What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 16, 2024

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Self-assessment tools


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Research and exploration


Experimentation and evaluation


Summary and tips


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Are you feeling stuck, bored, or unfulfilled in your current career? Do you want to explore new possibilities and find a more meaningful and satisfying path? If so, you might be considering a career transition. But how do you know what you are good at and what you enjoy doing? How do you find a career that matches your core skills and interests? In this article, we will share some effective ways to identify your strengths, passions, and values for a successful career change.

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  • Kunal Kumar, PMP® 16x Linkedin Top Voice | Associate Director-KPMG | Senior IT Program Manager | Digital Steategy | IIM Calcutta | PMP |…

    What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (3) What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (4) 3

  • Edwina Fitzmaurice Chief Customer Success Officer at EY, World Economic Forum Global Future Council Member, Adjunct Associate Professor…

    What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (6) What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (7) 28

  • Kim Lynch Senior Account Manager @ MyStaff Inc | RecruitingTop Talent

    What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (9) 11

What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (10) What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (11) What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (12)

1 Self-assessment tools

One way to discover your core skills and interests is to use self-assessment tools. These are online quizzes, surveys, or tests that help you evaluate your personality, aptitudes, preferences, and motivations. Some examples of self-assessment tools are the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Holland Code, the StrengthsFinder, and the Career Values Scale. These tools can give you insights into your natural talents, work styles, and goals. They can also suggest some career options that suit your profile.

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  • Edwina Fitzmaurice Chief Customer Success Officer at EY, World Economic Forum Global Future Council Member, Adjunct Associate Professor Trinity College Dublin, G20 Speaker, Board Chair at Women in Innovation, NACD.DC (Director Certified)


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    There are many self-assessment tools for career transition which can really help inform our thinking at a time of change. But sometimes those tools are not enough. Particularly at times when you are considering transitioning to something new, as you have a niggling or unhappy feeling that you are in the wrong career, but don't know what 'that next thing' might be. We all have another tool which is available to us 24x7, which costs nothing but requires awareness. Catch yourself smiling. When you are doing the thing that is right for you, your whole body reacts and your face tells the story. Think laterally about ways to incorporate that activity wholly, or at least partially, into your work. You deserve to smile at work every day.


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    Self-assessment is indeed the foundational step in preparing for any task. It requires a deep and honest reflection on one's strengths, weaknesses, skills, and areas for improvement. This introspection allows individuals to gain clarity about themselves, their goals, and their aspirations. By understanding their capabilities and limitations, individuals can effectively strategize and allocate resources to achieve their objectives. Furthermore, self-assessment fosters self-awareness, which is crucial for personal and professional growth. It enables individuals to make informed decisions, capitalize on their strengths, and address any areas that need development.


    What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (31) What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (32) 26

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    Ever whispered … “All I've ever done is BLANK ... How on earth can I do anything but BLANK ... etc. Negative self-talk has killed more career changes and stolen more joy than many want to admit. Knowing what makes "you tick" is key to silencing these thoughts and clarifying a career transition pathway. Here are 3 questions to isolate what makes "you tick" to help career change:1) What are your top 5 most enjoyable roles?2) What are the top 10 skills required to do those roles?3) How can those 50+ skills be applied within new roles? Like Lego, skills can be reordered and combined into nearly infinite options. Don’t cut yourself short!

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2 Feedback and reflection

Another way to identify your core skills and interests is to ask for feedback and reflect on your experiences. You can ask your colleagues, managers, mentors, friends, or family members to share their observations and opinions on your strengths, weaknesses, achievements, and challenges. You can also review your resume, portfolio, or performance reviews and identify the skills and interests that you have demonstrated and developed in your previous roles. You can also think about the tasks, projects, or activities that you enjoyed or disliked, and why.

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  • Kim Lynch Senior Account Manager @ MyStaff Inc | RecruitingTop Talent


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    Ask your leaders what your strengths are. Many years ago I was laid off from a job at a large company, I had worked closely with the President of the organization for several years, and we had a great working relationship. When I asked for a reference, he asked to meet with me to chat. He asked what type of role I was looking for. I said sales or sales trainer, no Management jobs. He laughed and said I will give you the highest recommendation for a sales or sales trainer role. I was hoping you did not want management. Then we talked about my strengths. I have never forgot his advice or his honest assessments of my strengths and weakness.


    What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (50) 11

  • Brooke Ludford, RACS Healthcare Talent Acquisition Leader and Career Matchmaker
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    When considering a career transition, it's important to reflect on your passions, interests and skill sets. Talk to your mentors or past leaders and if possible, even review some past performance reviews to identify your strengths. It's important to seek out various viewpoints and good to get feedback from multiple individuals who interact with you in various settings. Think friends, family, colleagues, peers, and even those who know you from community events and or volunteering to get a dynamic perspective of how they perceive you. Most important also do some self-reflection to identify what brings you joy and what challenges you. This assessment should help you determine your next steps.


    What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (59) 4

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    Gathering feedback is a dynamic way to gain external perspective on your skills and interests. It's important to approach this with an open mind and a readiness to hear constructive criticism. Reflecting on past experiences not only helps in recognizing patterns in what you enjoy and excel at but also in understanding areas for growth. This self-awareness is crucial when considering a career transition, as it aligns your next steps with your personal and professional aspirations.


