Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (2024)

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Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (1)

If you or someone you know suffers from cold sores or fever blisters, these natural remedies for healing cold sores are sure to help!

Please note: 1) I am NOT a doctor, just a mom who has done a lot of research in order to help her kids live healthier lives. Please don’t just take my word for it – your own research, as well! 2) I’ve linked to some of the products from my affiliate partners that I like to use. Purchasing through these links won’t cost you anything extra. Thanks!

Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (2)

Contents hide

1 What is herpes?

2 Step 1: A healthy diet.

3 Step 2: Supplements.

4 Natural remedies for healing cold sores.

5 The bottom line.

Our Story

I’m gonna be honest, up until 3 years ago I didn’t know the difference between canker sore and a cold sore. Call me sheltered, but as far as I knew they were the same thing: small sores in the mouth. No big deal. But when my baby girl broke out with painful sores all over her mouth and gums, I was afraid she had some awful rare disease.

After talking with a few mom friends the verdict was in: herpes.

Whaaaa? How could my sweet little 1 year old get herpes? Wasn’t that an STD? No freakin’ way, José.

But aforementioned mom friends also assured me that HSV-1 (a.k.a. cold sores or fever blisters) was actually pretty common, and not really anything to worry about.

What is herpes?

Even though it comes from the same family of viruses, herpes simplex virus 1 is not the same as herpes simplex virus 2. While HSV-2 is considered a sexually transmitted disease, HSV-1 is primarily transmitted by oral-oral contact. Just like and STD though, HSV-1 is very contagious. My daughter contracted it by sharing a sippy cup with a friend who was infected (we didn’t know the friend had HSV-1 at the time).

HSV-1 is one of the most common types of the herpes virus. While the symptoms (the sores) aren’t always visible, that doesn’t mean the virus is gone. The virus will live dormant inside a person’s immune system their whole life, causing periodic break outs in blisters when the immune system is stressed.

When left alone, herpes cold sores usually last about two weeks. They are uncomfortable and may be accompanied with a low-grade fever or sore throat. During an outbreak the virus is contagious.

While the virus that causes herpes is not curable, there are quite a few natural remedies for healing cold sores that can help keep herpes in remission.

Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (3)

Step 1: A healthy diet.

The number one way to keep herpes (or any virus) at bay is to keep your immune system strong by eating a healthy diet. Foods rich in vitamins B & C, zinc, the amino acid L-lysine, and omega-3s are wonderful ways to make sure your immune system is strong. On the other hand, foods that are highly inflammatory, such as sugars, processed foods, alcohol, and foods high in carbs can damage or tear down your immune system. It’s important to stay off these, as well.

Here are a few recipes made with foods high in vitamins B & C, zinc, L-lysine, and omega-3s that we eat regularly.

  • White Chicken Chili in the Instant Pot or Slow Cooker
  • Crispy Coconut Pan-Fried Salmon
  • Simple Herbed Red Drum
  • Simple Green Salad with Leftover Turkey and Homemade Ranch
  • Chicken Fajitas in the Instant Pot
  • 1-Ingredient Carrot Fettuccini
  • Carrot Orange Smoothie
  • Mint Chocolate Chip Blender Ice Cream
  • No-Bake Banana Walnut Brownies

Along with the right foods, it’s also important to stay hydrated, get adequate rest, and keep your stress level as low as possible. (So easy, I know!)

Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (4)

Step 2: Supplements.

Though my family eats a relatively healthy diet, there are still times when our immune systems need a little extra something. If anyone in my family starts to feel run down, we start pumping her immune system with these natural boosters. Below are our go-to supplements. They are all extremely helpful for people who struggle with HSV-1, but are also good for any virus.

Vitamin B12 sprayMost common B12 supplements use cyanocobalamin, which is a synthetic form B12. This B12 spray contains the methylcobalamin form of B12, which mirrors the form found in our food and cells. It is quickly absorbed into the body and affords the best results.

Vitamin C powder– Acerola cherry powder gives a very high dose of real-food vitamin C. It is very important to stay away from vitamin C supplements like tablets or powders that contain lab-grown forms of vitamin C. You want it as straight from the food source as possible. We usually mix the acerola powder with a little water or orange juice and take it like a shot.

Cod liver oilThere are a lot of different opinions out there about cod liver oil. I tend to be of the opinion that as long as it’s good quality (and not fermented – oil doesn’t ferment!) taking cod liver oil can be beneficial for the immune system. As a rule, we don’t take it regularly, but only when we feel our immune systems need a boost.

