Paleo Coconut Salmon Bites Recipe (2024)

by Maya Last Updated on 7 Comments

Paleo Coconut Salmon Bites Recipe (1)

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I know, I know, I should be posting all sorts of comforting slow cooker, stick to your ribs, comforting winter meals but I want SUMMER and it’s reflecting in my cooking. *Note that I plan recipes about 2-3 months in advance so apparently I’ve been craving summer for a longgg time. I promise I do have some easy slow cooker meals coming your way soon, tomorrow! Promise. Today though you’ll just have to love these Paleo Coconut Salmon Bites as much as I do.

If you make them please whip up a Mango Margarita and pretend it’s the middle of June for me. We’re 6 days into our no alcohol January and I miss my tequila Tuesday’s…and Thursdays…and OK FINE, maybe Saturday’s too.

Paleo Coconut Salmon Bites Recipe (2)

This recipe is literally my Paleo Coconut Shrimp but with salmon instead. This one is WAY better. Maybe I just like salmon more? Whatever it is these are the B-O-M-B.

They’re so poppable I could easily down two pounds of salmon and not even notice. I promise if you served these at a get-together, say the Super Bowl, everyone would worship you. The method is so ridiculously easy and there’s SO MUCH coconut flavor. Kind of hard not to be when you use coconut flour, coconut flakes, and coconut oil. Sweet, crunchy, coconuty perfection.

Paleo Coconut Salmon Bites Recipe (3)

I simply sliced the salmon into bite size pieces, dipped them in a little egg, and dredged in the coconut mixture. After a minute or 2 on each side in some bubbling coconut oil you’ll have golden brown nuggets that are cooked to about a medium doneness. PLEASE tell me you cook your salmon to medium rare – medium?? Cooking salmon to well done changes the texture to saw dust and makes it taste like the sea. I know you’d think the opposite but really, cooking it lightly makes it taste fresh and moist just like it should be.

Since you’re breading the salmon you’ll need to use a little trick to tell if it’s cooked properly. For one make sure they’re golden brown. Two, lightly press on the nuggets and feel the firmness, sort of like a steak. You want there to be be a little give but you don’t want it to be too squishy. After you think they’re almost done take one out of the pan and cut it open, it should be about medium rare. After you let them sit for about 5 minutes they will continue to cook to about a medium. Easy.

Paleo Coconut Salmon Bites Recipe (4)

I served these with some sweet chili sauce but some mango or other fruit style dipping sauce would be great too!

Which one would you like better, the shrimp or the salmon?? Let the debate begin!

Paleo Coconut Salmon Bites Recipe (5)


Paleo Coconut Salmon Bites Recipe (6)

4.67 from 3 votes

Paleo Coconut Salmon Bites

Serves 2 as a meal with a side or 4-6 as a appetizer.

Course Snack

Cuisine American

Keyword barbecue, party

Prep Time 15 minutes

Cook Time 5 minutes

Total Time 20 minutes

Author Maya Krampf from

Servings 2 servings

★ Review Print


Please ensure Safari reader mode is OFF to view ingredients.

  • 1 lb Scottish salmon cut into bite sized pieces
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon tapioca flour
  • 1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 2 tablespoons coconut flour
  • Pinch sea salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • Sweet chili sauce for serving

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More TIPS about this paleo recipe in the post above!

  1. Gather two separate small bowls. In one whisk the egg and the tapioca starch together. In the other combine the coconut, coconut flour, salt and paprika.

  2. Cut the salmon into bite size pieces and remove the skin.

  3. In a large skillet over medium heat, melt the coconut oil.

  4. Dip the salmon into the egg wash, let the excess fall off then dredge through the coconut mixture.

  5. In batches so the pan isn't too crowded fry the bites for 1-3 minutes per side or until they are semi-firm and cooked between medium rare-medium.

  6. If the pan runs out of oil simply add 1 or 2 more tablespoons before the next batch.

  7. Transfer to a paper towel lined plate to drain excess oil.

  8. Serve with sweet chili sauce

© Copyright Wicked Spatula. We'd LOVE for you to share a link to this recipe, but please DO NOT COPY/PASTE the recipe instructions to social media or websites. You may share a photo with a link back instead.

Paleo Coconut Salmon Bites Recipe (8)

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Paleo Coconut Salmon Bites Recipe (9)

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  1. Deb


    These look fabulous but I’m allergic to egg; is there a way to make them without egg?

  2. Nutmeg Nanny


    These little salmon bites look like snacking perfection! I love that coconut crust…yum!

  3. Erin


    Oh, my!!!! I need these in my life. Maybe tomorrow. I’m having my husband’s office over for a belated holiday party. These sound amazing! And so easy. I could probably eat them all myself. 🙂

  4. Chrisy @ Homemade Hooplah


    I can TOTALLY see these in my future – they’re like perfect bites of deliciousness!

  5. Ali @ Home & Plate


    Yum….I have a shrimp recipe that is similarly rolled in coconut and I think I would be in heaven with these salmon bites. Look wonderful and perfect for dinner or as an appetizer.

  6. Taylor @ Food Faith Fitness


    These look so good, who cares if they are meant for summer cooking or not! You totally knocked this one out of the park! These look so delicious!

    • Lauren


      Thanks so much Taylor! I mind and heart is definitely chilling out in June right now, ha!

Paleo Coconut Salmon Bites Recipe (2024)


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