Pennsylvania Bulletin (2024)

[36 Pa.B. 4277]
[Saturday, August 5, 2006]

[Continued from previous Web Page]



Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Heritage Affairs Office
Cultural Awareness Brochure (SP5-344)

Bureau of Human Resources
Enlisted Employment Information
Application for State Police Cadet
General Cadet Information (SP5-349)
Pennsylvania State Police: A Challenging Career That Makes a Difference
Pennsylvania State Police General Information SP3-313 (7-2001)

Liquor Enforcement Employment Information
Application for Liquor Enforcement Officer Trainee
General Information Brochure (SP5-348)

Civilian Employment Information
General Information Pamphlet (SP5-346)
Police Communicators Operator Pamphlet (SP5-347)
Personal Data Sheet for Employment (STD-300)
Civil Service Application

Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement
Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement Brochure
Choices Program Brochure

Bureau of Patrol
Emergency Vehicle Designation (SP6-115)
Child Safety Seat Identification Decal (SP6-153)

Bureau of Professional Responsibility
Complaint Verification Form (SP1-108)

Bureau of Records and Identification
Information for Pennsylvania Firearms Purchasers and Basic Firearm Safety (SP4-135)
Request for Criminal Record Check (SP4-164)
Notice of Crash Investigation and Application to Obtain Copy of Police Crash Reporting Form (SP7-0015)

Bureau of Research and Development
Pennsylvania Annual Police Pursuit Report (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005)
Pennsylvania State Police Annual Report (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005)
Crime in Pennsylvania: Uniform Crime Executive Summary (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005)

Bureau of Training and Education
Youngster Protect Yourself from Attacks and Accidents (SP5-330)
Stop Burglary Brochure (SP5-331)
Crimes of Fraud: ''The Con-Artist'' (SP5-332)
Lady Beware (SP5-333)
Understanding Crime Prevention (SP5-334)
Accessing Your Pennsylvania State Police (SP5-335)
Protect Your Child (SP5-336)
Preventing Child Abduction and Child Runaway (SP5-337)
Drugs Aren't Part of Anyone's Future (SP5-342)
Child Identification Kit (SP5-342)

Municipal Police Officers Education and Training Commission--Lethal Weapons
Application for Agent Certification--LWTA (SP8-200)
Physical Examination--LWTA (SP8-200A)
Police Officer Exemption Application--LWTA (SP8-200C)
Active Municipal Office LWTA Verification Procedure for Training Waiver (SP8204)

Equal Employment Opportunity Office
Equal Employment Opportunity Plan, Statement of Management Commitment (1-02)
Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (1-02)

All of the non-regulatory compliance-related documents listed above are available from the Pennsylvania State Police by contacting the Department at the following address or phone number:

Pennsylvania State Police
Bureau of Research & Development
1800 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110 (717) 783-5536

Documents are also available from the State Library, Government Publication Section at 219 Forum Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120 and may be obtained through inter-library loan.



Bureau of Equal Opportunity
*Disability-Related Employment Policy for Applicants/Employees with Disabilities, 3/2006
*EEO Policy Statement, 1/13/2006
*Harassment/Hostile Work Environment Policy, 1/13/2006
*Sexual Harassment Policy Statement, 1/13/2006
*DBE Policy Statement, 2/2/2005
*Equal Opportunity Title VI Statement of Policy, 7/15/2002 (included in Title VI Compliance and Implementation Plan at pg. 9)
*External Contract Compliance Policy Statement, 2/14/2006
*MBE/WBE Policy 100% State Funded Construction Contracts, 9/21/1999 (This program and document is currently being reviewed by the Department)