Herbal, Immune-Boosting TeaWhile I originally came up with this tea recipe to battle sore throats, coughs, and colds, the herbs in this tea are amazing for boosting the immune system! It’s naturally packed with the vitamins and minerals the body needs to fight of viruses, including HSV-1.

Easy Immune Support TinctureIf you’ve never made a tincture before, don’t worry. It’s very easy. This immune support tincture is a great place to start, and your immune system will thank you.

Elderberry syrupI make my elderberry syrup in the Instant Pot. It saves money, time, and helps keep your immune system safe from viruses.

PropolisPropolis is a resinous mixture that honey bees make from mixing saliva and beeswax. The bees use it for closing up small spaces in the beehive that they don’t want open. Propolis is very high in antioxidants, which protect the immune system, as well as amino acids, vitamins A, C, and E, and minerals like potassium and magnesium. Though you can buy propolis online or in a health food store, I do suggest getting it from a local farm.

Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (5)

Natural remedies for healing cold sores.

If an outbreak has occurred – as soon as the symptoms appear – we use these supplements mentioned below to help the body heal quickly. Taking these along with the aforementioned supplements will help heal the outbreak quickly.

Antimonium crudum 6x – Homeopathic antimonium crudum is made from the mineral black sulphide of antimony, also known as stibnite. It has many uses, but we primarily use it for canker sores and cold sores.

Wild indigo – Wild indigo is what I first reach for whenever cold sores show up. Though it works wonderfully in combination with the other homeopathic supplements, if you catch the outbreak soon enough, sometimes a couple days of taking this tincture is all that is needed. While I do usually opt for tinctures over homeopathic tablets, you can also use baptisia tinctoria, which is the homeopathic supplement made from wild indigo.

Borax 6x – Yes, you read that righ – borax. Homeopathic borax is diluted from sodium biborate, so there’s no need to worry about ingesting this supplement. It’s not the same as taking a spoonful of 20-Mule Team Borax. Homeopathic borax is wonderful for canker sores, oral thrush, and a host of other ailments.

Natrum muriaticum 6x – Nat mur (natrum muriaticum) is made from sodium chloride and is very useful for nasal allergies, migraine, headaches, and can be used to treat cold sores when used with borax and antimonium crudem. I don’t usually take this alone for cold sores, but when they’re a bad case, it can be helpful to use with the others.

In addition to all these things (I know, it sounds like a lot!) I usually make this cold sore herbal infusion. It give the body an extra boost of herbs to help it heal. It can be given once a day until the sores are healed.

Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (6)

Cold Sore Herbal Infusion

Free from grain, gluten, eggs, dairy, and sugar.




Bring water to a boil.

Place herbs in a bowl and mix to combine. Add 1 heaping tablespoon of mixture to a large mug or liquid measuring cup.

Pour 1 cup boiling water over herbs and let sit – covered – until cooled.

Strain out herbs and stir in a teaspoon of honey, if desired.

Note on herbs:

I purchase my herbs on Amazon or grow them myself (well, my daughter grows them, actually). If you have another trusted source for quality herbs, feel free to use them. I purchase my herbs from Frontier Herbs or Starwest Botanicals.

Raias Recipes -

The bottom line.

Having all these natural remedies for healing cold sores on hand is a blessing, but a strong immune system is your best bet to fight off any infection, including an outbreak from HSV-1. Eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and staying hydrated can go a long way to keeping your immune system strong and keeping cold sores at bay.

Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (7)


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  1. Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (12)

    Renee D Kohley on May 26, 2019 at 6:53 pm

    Fantastic advice Raia! My oldest picked up this virus in kindergarten (just. so. many. germs!) and she can tell when she is getting one now so we bump her lysine and use the Hyland’s you mentioned and it very rarely fully forms. They are so painful! I am going to make some of that oil blend for her! Thanks!


    • Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (13)

      Raia on May 26, 2019 at 7:26 pm

      You’re so welcome, Renee! It is so sad to see our kiddos have to go through this. I hope the EO blend works well for your daughter!


      • Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (14)

        Mary on May 28, 2019 at 9:41 am

        These remedies are so comprehensive! Saving this for later – very helpful!


        • Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (15)

          Raia on May 28, 2019 at 10:03 am

          Thank you, Mary!


  2. Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (16)

    Ivana on May 27, 2019 at 9:51 pm

    Thanks for this, got some useful tips I haven’t heard before. I’ve found l-lysine supplementation helps internally, and sea salt mixed with MCT oil is also quite useful applied topically.


    • Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (17)

      Raia on May 28, 2019 at 8:00 am

      Glad you’ve found natural things that help!


    • Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (19)

      Raia on May 28, 2019 at 8:00 am

      I hope you find the tips helpful, Tessa!


  3. Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (20)

    STACEY CRAWFORD on May 28, 2019 at 1:06 pm

    Such a great herbal remedy. Cold sores are so painful & difficult to get rid of & it is awesome to have a natural solution.


    • Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (21)

      Raia on May 28, 2019 at 3:54 pm

      Thanks, Stacey!


  4. Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (22)

    Jean on May 28, 2019 at 11:48 pm

    I’ll have to try this! I love natural remedies and I never knew cold sores could be treated with essential oils.


    • Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (23)

      Raia on May 29, 2019 at 1:18 pm

      I hope you find it helpful, Jean!


  5. Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (24)

    Annemarie on May 29, 2019 at 6:50 pm

    Cold sores are the worst! I’ll keep these recipes in mind in case someone in my house needs them.


    • Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (25)

      Raia on May 29, 2019 at 10:23 pm

      I hope you find them helpful, Annemarie!


  6. Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (26)

    Hope on May 31, 2019 at 9:20 pm

    Love these remedies – cold sores are such a pain – quite literally! 🙂 I treat them with essential oils they really do work well, I have some friends who get them so will pass your recipes on to them!


    • Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (27)

      Raia on June 1, 2019 at 10:34 am

      Thank you, Hope!


  7. Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (28)

    Megan Stevens on June 1, 2019 at 11:13 am

    This is great timing, thank you! I have a good friend who deals with this every once in a while (and has one right now), and I haven’t researched remedies. It’s great to know what works!


    • Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (29)

      Raia on June 1, 2019 at 11:54 am

      I hope she finds these helpful, Megan!


  8. Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (30)

    chihyu on June 1, 2019 at 9:41 pm

    You are so knowledgeable. I always learn so much from you!


    • Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (31)

      Raia on June 2, 2019 at 9:09 am

      Aw, thank you, ChihYu!


  9. Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (32)

    Carol Little R.H. @studiobotanica on June 2, 2019 at 12:20 am

    I’ve used the Hyland Homeopathic remedy with herb clients for years with success along with a simple herb remedy:
    THE herb to combat/heal cold sores ? Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) is the go to herb for herbalists around the world. Yes there are others but Lemon Balm is ‘specific’ for herpes issues. You may want to make a coconut oil infused with lemon balm salve. Lemon balm tea. Lemon balm in a salve with beeswax and some immune boosters like echinacea, oregano. Licorice also a good addition to the mix. I make a few combinations dependent upon particular situations — they ALWAYS include Lemon Balm. Do you grow any, by chance? Mint family member.. easy to grow.


    • Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (33)

      Raia on June 2, 2019 at 9:11 am

      That’s awesome, Carol! Thank you SO much for sharing your knowledge with us! I don’t grow lemon balm, and I don’t think I have ever used it. I will definitely get some to add to my herbal tea. I do add licorice, it is such a useful herb!


      • Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (34)

        Carol Little R.H. @studiobotanica on June 2, 2019 at 9:55 am

        You are most welcome, Raia! Those pesky cold sores can really be painful!
        Lemon Balm is SO easy to grow. If you can find some, you’ll love it! Delicious too. I have many recipes! Later this summer, do harvest a little and infuse in coconut oil to have on hand and try it next time there’s a need!! xo


        • Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (35)

          Raia on June 2, 2019 at 11:14 am

          I will definitely keep a lookout for a plant to add to my garden! Thank you!


  10. Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (36)

    jennifer on June 3, 2019 at 8:01 am

    I wasn’t aware of home remedies for this, so thanks so much for sharing your knowledge!


    • Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (37)

      Raia on June 3, 2019 at 8:04 am

      Glad to share, Jennifer!


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Natural Remedies for Healing Cold Sores (plus an herbal infusion recipe) (2024)


What herbs are best for cold sores? ›

A 2020 case report found that applying a gel containing lemon balm as well as St. John's Wort, lavender, licorice, and Siberian ginseng worked as an effective and rapid-acting alternative to OTC cold sore medications.

What is the quickest natural way to get rid of a cold sore? ›

Home remedies
  1. Lemon balm essential oil: A 2017 review found that this essential oil could kill herpes viruses.
  2. Tea tree essential oil: A 2020 study showed that this could kill HSV-1 and HSV-2.
  3. Aloe vera gel extract: A 2016 study found that this could combat HSV-1.