    What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (68) 3


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3 Research and exploration

A third way to identify your core skills and interests is to do some research and exploration. You can use online resources, such as career websites, blogs, podcasts, or videos, to learn more about different industries, occupations, and trends. You can also network with people who work in the fields or roles that interest you, and ask them questions about their skills, interests, challenges, and opportunities. You can also try some volunteer, freelance, or internship opportunities that allow you to gain some hands-on experience and exposure to different work environments and cultures.

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  • Kunal Kumar, PMP® 16x Linkedin Top Voice | Associate Director-KPMG | Senior IT Program Manager | Digital Steategy | IIM Calcutta | PMP | CSM Certified | Mentor | Servant Leader | Consulting | (Views are on personal capacity)
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    Another way to identify your core skills and interests is through research and exploration. Use online resources like career websites and podcasts to learn about different industries and roles. Network with professionals to gain insights, and consider volunteering or freelancing to gain hands-on experience and discover new interests.


    What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (77) What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (78) 3

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    One thing I always recommend for people in career transition is to seek out informational interviews! Go straight to the source of people who currently work in the job you're interested in. Ask them about the skillsets needed to do the role, and what are their struggles. what are the good, bad, fun, and not-so-fun about their day-to-day responsibilities? It will give you a real picture of a day in the life. Better to get a sense early on if you'll like it or not!


    What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (87) 4

  • Ayanna E. Jackson I help improve leaders, their teams and careers one day at a time | LinkedIn Top Voice for Career Development | ForbesBLK Member


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    Never underestimate taking advantage of an on-site shadow day. It's an incredible chance to step into the shoes of someone doing your desired type of work. Tag along for a full or half day, soaking up the atmosphere, culture, and industry insights. Stay sharp - observe the vibe, employee interactions, and stress levels. Quiz yourself: Is the work challenging? Time-sensitive? Prep your questions to capture the essence of the day. And keep an open mind; this experience is about understanding the role, not necessarily landing a job at this specific place. Embrace the shadow day as a unique learning opportunity!


    What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (96) 4


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4 Experimentation and evaluation

A fourth way to identify your core skills and interests is to experiment and evaluate. You can set some short-term and long-term goals for your career transition, and take some action steps to achieve them. You can also monitor your progress and results, and adjust your plans accordingly. You can also seek feedback and support from others, such as career coaches, mentors, or peers, who can help you overcome obstacles and celebrate successes. You can also measure your satisfaction and fulfillment with your new career path, and see if it aligns with your core skills and interests.

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    Experimentation and evaluation are crucial for a successful career transition as they provide real-world feedback and personal insights. By setting goals and actively pursuing them, individuals can gain a clearer understanding of their interests and competencies. This hands-on approach, complemented by feedback from professionals, allows for a dynamic career development process where adjustments can be made in real-time, ensuring that the career path chosen is both fulfilling and aligned with one's core skills.


    What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (105) 1

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    A very actionable step you can take is to figure out what you actually like. When you know what you like, you can steer your career into that direction.What tasks boost your energy and engagement and which don't? You don't need much: a pen and a piece of paper. At the end of each day write down the major tasks you worked on during your professional or personal time. Add two numbers from 1 to 10 to each task: one number for the energy this task gave you, a second one to indicate how engaged you have been during the task. After a few weeks you will start seeing patterns emerge.This Activity Log can be a great source of inspiration, help you focus more on the tasks you like or steer your view towards a career you would enjoy more.


    What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (114) 1


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5 Summary and tips

Identifying your core skills and interests is an important step for a successful career transition. It can assist you in finding a job that suits your personality, abilities, values, and passions. Furthermore, it can help you stand out from the competition, display your potential, and reach your goals. To identify your core skills and interests, you can utilize self-assessment tools, feedback and reflection, research and exploration, and experimentation and evaluation. Additionally, be honest and open-minded about yourself and your options; be curious and proactive about learning and growing; be flexible and adaptable to changing circ*mstances and opportunities; and be confident and positive about your skills and interests.

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    Mind that there is a great difference between a "skill" and a "core competency" or "talent." We tend to put the skills we are the most proud of (e.g. because they took us maximum effort to obtain) on top of the list in your resumes. However, they are not necessarily the skills that will make us successful in the end. So, review your resume and look for the skills associated with so-called *flow states* - periods of high focus and low anxiety when we feel a genuine joy from the activity that we indulge in. These are your most prospective skills, even if newly acquired.


    What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (123) 7

  • Andrew Marino GTM @ Knoetic | Coach | Ex-LinkedIn, Ex-Utah Jazz
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    When making career transition, find ways to optimize your next opportunity for the things that get you most excited and to cut out things you really dislike. This can speak your personality, strengths, values, passions, and more. Pay attention to your initial gut reaction about role responsibilities, career potential, and more when looking at prospective opportunities. Your gut will tell you the truth about how you really feel.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Natalia Zagoriy, CHRL, CDSP Sourcing Lead @ Rogers Communications 🍁 | Synergizing career alignment
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    To grasp your fundamental inclinations, dedicate a week or a month or so to self-observation and reflection. ✔️Consider what activities immerse you in a state of flow ✔️Consider subjects or areas you feel curious about exploring in depth, where you find yourself consistently investing time. ❌ Exclude social media doomscrolling or TV binge-watching (these industries know how to keep your attention). these two aspects should give you a hint of what you are naturally gravitating towards


    What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (141) 4

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    Define clear career goals and priorities based on your self-assessment and research findings. Determine what you want to achieve in your career transition and the types of roles or industries that align with your skills, interests, and long-term objectives. Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals to guide your career planning process.


    What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (150) What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (151) 3


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What are the most effective ways to identify your core skills and interests for a career transition? (2024)


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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