created. The size and frequency of the droplets can be adjustedvarying the flow rate of the pumps. The reservoir was previously filledwith a solution of calcium chloride (0.25 M). The inlet at the reservoiris functionalized with an appendix that guides the flow created bythe bubble generator inside the reservoir. The solution of sodiumalginate, once in contact with the calcium chloride solution, startsto gel. The goal of the experiment is to tune the pumps to an appropriateflow rate that allows the creation of a steady flow of sodium alginatedroplets with a diameter of approximately 3 mm. The stream is gentlyguided in the static solution of calcium chloride, where it formsbeautiful spherical particles, the so-called “fruit caviar”.

Veggi Alchemy

In this experiment, the goal is to visualizea chemical reaction obtained with natural ingredients that can befound in a normal kitchen. As seen in the schematic of Figure ​Figure33, in this experiment the studentswill assemble a fluidic circuit with three inlets and one outlet.

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Figure 3

“Veggialchemy” experiment. From left to right: layoutof the experiment with the modular blocks assembled and placed onthe supporting mat; schematic of the assembly that the children haveto build in order to perform the experiment; final results of theexperiment, with the chromatic change achieved inside the circuitbuilt, obtained with the modulation of the pH of the flowing solution.

Two pumps are used: water saturated with bakingsoda is distributedby pump 1, while freshly squeezed lemon juice is dispensed by pump2. A third solution, the “indicator solution”, is obtainedby chopping a fresh red cabbage and mixing the cut leaves in warmwater. Once the water cools and shows a strong purple color, the cabbageis filtered out and the solution is collected in a syringe (syringenumber 3 in the schematic of Figure ​Figure33) that is actuated manually. The functionalized partsused are three mixing chambers, sequentially connected in the middleof the circuit, each alternating with a coiled channel. The mixingblocks feature a spherical hollow chamber that allows clear observationof the liquid that flows through the circuit. Furthermore, each mixingchamber has three inlets and one outlet. Once the circuit is built,the pumps are turned on and tuned to the specified flow rate. Simultaneously,the third pump is manually actuated to push the indicator solutionin the circuit. The user will be able to observe the fluids fill theblocks: after a short transitory phase, each of the chambers on thethree functionalized blocks will have a different color. The firstchamber will have the purple color of the cabbage solution, the secondchamber will turn dark blue, and the third chamber will show a brightpink color. This experiment exploits the presence in red cabbage ofanthocyanin, a pigment that is sensible to pH and changes its coloraccordingly. In the first chamber, the solution has a pH close to7, thus maintaining the purple color. However, in the second chamber,pump 1 is pumping a basic solution of baking soda, increasing thepH and turning the solution dark blue. In the third step, the acidiclemon juice decreases the pH, resulting in another chromatic change:the solution turns bright pink (Figure ​Figure33).

Space Juice

In this simple experiment,a reservoirwith two chambers is used. Two identical submarine-like parts thatcan be filled with fluid have been designed and 3D-printed and areused in combination with the modular kit (Figure ​Figure44).

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Figure 4

“Space juice” experiment. Fromleft to right: layoutof the experiment with the modular blocks assembled and placed onthe supporting mat together with the “space submarine”;schematic of the assembly that the children have to build in orderto perform the experiment; final results of the experiment, whereit is possible to see two phenomena, the different behavior of thetwo submarines and the spatial separation between oil and water dueto their different specific weights.

These parts are filled with 2.5 mL of sunflower oil and positionedin each of the empty compartments of the reservoir. Afterward, thetwo syringe pumps are filled with sunflower oil and colored water,respectively, and connected via two tubes to the reservoir. Once thepumps are turned on, the two chambers start to fill: in the sectionwith water, the submarine will float, while in the oil section itwill stay on the bottom of the reservoir. This happens because thevolume of oil injected in the submarines is calculated in order toachieve a density higher than that of sunflower oil but lower thanthat of water. Once the reservoir has been filled almost to the top,the pumps are paused, the connections to the reservoir are switched(the oil syringe goes to the water section and vice versa), and thepumps are turned on again. The fluids entering from the bottom ofthe reservoir will act differently: the oil will create bubbles andwill rise to the top; the water will stay on the bottom, creatinga large colored bubble on the bottom of the reservoir. Again, thisphenomenon is due to the different densities of the fluids.

TheLearning Phase

During the experiments, multiple physicaland chemical processesare happening. After experiencing “hands-on” the scientificphenomena, the pupils can be introduced to these concepts. The firstphase of experiencing ends and the second phase of learning starts.Thanks to the handbook provided (Appendix 1), the students will be guided in this second phase with intuitiveexplanations of the basic principles underlying the experiments. Theywill also be challenged to test their understanding of the phenomenaobserved by a short questionnaire provided at the end of each experiment.In this way, the teacher can have a first insight into the efficacyof the method. The complexity of the concepts explained in the handbookand of the questionnaire provided can be easily tuned on the basisof the age and background knowledge of the students.

