My gluten-free recipe for a perfect family life, by TV chef Phil Vickery (2024)

By Andrea Thompson for MailOnline

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For a man who is famous for making sublime puddings and cakes, Phil Vickery is an unlikely advocate for diets.

Nevertheless, the 46-year-old TV chef and husband of ITV's This Morning presenter Fern Britton has just produced the UK's first entirely gluten-free cookbook, with the 600,000 UK sufferers of coeliac disease in mind.

Up until now the small selection of gluten-free products in supermarkets have consisted of unexciting substitutes but few exciting ways to use them.

My gluten-free recipe for a perfect family life, by TV chef Phil Vickery (1)

Taste of the good life: Fern Britton and Phil Vickery met on the set of Ready Steady Cook

So it's no surprise that Phil's book, Seriously Good!, is being hailed as a godsend for sufferers whose distressing symptoms can range from bloating, nausea and diarrhoea to severe damage of the gut, recurrent miscarriages, depression and skin disorders.

'A couple of years ago I started to make gluten-free Christmas puddings and sell them at a fair as so many customers in my restaurants had requested gluten-free puddings,' says Phil.

'Business was brisk and I decided to approach Coeliac UK to learn more about the condition. I found the huge impact of the disease on sufferers was really quite scary; I decided after a lot of research to write a book from a chef's point of view.'

Studies suggest one in 100 people in the UK suffers with coeliac disease, but just 12 per cent of cases are diagnosed, according to the charity Coeliac UK.

It is frequently and widely misunderstood. It is often regarded as an allergy or a simple food intolerance when it is in fact a lifelong autoimmune disease, caused by intolerance to the protein gluten, which is naturally found in wheat, rye and barley.

It is also found in most processed foods such as breads, pasta, flours, cereals, cakes and biscuits, baked beans, fish fingers and soy sauce.


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An intolerance to gluten prevents normal digestion and absorption of food. This in turn damages the gut lining so if a gluten-free diet is not followed, the disease can ultimately lead to malnutrition, osteoporosis, bowel cancer and also cause infertility problems.

A sufferer who eats gluten is likely to be unwell within a few hours; symptoms can include severe diarrhoea and vomiting and can last several days. Those diagnosed with coeliac disease can get staple gluten-free food on prescription.

Coeliac disease runs in families; studies show that if a family member has the condition, there is a one in ten chance of a close relative developing the disease. If a GP is concerned they will refer you to a hospital specialist who will take a sample of the gut to examine it for signs of damage.

A number of gluten-free cereal and flour alternatives, most of which are available at major supermarkets and health food stores, give a similar result to cooking with normal flour.

These include rice flour, tapioca flour, potato flour, cornflour, polenta, soya flour, chickpea flour, chestnut flour, buckwheat flour, carob flour, millet flour, quinoa flour, arrow root, linseed, sago and teff.

'It's just as easy to buy these alternatives, which are now readily available on the High Street,' says Phil. 'However, baking without gluten makes it extremely difficult to get structure into bread, cakes and muffins.

'You cannot just substitute other forms of gluten-free flour for wheat flour. For example, without gluten pastry tends to crumble. But I explain the differences in how to use them in my recipes.'

Phil is quick to point out that the book, which includes an array of delicious breakfasts, dinners and puddings is not just for coeliacs.

'The recipes have been tried and tested on the toughest judges - my own kids,' says Phil, who believes we would all benefit from a diet less rich in gluten and wheat which is complex for the body to digest.

There is certainly agreement among nutritionists that processed and refined wheat and gluten products can cause a sudden surge in blood sugar, followed by a drop which can make you feel tired and sluggish.

In general, a low-gluten diet also has the added benefit of weight loss because fewer carbohydrates are consumed.

'I wanted the book to stand up as a great cookbook whether it was gluten-free or not,' says Phil.

'My kids couldn't tell the difference between the gluten-free blueberry cheesecake or scones and the real thing,' he adds.

Phil's step-children, twins Jack and Harry, 14, and daughter Grace, 11, from Fern's first marriage, and the couple's youngest daughter Winnie, seven, were called on to give their frank opinions on the recipes as Phil fine-tuned each one.

In the book, his daughter Winnie is pictured tucking into a sumptuous gluten-free birthday cake, a recipe that Phil says the parents of coeliac children have been crying out for.

'I use glycerine to keep the sponge softer as when using rice flour, cakes tend to dry out quickly and need to be eaten fresh,' he says.

The chef was delighted when he finally got his mother Tess's seal of approval on his version of her favourite recipe - Moist Fruit Cake - which he made also using rice flour.

He was even more thrilled when he managed to pull off a gluten-free take on a home-made family favourite invented by his wife.

