warrants further investigation - 英中 – Linguee词典 (2024)

Allegations that are prioritized for


investigation undergo a preliminary

[...] fact-finding inquiry to determine whether the evidence available warrants further investigation.


随后对于要优先调查的指控 初步调查 ,以 确定根据现有证据 是否有理由进一步调查。


In others, the preliminary command investigations have been concluded and the


Military Advocate General is undertaking his own review to

[...] determine whether the record warrants further investigation.


在其 他调查中,指挥部初步调查已经结束,军法署署长正在审查,以确定 查记 录是否 需要进步的查。


She concluded reasons for gender differences in ventricular arrhythmias and


potential differences in the impact of device therapy on outcome are

[...] currently unclear and warrant further investigation.


她的结论是,室性心律失常的性别差异及器械疗法对治疗结果的影响的潜在差别这两方面的原因目前尚不清楚, 进一 步研


Therefore, this question of conflict of

[...] interest certainly warrants investigation.


因此,這利益 衝突問題一定要調


The Bills Committee agrees that

[...] the issue of drafting warrants further study and should be [...]

referred to the Panel on Administration


of Justice and Legal Services for follow up.


法案委員會商定,有關草擬問題值得 進一 ,並 應把此 問題轉介司法及法律事務委員會跟進。


The Company will make further announcement once the number of Warrants placed by the [...]

Placing Agent is confirmed.


待配售代理配售的認股證數目獲 確認後,本公司將作出 進步公


For the other case, further investigation could not be made as the complainant was not able to provide details of the agency [...]



至於另一個案,因投訴人未能提 供有關職業介紹所的名稱及其他資料,勞工處未能作出跟 進。


The presumption of innocence, which applies to the accused members of the security forces, must prevail


over an accusation for which there is not the slightest evidence

[...] to justify any further investigation of the allegations.


对于没有任何证据证明需要进一步调查的指控,必须奉行无罪推定原则,该 原则也适用于全部队的 被指控成员”。


Recommendations to ensure accountability for perpetrators usually include prosecution in domestic or

[...] international courts, or further investigation.


为确 保追究犯罪者责任,提出的建议通常包括在国内或国际法院展开诉讼, 进一


The 125,000,000 Subscription Shares represent (i) approximately 7.45% of the existing issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this announcement; (ii) approximately 6.93% of the issued share capital of the Company as enlarged by the allotment and issue of the Subscription Shares (assuming that there is no change in the issued share capital of the Company from the date of this announcement to the completion of the Subscription save for the issue of the Subscription Shares); and (iii) approximately 6.41% of the issued share capital of the Company as enlarged by the allotment and issue of the Subscription Shares, the Option Shares and the Warrants (assuming there are no other allotments and issue of


Shares and no options under the Share Option Scheme are granted or

[...] exercised and no further warrants created and granted).


125,000,000股認購股份佔(i)本公司於本公告日期之現有已發行股本約7.45%;(ii)本公 司經配發及發行認購股份擴大後之已發行股本約6.93%(假設除發行認購股份外,本公


司已發行股本自本公告日期至認購事項完成時並無變動);及(iii)本公司經配發及發行 認購股份、購股權股份及認股權證股份擴大後之已發行股本約6.41%(假設概無配發及

[...] 發行其他股份,且於發行認購股份前並無根據購股權計劃授出或行使購股權,亦無創 設或授出任何外認證)


To help eliminate pricing anomalies when there is a supply and demand imbalance, the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) adopted a number of measures in 2002 after market-wide consultation, including abolishing the


quota system, requiring issuers to provide

[...] liquidity in their warrants, and relaxing rules to facilitate further issues.



[...] 結算所有限公司(下稱“港交所”)在廣泛諮詢市場後,於2002年採取多項 措施,包括取消限額制、規定發行人為 其權 證提 流通 量,以及放寬 規則利便增發。


(f) Launching new investor education

[...] initiatives to further improve investor understanding on derivative warrants.


