Ube French Macarons - Kim's Eatery | Food and Recipes (2024)

by Kimberly Yee

Ube French Macarons

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It was years ago that I fell in love with french macarons. I used to purchase them from local pastry shops for about $3 per macaron! Now that I think of it, that is pretty outrageous! I wanted to try making them myself, even though they are known to be super delicate and difficult to make.

It was trial and error for the first few times I tried making macarons. Sometimes they turned out too running, sometimes I could still see the stiff peak in the shell (I didn’t mix it enough). It’s an art to make them perfectly.

I have tried using a scale to measure out ingredients, but I found it works just as well measuring out with regular cups and teaspoons! Recently I have been making ube flavoured desserts, so I thought why not try ube macarons.

Before baking, I like to prepare my baking sheets. I cut out parchment paper to the EXACT size of the pan. When my batter is done, I put a drop on each corner to stick the paper to the tray. I don’t want any air underneath. Some people purchase macaroon stencils that have the macaron shape drawn in, so that they can ensure they are all evenly sized. I usually eyeball the size of my macarons, but these baking mats would make it so much easier!

It is better to use a flat cookie sheet pan vs a corrugated cookie sheet pan.Usually I like the corrugated pans for cookies (and my cookies always turn out perfect), but it does NOT work for macarons. This is the cookie sheet I use for cookies, which can be purchased from the Gourmet Warehouse or on Amazon. The corrugated surface provides a bit more air circulation which helps with more even baking and the perfect browning. For this recipe, I used a flat Nordic ware baking sheet. You can also use a jelly roll pan. Just ensure it is not a corrugated pan! You do not want the extra air circulating for the macaroons, as it will not rise as well.

I like to use certain ingredients when making my macaroons. Cream of tartar helps to stabilize your egg whites to create a sturdier meringue. This helps to ensure they don’t fall flat. To get the authentic ube flavour, I like to use ube extract.This one from amazon is a great deal! It has such a nice and strong ube flavour that is super nutty. Ube powder is also used in the shells. I like to add in the powder to really give it that ube flavour. Since macaroons are delicate, you do not want to add in too much liquid extracts, as that would change the consistency of the batter.

For the filling, I like to mix ube jam in with the cream cheese, and the filling will be a beautiful light purple colour.

**If you want other flavours, you can replace the ½ tsp ube extract with a different flavour. For example. if you want Green tea macaroons, take out ½ tsp almond flour and replace it with ½ tsp green tea powder and use 1/2 tsp vanilla extract.

I like using this culinary grade matcha powder. For vanilla extract, get the real vanilla bean one, and not the fake artificial extract.

Ube French Macarons - Kim's Eatery | Food and Recipes (1)

Ube French Macarons

These beautiful macarons have a deep purple colour from the ube, and a rich nutty flavour.

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Prep Time 1 d 1 hr

Cook Time 20 mins

Course Dessert

Cuisine French

Servings 12 macaroons

Calories 97 kcal


  • ¾ cup Almond Flour
  • 1 cup Powdered Sugar
  • ½ tsp Ube powder
  • 2 Large Egg Whites (room temperature)
  • ¼ tsp Cream of tartar
  • ¼ cup Sugar
  • ½ tsp Ube extract


  • 1.5 tbsp Ube Jam
  • ¼ cup Cream cheese (room temperature)


  • Combine almond flour, powdered sugar and ube powder through a mesh sleeve and sift. If they are super chunky, throw it into a food processor and then sift again. Set aside.

  • Beat egg whites on low-med speed until foamy.

  • Add in cream of tartar.

  • Slowly add 1/4 cup granulated sugar and beat on high speed until stiff glossy peaks form.

  • Add in ube extract and beat until just combined.

  • Fold in your almond flour/powdered sugar/ube powder mixture. Be careful not to overmix. You can test the batter by putting it onto your spatula and running your finger through it. You should be able to see where you ran your finger through and then it should flattens on its own after a few seconds. Then it’s good to go. If the batter does not move and is still very stiff, mix it a few more times.

  • Place a bit of batter on the corners of your parchment paper to stick it to the tray. Ensure there are no air bubbles.

  • Place batter into a piping bag. I place the bag into a cup to keep it stable while I pour in the mixture. I use a ½ inch piping tip.

  • Pipe uniform sized circles onto the parchment paper. If there is a slight point, it should fall into the shell in a few minutes as the mixture spreads. Gently slam tray onto the counter to get rid of any air bubbles.

  • Let the shells sit for ~30 -60 minutes, depending on your kitchen's humidity level. The tops need to dry out a bit. They are ready when you can touch the top without the batter sticking to your finger.

  • Preheat oven to 290F.

  • Bake for 18-20 minutes. Transfer to a cooking rack. They should come off the parchment paper easily. If they do not easily come off the tray, pop them back into the oven as they are undercooked.

  • Let the shells cool completely. Mix together Ube jam and cream cheese and fill.

Keyword Dessert, Recipe, Ube

Ube French Macarons - Kim's Eatery | Food and Recipes (2024)


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