'There is a recipe for Fern's honeyed baked beans on mustard scones in there, too - although I had to perfect it a little,' he grins cheekily.

Phil Vickery has been a regular face on This Morning and on the BBC's Ready Steady Cook for ten years. He was awarded a Michelin star four years in a row as head chef at the Castle Hotel in Taunton and had just finished running an award-winning gastro-pub in Buckinghamshire when he met Fern - who is four years older than him - on the set of Ready Steady Cook.

They wed seven years ago - both had been married before - and today life with their four children is based around the family home - a retreat in Buckinghamshire where the couple escape after hectic days filming in London.

My gluten-free recipe for a perfect family life, by TV chef Phil Vickery (4)

Too many chefs? Phil and Fern at the BBC Good Food Show

On the day we meet, Phil had been filming from 5am with no time for breakfast or lunch, but maintained an air of calm. He is also refreshingly modest compared to other TV chefs cast in the Gordon Ramsay or Marco Pierre White mould.

It's easy to see why, in interviews, Fern has described him as 'her rock'. She credits her husband with saving her life when she went through a bout of crippling depression after her divorce in 2002.

Last year, when the news broke that her dramatic three-stone weight loss was the result of having a gastric band fitted, she took time off air and said: 'Without Phil, I could not have coped. My love for him is deeper than ever.'

Phil admits he is strict about getting the family around the table for a meal most nights. When the filming stops at weekends, the couple rarely entertain or go to dinner parties.

'We just can't be bothered,' he says. 'I cook all day long so I don't want to be cooking for numbers or sitting across from my wife at a crowded table. We barely see each other in the week, anyway.'

Phil is passionate about encouraging children to eat a varied and adventurous diet, with a strong bias towards healthy eating.

'I have no patience for parents who moan "my kids won't eat vegetables". If they don't like their greens then the blame lies squarely with parents.

'It's crucial to get kids to try different foods at an early age. I had Winnie tasting chillies and olives when she was two,' he says.

Painfully aware of the constant attention his wife's weight gets, Phil is keen to stress that she has overhauled her diet, too. 'Fern has cut right back on carbohydrates and eats a really healthy diet now with loads of vegetables and fruit,' he says.

'She likes my cooking. Family meals will be old-fashioned favourites from scratch, like cottage pie or chicken with lots of vegetables or salad. No food is banned because saying "no" simply makes kids crave something more. It's all about moderation.'

When it comes to his own diet, Phil, an ex-marathon runner, is fastidious about portion control.

'During the week I'm really disciplined. I've trained myself to eat much less than I used to,' he says. 'I was at my mum's the other day and she said, "Phil, what's happened to your appetite? You don't like much food now, do you?"

'When I was young I ate anything and everything, but the days when I could go out and drink ten pints of lager are over. My brother Chris - who's a doctor - always said that when you hit 40 you have to rein it in. It's true.

My gluten-free recipe for a perfect family life, by TV chef Phil Vickery (5)

Scone from home: Phil says baking can be just as delicious using gluten-free alternatives

'When you are a young chef you are running around all day in a sweat burning calories. When I stopped full-time cooking, I put on a stone-andahalf. Today, I have to watch what I eat and avoid carbs and wheat because they make me sluggish and tired.'

Phil says that both he and Fern eat a protein-based diet that is 70 per cent gluten-free. A typical day might include fruit or porridge for breakfast, mozzarella salad for lunch and fish and vegetables for dinner. Alcohol, he says, is like steak or chocolate - a treat for weekends, not something he has every night after work. And at weekends, he does relax. Occasionally, the couple will visit a favourite restaurant - The Ivy in London, or Custard in Padstow. On the High Street they love Belgo, Carluccio's and Pizza Express. In fact, Phil even confesses to a secret passion for fast food.

'My downfall is Kentucky Fried Chicken,' Phil whispers. 'I only have it as a very occasional treat, but I do enjoy it.'

He traces his love affair with food back to his childhood. His father, Bob, owned an allotment and grew his own fruit and vegetables, while his mother was an expert baker.

'She never dreamed of buying anything ready-prepared,' says Phil. 'Dinner was simple wholesome food, chicken or lamb and lots of vegetables and fruit. There was always a home-made cake or dessert in the cupboard - spotted dick or egg custard - and we enjoyed treats in moderation.

'Like my mum, I'm quite laid-back with my kids. They can have treats such as ice-cream but they must eat a healthy meal first.'

Phil says the girls have developed a similar curiosity about cooking, but the boys - typical teenagers - are disinterested and have a propensity to like junk food and takeaways.

As a result, Phil has developed tricks to ensure they get their five-a-day from slipping vegetable juice into their favourite fruit drinks to making sure that they are starving before giving them dinner.