(f) 推出投資者教育新猷,以增進投資者對衍生 權證的認識


In accordance with Security Council resolution 1593 (2005), the Prosecutor presented his tenth and


eleventh reports on the

[...] status of the investigation into the situation in Darfur to the Security Council on 4 December 2009 and 11 June 2010 respectively, highlighting the lack of cooperation by the Government of the Sudan, the continuation of the alleged crimes on the ground and the need to execute the outstanding arrest warrants.


按照安全理事会第 1593(2005)号决议的规定,检察官分别于 2009 年 12 月 4 日和 2010 年 6 月 11 日向安全理事会提交了关于达尔富尔局 势的 查情 第十 份和第十一份报告,着重指出苏丹政府缺乏合作,所指控罪行在当地仍在继续进 行,以及需要执行尚未执行的令。


After studying the issue with some


experts, we understand that the data do not reflect all the facts and the

[...] problem still warrants further study by academics.


跟一些專家研究後,便明白這些數據並不反映出全面的事實,問題仍 有待學者作進究。


The 1996 LRC paper further recommends that warrants be required to authorise all surveillance within the scope [...]

of the proposed criminal offences.


1996 年法改會進一,建議中 的刑事罪行所規範的 所有監察,須獲令才授權進行。


He is bound to continue with an investigation even if he discovers that the complaint was not made in good faith (section 39(2)(c) refusal ground) or that the party complained against has already taken remedial


action and the dispute considered

[...] resolved and hence further investigation is considered [...]

unnecessary (section 39(2)(d) refusal ground).


他必須繼續調查,即使他發現投訴不是本著真誠提出(第 39(2)(c)條的拒

[...] 絕理由)或被投訴者已經採取補救措施及糾紛已經解決 步調不必要的(第 39(2)(d)條的拒絕理由)。


The Commission will consider each case on its merits

[...] to see if it warrants an investigation.


競爭委 員局會因應每宗個案的個別情況作出考慮,研究是否有理據展 開調查。


The proposal for

[...] an Independent Investigation Board warrants more detailed [...]

examination, in particular in the light of international


developments on the oversight of the auditing profession.


有關調查委員會的 建議須更仔細研究,特別要顧 及在監管審計專業事宜上的國際發展。


The discussions also

[...] touched on pretrial investigation, arrest procedures, issuance of warrants, judicial review and supervision of investigations, time limits [...]

for temporary detention,


notification and communication with families, access to lawyers, the role of prosecutors vis-à-vis judges, the right not to be coerced into making self-incriminatory statements and confessions, the supervision of places of detention and separation of pretrial detainees from convicted prisoners, prison conditions, protection needs of women prisoners, and children with women in detention, as well as judicial training and in-service professional development.


讨论还涉及预审调查、逮捕程序、 发逮 捕证 、司 法复核和调查监督、 临时拘留的时限、通知家属和与家属沟通、聘用律师、检察 官相较于法官的作用、有权不被强迫做不利于自己的证言或强迫承认犯罪、监督 拘留场所和将审前被拘留者与被定罪的犯人分开、监狱条件、女犯和被拘留妇女 子女的保护需要,以及司法培训和在职专业发展。


However, assistance has been and continues


to be provided to the prosecutors in

[...] the region in further investigation and prosecution [...]

in relation to these files/dossiers.


但是一直在协助并将继续协助该区域法官就文件/档案材料进 调查和提出起诉


The European Union stated that although


the Regular Process would define

[...] areas in need of further investigation by United Nations [...]

agencies and others, its purpose


was not to secure funding for such assessments (see also para. 60).


欧洲联盟指出,虽然经常程序将确定需要联合国机构及其他 进一的海域, 但其目的不是为这些评估寻找资金(另见第 [...]

60 段)。


The Working Group feels

[...] that the issue warrants further study and calls [...]

upon Governments and other stakeholders to provide


the Working Group with relevant information and share experiences made.