Fruit Caviar

Forthe “fruit caviar” experiment,the handbook (Appendix 1) provided introducessome basic concepts that help to put the experiment into context.Furthermore, the teacher can introduce specific concepts on the basisof the skill level of the students. The concept of polymeric chainscan be introduced together with the concept of polysaccharides suchas sodium alginate. At this point, the students will be confrontedwith the fact that both compounds (sodium alginate and calcium chloride)are in liquid form when they are in a water solution, but specificbonds are created when the solutions are mixed together. An introductionto different types of bonds will be made, followed by an explanationof the creation of the specific bond between the alginate and thecalcium ions seen in the experiment. For the most advanced users,the learning process will be taken one step further, not only introducingthe chemistry concepts mentioned but also focusing on the physicalprocess behind the creation of the droplets. The droplet generatorworks by exploiting the shear forces between two immiscible phases.The students will be introduced to the concept of viscosity, surfacetension, shear force, and laminar and turbulent flow and how thesefactors affect the formation of the droplets in the fruit caviar experiment.Finally, the questionnaire in the handbook will assess to what extentthese concepts have been assimilated.

Veggi Alchemy

This experiment is intended to introducethe students to the concept of pH. With reference to their everydayexperience, the handbook (Appendix 1) explainswhat acids and bases are. The pH scale is introduced and the conceptof a pH indicator explored. Students can then be introduced to pH-sensitivemolecules, especially to anthocyanin, the pigment present in red cabbageresponsible for the pH sensitivity of the solution. The structureof the molecule will be shown, focusing on the presence of the functionalgroups that get protonated or deprotonated, causing a shift in theabsorbance spectrum. In the handbook, the questionnaire has the goalof assessing if the students understood the idea of pH and how itis measured. For the higher-level students, the experiment can befurther used to challenge their analytical skills. By knowing theflow rates selected for lemon juice and baking soda solution syringesand measuring the flow rate of the manually actuated syringe (readingthe volume on the syringe and measuring the injection time with astopwatch), the students will be challenged to calculate (approximately)the volume ratios of the three solutions in each mixing chamber wherethe color is observed. By starting from the volumes and by knowingthe pH of each solution, they will calculate the pH of the mixed liquidin each chamber, comparing the obtained value with the pH color scaleof anthocyanin.

Space Juice

The space juice experimentaims to introducethe concepts of density and buoyancy. Despite the two printed submarinesbeing completely identical and filled with the same amounts of thesame fluid, they behave differently due to the different fluid thatsurrounds them. Through the handbook (Appendix 1), the students are introduced to the concepts of density,weight, and buoyancy. In the experiment they will see how densityis a property of an object as well as of a substance and that it hasa direct influence on its dynamic behavior. Finally, buoyancy canbe introduced, completing the explanation of the balance of forcesacting on a body immersed in a fluid: the floating submarine is floatingbecause of the equilibrium of forces created between gravity and buoyancy,while the submerged submarine met an equilibrium of forces at thebottom of the reservoir. The questionnaire provided (Appendix 1) includes a series of questions that stimulatethe critical thinking of the children, challenging them to explainthe phenomena observed on the basis of the information acquired fromthe handbook.


While the work presentedin this paper only describes three experiments,many more applications can be developed and performed due to the modularnature of the kit and the ease of production of its building blocks.In the same way, it is possible to expand on the explanatory part,introducing new concepts and phenomena that are involved in the experiments,as well as the handbook. Even the pumps offer the possibility forthe students to explore principles of coding: the Arduino board thatcontrols the pumps through the dedicated module, can be accessed througha USB cable and easily reprogrammed to perform specific tasks. Theeffects of introducing new teaching methods that are more engagingand fun for primary school students have been shown to not only improvethe desired learning results20 but alsoincrease the collaboration and engagement21,22 of classes where such methods have been implemented. This kit presentedin this work is an extremely flexible platform that, rather than focusingon one specific type of skill, leaves room to the imagination of itsuser. Children can learn while playing, allowing them to get passionateand more confident about their capabilities.


The authors acknowledge the Stichting UniversiteitsfondsLimburg (SWOL) and Limburg Meet (LIME) for funding of the project.

Supporting Information Available

The Supporting Informationisavailable at

  • Support and evaluationmaterial (PDF)

  • Code of the graphic user interface as well as the codefor the Arduino board that controls the pump system (PDF)

  • Explanations of the brickand pump (ZIP)

  • Video that visually explains the functioning of thekit (MP4)


The authors declare nocompeting financial interest.

Supplementary Material

ed0c01115_si_001.pdf(917K, pdf)

ed0c01115_si_003.pdf(54K, pdf), zip)

ed0c01115_si_006.mp4(31M, mp4)


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Modular Science Kit as a support platform for STEM
learning in primary and secondary school (2024)


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