Bureau of Design
*Standards for Hardware Glulam Bridge Design (Pub. 6M)
*Design Manual Part 1: Transportation Project Development Process (Pub. 10)
*Design Manual Part 1A: Transportation Engineering Procedures (Pub. 10A)
*Design Manual Part 2: Highway Design, Dual Units (Pub. 13M)
*Design Manual Part 3: Plans Presentation, Dual Units (Pub. 14M)
*Pile Load Test Summaries (Pub. 15A)
*Design Manual Part 4: Structures, Dual Units (Pub. 15M)
*Design Manual Part 5: Metric (Pub. 16M)
*Guidelines for Design of Local Roads and Streets, Dual Units (Pub. 70M)
*Roadway Construction Standards, Dual Units (Pub. 72M)
*Standards for Bridge Design, Dual Units (Pub. 218M)
*Standards for Bridge Construction, Dual Units (Pub. 219M)
*Right-of-Way Encroachments and Outdoor Advertising Sign Control (Pub. 266)
*Roadway Specifications (Pub. 408/2000)

Bureau of Maintenance & Operations
*Pavement Policy Manual (Pub 242)

Bureau of Construction & Materials
*Geo-technical Engineering Manual (Pub. 293, 1/97)

Bureau of Highway Safety & Traffic Engineering
*Traffic Signing Standards, TC-8700 Series (Pub. 111M)
*Traffic Signal Standards, TC-7800 Series (Pub. 148)
*Traffic Signal Design Handbook (Pub. 149)
*Guidelines for the Maintenance of Traffic Signal Systems (Pub. 191)
*Flagging Handbook (Pub. 234)
*Handbook of Approved Signs (Pub. 236M)
*Sign Blank Specifications (Pub. 306M)
*Statewide Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan
*Pennsylvania Bicycle Driver's Manual (Pub. 380)

Center for Program Development and Management
*PennPlan MOVES
*PennPlan MOVES--Report of Achievement 2000
*PennPlan MOVES--Report of Achievement 2001
*PennPlan MOVES--Report of Achievement 2002
*PennPlan MOVES--Report of Achievement 2003
*Action Plan Resulting from the 2003 Conference on Transportation and Land Use for Economic Development

Bureau of Municipal Services
*Mileage Addition Guidelines (Policies concerning adding local road mileage to a municipalities Liquid Fuels Road Inventory.)
*Liquid Fuels Allowable Expenditures (Expenditures that a municipality may make utilizing Liquid Fuels Funds.)
*Policies and Procedures for the Administration of Liquid Fuels Funds (Pub.9)

Strategic Environmental Management Program (SEMP) Office
*Waste Site Evaluation Procedures for the Highway Project Development Process (Pub. 281)


Bureau of Driver Licensing
*Pennsylvania Driver's Manual (Pub 95) (Updated October 2005)
*Commercial Driver's Manual (Pub 233) (Updated August 2005)
*Motorcycle Operator Manual (Pub 147) (Updated February 2006)
*A Guide to Obtaining a Pennsylvania Junior Learner's Permit and Junior Driver's License (Pub 178) (Updated March 2006)

Bureau of Motor Vehicles
*Apportioned Manual (Pub 181) (Updated May 2006)

Bureau of Equal Opportunity
*Minority/Female Resource Guide, 5/2005
*OJT--Training Manual, 3/1995
*Highway and Bridge Subcontractor's Manual (Pub. 412), 2/2005
*Equal Employment Opportunity Plan, Federal/State (This Program is currently under review), 1/13/2006
*Title VI Compliance and Implementation Plan, 7/15/2005
*Contract Compliance Plan (This Program is currently under review), 2/14/2006
*Pennsylvania Unified Certification Program, 2004

Bureau of Municipal Services
*Liquid Fuels Annual Qualifying Package (Yearly forms a municipality must complete to receive their annual Liquid Fuels Allocation.)
*Transfer of State Highways Program (Pub. 310)
*Procedures for Administration of Municipal Projects (Pub. 39)
*Dirt & Gravel Roads Manual
*Quality Assurance and Inspection Manual for Timber Bridges
*Municipal Services Guide for Road Construction (Pub 372)
*Approved Products for Lower Volume Local Roads (Pub 447)