What is a homemade paste for cold sores? ›

Home remedies
  1. Kanuka honey.
  2. lip balms containing lemon balm.
  3. peppermint oil.
  4. licorice root , because it contains glycyrrhizic acid.
  5. milk, applied in a compress.
  6. vanilla extract.
  7. rhubarb and sage.
Oct 14, 2020

What can I drink to heal a cold sore? ›

Vitamin C and vitamin E. Both of these vitamins have been shown to fight cold sores. Studies have shown that vitamin C can inactivate the herpes simplex virus, the virus that causes cold sores. Other research has shown that vitamin E can help heal cold sores.

What heals cold sores the fastest? ›

Prescription antiviral medication is the most effective and efficient way to clear up a cold sore fast. Antiviral cold sore treatment will start to work right away. Most people experience a reduction of symptoms within 2-3 days of starting treatment.

What vitamin deficiency causes cold sores? ›

Cold sores, also called “fever blisters,” can be triggered by fevers or colds. Most people develop cold sores from a depletion of vitamins such as Vitamin D and Vitamin C. They're most common during the winter when people's immune systems are compromised or overworked.

Does hydrogen peroxide help cold sores? ›

Keep your hands off to help it heal! Use Hydrogen Peroxide – Using hydrogen peroxide on a cold sore can dry it out and stop it from spreading or growing!

How often should I put tea tree oil on my cold sore? ›

In clinical studies, tea tree oil has been shown to possess antiherpetic, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, as well as to accelerate the healing process of herpes labialis. Applying diluted essential oils three to four times daily for the antiherpetic treatment of affected areas is recommended.

Is it better to keep a cold sore moist or dry? ›

You're best to let it dry out to the point where it is no longer painful, and then begin applying cream or lip balm to minimize splitting. As the cold sore resolves itself, keep your lips moist to prevent bleeding, which also aids in the healing at this stage.

What does cornstarch do for cold sores? ›

Cornstarch: Cornstarch balances the pH of the affected area. Cold sores can only survive in an acidic environment, so by increasing the pH of the skin and making it more alkaline, it can help combat the virus. ACV: Drinking a tablespoon of ACV a day is known to prevent cold sores from developing in the first place.

Does vinegar get rid of cold sores fast? ›

Since cold sores are caused by a virus, not by bacteria, applying apple cider vinegar to a cold sore can't cure it. Apple cider vinegar is effective at removing dead skin cells, however. For this reason, it may help cold sores go away more quickly once they've reached the scabbing stage.

Why does toothpaste help cold sores? ›

According to the Wound Care Society, toothpaste may not get rid of cold sores overnight but can help reduce pain, prevent blisters from forming, and promote faster healing. Most toothpastes contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which can numb the area and help dry out blisters or halt their progression.

What makes cold sores worse? ›

When cold sores scab and reopen, eating acidic foods can aggravate the sore. Some foods to avoid are: citrus fruits, tomatoes, fruit juices, wine, soda, pickles, and vinegar-based salad dressings. Hot and spicy foods can also have a tendency to break cold sores.

What feeds a cold sore? ›

The herpes simplex virus, the cause of cold sores, requires arginine (an amino acid) to replicate and thrive in your body. Depriving the virus of arginine can reduce the duration and severity of an outbreak. Therefore, you'll want to avoid foods containing large amounts of arginine.

Can I put tea tree oil on a cold sore? ›

Dab a bit of tea tree oil on a cotton swab and apply it to the sore directly. Be sure to repeat this several times during the day and before you go to bed. Tea tree oil is a great option because it contains anti-viral properties that kill infection that spread bacteria and expedite the healing process.

Which herbs are antiviral? ›

The 16 Best Antiviral Herbs and Supplements To Boost Your Immune System and Keep You Healthy
  • Herbs and Supplements. What 16 herbs and supplements have antiviral properties?
  • NAC to Astragalus. NAC to astragalus.
  • Licorice to Black Elderberry. ...
  • Turmeric to Oregano. ...
  • Myrrh to Artemisia Annua. ...
  • Talk to Your Healthcare Provider.
Nov 10, 2022

What herb is good for sores? ›

There are a remarkable number of wound-healing botanicals that have been widely used in the Northern Hemisphere, including Achiella millefolium, Aloe vera, Althaea officinalis, Calendula officinalis, Matricaria chamomilla, Curcuma longa, Eucalyptus, Jojoba, plantain, pine, green tea, pomegranate, and Inula.

Does turmeric help cold sores? ›

Curcumin. It's well-known for antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial power and it also fights HSV, which means it could help you reduce the frequency and severity of the infection. Supplement, or try applying a mini-poultice to your lip sore by mixing turmeric spice with just enough water to form a paste.


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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.