DIY Homemade Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe! || Practically Functional (2024)

DIY Homemade Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe! || Practically Functional (1)

I love homemade sugar scrubs! They work really well on dry, rough skin (which is great during the harsh winters we have here in Chicago!), and they are so inexpensive to make at home. Plus when you make a sugar scrub yourself, you know exactly what is in it! No more unpronounceable chemicals; all you need for a homemade sugar scrub is sugar, oil, and essential oils for scent!

Today I’m going to share a peppermint sugar scrub recipe, but you can completely customize the colors and scents. And if you put them in a cute container with a ribbon, they make great gifts for any holiday!

DIY Homemade Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe! || Practically Functional (2)

This recipe makes a great Christmas gift, but you can easily switch out the scents to make gifts for any holiday! Cinnamon, brown sugar, nutmeg, or cloves would make a great sugar scrub for fall; lavender or rose makes a great Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day gift. Get creative with it!

DIY Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe

Here’s what you need to make your own sugar scrub: (affiliate links below)

  • 1 C granulated white sugar
  • 2 T sweet almond oil (or any other unscented, liquid carrier oil, like jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, etc.)
  • 4-6 drops of Young Living Peppermint essential oil (learn more about essential oils here)
  • food coloring, optional (you can also use fruit juice as a more natural way to add color)

You can easily multiply this recipe to make larger batches if you have a larger container, or want to make multiple jars to give as gifts!

Put your sugar in a bowl and slowly pour in the almond oil, stirring to incorporate. You can always add more or less oil to get the correct consistency; you want the sugar to be slightly wet and clumpy, but not liquid. Then add 4-6 drops of peppermint essential oil. Essential oils are super strong, so make sure not to overdo it here or the scent will be overpowering!

Once you mix up your sugar and oil, you have your homemade sugar scrub! Transfer it into an airtight container for storage and it should last for a while. I still have a jar of the lemon sugar scrub I made over a year ago, and it’s totally fine!

For this recipe I split the sugar into two bowls after it was mixed, and I added three drops of red food coloring to one bowl to get pink sugar.

DIY Homemade Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe! || Practically Functional (4)

Then I grabbed a tall, skinny jar (I reused a Starbucks Frappucino bottle, just make sure you wash it well first!), a funnel, a bamboo skewer, and a muddler (to tamp down the sugar).

Stick the funnel in the mouth of the jar and add a spoonful of white sugar. Use the bamboo skewer to help get it all down through the neckof the funnel; the oil in the scrub will make it stick to the funnel a little bit.

Once you have a layer of sugar, tamp it down with a muddler, the back of a butterknife, or anything flat and heavy. Then put the funnel back in the jar and add a scoop of the red sugar. Use the bamboo skewer to get it all out of the funnel, and use the muddler again to tamp it all down.

DIY Homemade Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe! || Practically Functional (5)

Continue making “stripes” until your jar is filled! Then close the lid, attach a ribbon and a label and give your sugar scrub as a gift! (Or keep it for yourself… I won’t tell!)

DIY Homemade Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe! || Practically Functional (6)

When you’re ready to use your sugar scrub, just unscrew the lid, grab a small handful of sugar, and scrub your skin with it! All the dry flakes will come right off and the oil will leave your skin nice and moisturized!

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If you liked this project,check out these other great ways to use essential oils!

What flavors would you use for this sugar scrub?

Another great oil for this would be lavender, which is probably my favorite of all the ones that Young Livingmakes; it’s so versatile! It’s great for helping you relax (I’m definitely making some lavender bath salts next!), and it helps heal chapped, dry skin, minor burns, and itchy bug bites!

If you’re interested in learning more about essential oils, justlet me knoworjoin ourFacebook group!I’d be happy to get you more info or get you a sample to try out!

Or if you are ready to start using essential oils, you can get the all of the must-have essential oils in the Young Living Premium Starter kit at a HUGE discount. Plus you 24% off every purchase you make for life when you sign up as a wholesale member. The starter kit is everything you need to get started living a happier, healthier, more natural life with essential oils, and the 24% discount on any future purchases of Young Living oils and products doesn’t hurt either!Check out this page for more details.

DIY Homemade Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe! || Practically Functional (12)


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DIY Homemade Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe! || Practically Functional (2024)


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Name: Margart Wisoky

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