Bureau of Office Services
*Conducting Business with the PA Department of Transportation (Pub 4) (3/2003)

Bureau of Design
*Contract Proposal Preparation Guide, Dual Units (Pub. 51M)
*When Your Land Is Needed for Highway Use (Pub. 83)
*Local Public Agency Project Guidelines (Pub. 98)
*Surveying and Mapping Manual (Pub. 122M)
*Estimating Manual (Pub. 352)
*Guide to Roundabouts (Pub. 414)
*Specifications for Consultant Engineering Agreements (Form 442)

Bureau of Maintenance & Operations
*Posting and Bonding Procedures for Municipal Highways (Pub. 221)
*Oversize/Overweight Application for Special Hauling Permit M-936A
*Pennsylvania Urbanized Area Map and Conditions (Form M-938)
*How to Complete General Application Form M-936A Oversize/Overweight Application for Special Hauling Permit)
*Supplemental Application for Overweight Special Hauling Permit (M-936AS)
*How to Complete Supplemental Application Form M-936A, Excessively Overweight Movement (Supplemental Application for Overweight Special Hauling Permit)
*How to Complete an Application for a PA Super Load Permit
*Automated Pavement Condition Surveying Field Manual (Pub. 336)
*CRC Pavements and Unpaved Roads Condition Survey Field Manual (Pub. 343)
*Shoulder and Guide Rail Condition Survey Field Manual (Pub. 33)
*Drainage Condition Survey Field Manual (Pub. 73)

Bureau of Construction & Materials
*Procedures for Administration for Municipal Projects (Pub. 39)

Bureau of Highway Safety & Traffic Engineering
*Pennsylvania's Traffic Calming Handbook (Pub. 383)
*Bicycling Directory of Pennsylvania (Pub 316)

Center for Program Development and Management
*Congestion Management System (CMS) Planning Guidance
*Transportation Enhancements Program Guidance
*State Transportation Program Guidance
*PENNDOT User's Guide to Transportation Planning & Programming
*Public Involvement Program for Transportation Planning and Programming
*Transportation Management Association Assistance Program Guidelines
*PA Infrastructure Bank Handbook
*Pennsylvania's Transportation Program--Executive Summary, September 2001
*Sound Land Use Planning for Your Community
*PennDOT's Sound Land Use Implementation Plan
*Home Town Street & Safe Routes To School General Information and Program Guidance
*Access Management Model Ordinances For Pennsylvania Municipalities Handbook
*Pennsylvania Infrastructure Bank Handbook
*Pennsylvania Byways...A Guide
*Pennsylvania Byways Program--Pamphlet
*State Transportation Commission Guidelines for Public Participation in the 2007 Transportation Program Development Process

Office of the Deputy Secretary for Planning
*Transportation Partnerships Guidelines Manual

Bureau of Aviation
*Aviation Development Airport Sponsor's Guide (Pub 405), August 2006


Bureau of Driver Licensing
*Physician Reporting Fact Sheet (Pub 7212) (Updated October 2005)

Bureau of Equal Opportunity
*DBE Plan, 9/1999
*PENNDOT Title VI Assurances, 7/15/2002 (Included in Title VI Compliance and Implementation Plan at pg. 77)
*State Assurances with Regard to Equal Opportunity as required by the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1968, 2/14/2006
*Pennsylvania Unified Certification Program Procedures Manual, 10/2004

Bureau of Design
*Administration of Consultant Agreements (Pub. 93)
*Project Level Highway Traffic Noise Handbook (Pub. 24)
*Environmental Impact Statement Handbook (Pub. 278)
*Categorical Exclusion Evaluation Handbook (Pub. 294)
*Public Involvement Handbook (Pub. 295)
*Needs Study Handbook (Pub. 319)
*PennDOT Project Level Air Quality Handbook (Pub. 321)
*Agriculture Resources Handbook (Pub. 324)
*Wetlands Resource Handbook (Pub. 325)
*Environmental Assessment Handbook (Pub. 362)