'I don't give the kids a choice of anything else other than the healthy meal I've cooked for the family, and always call them to the dinner table 15 minutes before the food is ready.

'They sit there fidgeting, with the smell coming from the kitchen working up an appetite, and by the time I put whatever I've cooked in front of them they are so ravenous they will eat anything. It always works.'

Phil is looking forward to seeing the reaction to his latest book, which he admits has taken a lot of effort with some recipes taking ten attempts to get right.

'The hardest ones were the cakes and biscuits,' he reveals. 'Cooking without flour - which makes things light and fluffy - is tricky.

'I reached breaking point when, after five attempts, the sesame biscuits were still inedible, and I put them out for the birds. The next day when I came down and they were still there. I thought, God, they must be really bad!'

Thankfully, though, Phil worked with a food technologist who understands the science behind the structuring and bonding of food who offered some adjustment to the measures for the trickier recipes.

'After trial and error we got there in the end and I'm really proud of the gluten-free dishes we have created. Most of them taste better than the originals.'

• Phil Vickery's Seriously Good! Gluten Free Cooking, in association with Coeliac UK, is published by Kyle Cathie Ltd on May 14, priced £19.99. To order your copy at the special price of £18, call the Mail on Sunday bookshop on 0845 155 0713.

Fern's honeyed baked beans
on mustard drop scones

This is Fern's recipe, and it's really delicious. I get a real kick out of cooking simple shop-bought ingredients with a twist but have had to 'perfect' her idea a little. Well, I am a chef after all.

Serves: Four

Preparation: 15mins

Cooking: 10mins


40g cornflour

100g chestnut or chickpea (gram) flour

2 pinches of cream of tartar

2 pinches of bicarbonate of soda

1 medium egg, lightly beaten

2 tbsp gluten-free wholegrain mustard

6 tbsp milk (approximately)

2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander

2 tbsp vegetable oil, for shallow frying salt and freshly ground black pepper


1 x 410g can gluten-free baked beans 15g unsalted butter

½ tsp dried red chilli flakes

1 tbsp clear honey

4 tbsp chopped fresh coriander clear honey and fresh coriander, to serve (optional)

Place the cornflour, chestnut or chickpea flour, cream of tartar and bicarbonate of soda in a bowl and mix well. Add a pinch or two of salt and a little pepper.

Add the egg and mustard and mix well, then add enough milk to form a thickish batter - about the consistency of thick double cream. Finally, add the chopped coriander.

Heat the vegetable oil in a non-stick frying pan. Place two to three tablespoons of batter in the hot pan. Cook the scones for two to three minutes until the sides and top are just set, then flip over and cook for a further one to two minutes to set.

Once cooked, place on a warm plate and cover with foil to keep hot.

Repeat until all the batter is used up - you should have eight to ten scones.

Warm the beans in a small pan and add the butter, chilli and honey. Once the beans are hot and the butter has melted, stir in the fresh coriander until it wilts.

Serve the warm drop scones topped with a good spoonful of beans and a little extra honey and coriander if you want.


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Do you need to go gluten-free?

  • The majority of coeliac sufferers are diagnosed between 40 and 50 years of age. However, the symptoms can be triggered at any age. A stressful event such as pregnancy, childbirth or a bout of gastroenteritis can trigger it.
  • Symptoms can include bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, diarrhoea, wind, tiredness, anaemia, headaches, mouth ulcers, recurrent miscarriages, weight loss, skin problems, depression, joint or bone pain and neurological (nerve-related) problems.
  • Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH) is a characteristic skin condition which is a presentation of coeliac disease. People with DH react to gluten by developing itchy, red raised patches, often with blisters that burst when scratched. Elbows, knees and buttocks are most commonly affected, but any area of skin can be affected. Even though they may not have gut-related symptoms, most people with DH have the same kind of gut damage as seen in typical coeliac disease.
  • If your GP suspects you are a sufferer, you may be referred to gastroenterologist for a gut biopsy. This involves passing a thin flexible tube (an endoscope) through the mouth and down to the upper part of the small intestine where a tiny sample of gut lining is collected for analysis.
  • A life-long, gluten-free diet is the treatment. By switching to a gluten-free diet, the gut damage caused by eating gluten will start to heal in between six months and two years. However, you should start to feel better after a few weeks.
  • There is plenty of food that is naturally gluten-free and should be included in your diet. Carbohydrate-rich food such as potatoes, rice and maize do not contain gluten. All fresh meat, poultry and fish, all fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, dairy, sugar honey, oils are also gluten-free.
  • Many more manufacturers are producing gluten-free substitute foods. The charity Coeliac UK publishes an online list of gluten-free products, which is updated every month.


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My gluten-free recipe for a perfect family life, by TV chef Phil Vickery (2024)


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