工作组认为必须 进步 研个问 题,呼吁各 国政府和其他利益攸 关 方向工作组提供有关资料和分享所获经验。


Set out below is the shareholding structure of the Company (i) as at the date of this announcement, (ii) immediately after the Placing but before the Subscription, (iii) immediately after completion of the Placing and the Subscription but before the exercise of the Share Options and Warrants and (iv) immediately after completion of the Placing and the Subscription and the exercise of the Share Options and Warrants in full (assuming there are no other allotments and issue of


Shares and no options under the Share Option Scheme are granted or

[...] exercised and no further warrants created and granted)





[...] 認購事項完成後及該等購股權及認股權證獲悉數行使後(假設並無配發及發行股份及 並無根據購股權計劃授出或行使購股權,亦無創設或授出 股權證)的 股權 架構


Regarding Mr CHEUNG Kwok-che's

[...] [...] amendment, even though the Democratic Party considers that the way of subsidy warrants further consideration, we support his general direction and will therefore vote in [...]

favour of his amendment.


關於張國柱議員的修正案,民主 認為資 助形 式雖值得再研究,但 整體上我們支持其大方向,所以亦會投票支持他的修正案。


(3) details of warrants of further detention granted, including [...]

the period of detention authorised, the time actually spent


in custody on the authority of the warrant and whether the suspect was charged or not.


(3) 發 出 續 拘 令 的 情,其 中 包 括 拘 留 令 授 權 拘 留 的 期 [...]

間 、 在 拘 留 令 授 權 下 實 際 被 拘 禁 的 時 間 , 以 及 疑 犯 是 否 被 起 訴 。


Instead, the EOC will promote and implement the principle of EPEV by continuing its regulatory roles through its complaint handling mechanism, addressing unequal pay for


equal work through, if the

[...] situation so warrants, the self-initiated investigation mechanism, organising [...]

public education


programmes and reviewing the Code of Practice on Employment under the SDO.


為推 廣和推行同值同酬原則,平機會會透過其處理投訴機制繼續其監管角 色;並在有需要的情況下透過動調 查機 制、 推行 公眾教育項目及檢 討《性別歧視條例》僱傭實務守則,處理同工不同酬情況。


5.2.11 In the jurisdictions studied, the application for

[...] law enforcement warrants for the investigation of serious crimes [...]

is required to prove the extent


to which alternative methods of investigation have been used by, or are available to, the intercepting agencies.


5.2.11 在所研究的司法管轄區中,當截取機關申請執 手令以調重罪行時,必證明曾在 何種程度上使用其他調查方法或有其他調 查方法可供使用。


If the laboratory result is not conclusive and

[...] [...] no concentration as referred to in the above paragraph is found, the relevant Anti-Doping Organization shall conduct a further investigation if there are serious indications, such as a comparison to reference steroid profiles, for a possible Use of a Prohibited [...]



如果实验室结果不能给出最终结论,也未发现上述提及的浓度问题,但却有迹象(例如 与类固醇代谢概况参考比较等)表明可能使用了某种禁用物质,则相关的反兴奋剂组织必须进 行进一步调查。


Although the empirical relationship

[...] between trade and employment warrants further research, this suggests that [...]

transforming potential trade efficiency gains into employment gains is


not automatic and requires proactive and careful government intervention.


虽然贸易和业之间的的 实证关系尚待进步研这表 明,将贸易提高效率的潜力转化成就业增长,并 不是水渠成 的自然发展,需要政府作出积极和谨慎的干预。


The fact is that although the Chairman and some of its Vice-Chairmen and members have been replaced, I am


sure that many members of the IPCC are still of

[...] the view that the existing set-up of the IPCC warrants further improvement.


事 實上,雖

[...] 然警監 會 的 主席、 副 主席及成員有部分已更換了 , 但我相信 很多警監 會 的 成現時 的 架 構 是 存改善地方。


warrants further investigation - 英中  – Linguee词典 (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.