Bureau of Maintenance & Operations
*Maintenance Manual (Pub. 23) (Updated 8/2004)
*Engineering District and County Maintenance Offices Location Maps and Mailing Addresses (Pub. 22)

Bureau of Construction & Materials
*Finals Unit Manual (Pub. 11) (Guidance for Highway Construction Project Closeouts) (Pub. 11)
*Field Computation Guidebook (Guidance for Highway Construction Projects) (Pub. 21)
*Contract Documentation System Field Operations Manual (Pub. 320)
*Producers of Ready Mix Concrete (Pub 42)
*Producers of Bituminous Mixtures (Pub 41) Approved Aggregate Producers (Pub 34)

Bureau of Planning and Research
*Conduct of Research at PennDOT
*2002 PA Traffic Data Book
*2002 PA Highway Statistics Book

Center for Program Development and Management
*Single Occupancy Vehicle Capacity Adding Project (SOVCAP) Guidance
*Rail-Highway Grade Crossing Safety Program Guidance
*HOP\Land Use Questionnaire

Bureau of Municipal Services
*Abandonment/Vacation/Deletions Procedure Letter (Policies and procedures governing the abandonment, vacation, and deletion of roads from the State road system and their return to local jurisdiction.)
*Transfer of State Highways Program (Pub 310)
*Procedures for Administration of Municipal Projects (Pub 39)
*Dirt & Gravel Roads Manual
*Quality Assurance and Inspection Manual for Timber Bridges


Bureau of Office Services
*Price List, Maps & Publications (Pub. 12) (12/2004)

Bureau of Design
*Construction Items Catalog (Pub. 7)
*Construction Items Catalog (metric edition) (Pub. 7M)
*Construction Cost Catalog of Standard Construction Items (Pub. 287)
*Getting Involved Brochure (Pub. 304)

Bureau of Construction & Materials
*Aggregate Producers (Pub. 34)
*Approved Construction Materials (Pub. 35)
*Producers of Bituminous Mixtures (Pub. 41)
*Producers of Redi-Mixed Concrete (Pub. 42)
*Subsurface Boring, Sampling and Testing Contract (Pub. 222)
*Slope Stability Program, PASTABL (Metricated) (Pub. 318)

Center for Program Development and Management
*Transportation Conformity State Implementation Plan

Bureau of Municipal Services
*Liquid Fuels Calendar (Tool for municipalities highlighting policies, procedures and information to assist with road and street maintenance.) (updated yearly)
*Treasurer's Account Book (Accounting system for local governments.)
*PENNDOT Keeping you Connected--CD (a production that's designed to educate the public about PENNDOT's business.)
*Building Relationships for better Government (Pub 454)
*Bureau of Municipal Services Information and Forms CD (updated yearly)

Bureau of Public Transportation
*PA Public Transportation Statistical Report 2004/2005

Bureau of Equal Opportunity
*Sexual Harassment Prevention (Pub. 109) (Currently under review for revision)

Bureau of Human Resources
*ADA Brochure (Pub. 359)

Many of the nonregulatory compliance-related documents listed previously, specifically those containing a publication number, are available from the PENNDOT Sales Store. Please contact the Sales Store, P.O. Box 2028, Commonwealth Keystone Building 5th floor, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2028; telephone number (717) 787-6746; or the PENNDOT website at, for more information. In some cases, printing or duplicating fees will be charged. Documents are also available from the State Library, Government Publications Section, at 217 Forum Building (inter-office) or 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126 (mailing address) and are available through inter-library loan.

[Pa.B. Doc. No. 06-1518. Filed for public inspection August 4, 2006, 9:00 a.m.]

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Pennsylvania Bulletin (2024)


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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.