How to Make Air Dry Clay at Home (EASY Air Dry Clay Recipe!) (2024)

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By Stephanie on | Updated | Rate Recipe

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With this Air Dry Clay recipe, you can make your own Air Dry clay at home for so many different craft product uses! Homemade Air dry clay is simple to make and cheaper then buying it in the store!

This homemade air dry clay is the best air dry clay recipe that you are going to find! It is simple to make and makes the PERFECT ornaments!

How to Make Air Dry Clay at Home (EASY Air Dry Clay Recipe!) (1)

HomemadeAir Dry Clay

I love making ornaments of my kids handprints and footprints. I have been doing it since they were younger and I have plans to continue on as long as they will let me. I make them as keepsakes for myself and to give as gifts. Eventually when the kids are older, my plan is to give them their ornaments so they have them to show their kids, and hopefully they make them with their kids too.

This is the same air dry clay recipe that I use in our Foot print ornaments, DIY Santa Ornaments, and Grinch handprint ornaments. You can make just about anything with this homemade clay, even though my favorite thing is the ornaments.

How to Make Air Dry Clay at Home (EASY Air Dry Clay Recipe!) (2)

Getting Crafty with Air Dry Clay

This DIY clay, is great to make for the kids to shape on their own. Then you can just let the clay dry and a few days later let the kids paint their creations.

The great thing about this air dry clay is you probably have most of the items needed already in your house. All you need is white glue, cornstarch, lemon juice or white vinegar and baby oil.

Once you make the clay dough you will want to use it right away to make your projects. It will start to harden if you let it sit out, so this is not a clay to make days in advanced.

If you are like us, then crafty projects are always going on. Do yourself the favor and just buy glue by the gallon. It is soooo much cheaper then buying the little bottles of glue.

HomemadeAir Dry ClayIngredients

  • 3/4 cup white glue
  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons baby oil
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar

How to Make Homemade Air Dry Clay

Mix the cornstarch and glue together in a pot on medium heat on the stove. Once they are mixed well, stir in the baby oil and the vinegar (or lemon juice if that is what you are using).

Cook over low heat stirring no stop until the mixture resembles mashed potatoes. Then remove the pot from the heat and turn the stove off.

Sprinkle some cornstarch on your counter and rub some on your hands before removing the dough from the pot.

How to Make Air Dry Clay at Home (EASY Air Dry Clay Recipe!) (3)

Place the dough mixture onto the counter and knead the dough until its nice and smooth.If your dough starts to stick add more cornstarch. You will know that the right amount of cornstarch is in it when it becomes smooth and clay like.

How to Make Air Dry Clay at Home (EASY Air Dry Clay Recipe!) (4)

Once your air dry clay is done, shape the dough into what ever shape you would like. You can at this point roll it out with a rolling pin and have the kids make hand prints in it or have them shape it into animals or whatever else they want to create.

How to Make Air Dry Clay at Home (EASY Air Dry Clay Recipe!) (5)

Once you have the shapes done, or the ornaments made, let the clay dry for two days. I leave our projects on the kitchen counter, you want them to be in an open space to dry out. After the 2 days drying time you can then paint the clay or leave it as is.

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How to Make Air Dry Clay at Home (EASY Air Dry Clay Recipe!) (6)

Homemade Air Dry Clay

This homemade air dry clay is the best air dry clay recipe that you are going to find! It is simple to make and makes the PERFECT ornaments!

4.67 from 3 votes

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Author: Lauren

Supplies Needed

  • 3/4 cup white glue
  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons baby oil
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar


  • Mix the cornstarch and glue together in a pot on medium heat on the stove. Once they are mixed well, stir in the baby oil and the vinegar (or lemon juice if that is what you are using).

  • Cook over low heat stirring no stop until the mixture resembles mashed potatoes. Then remove the pot from the heat and turn the stove off.

  • Sprinkle some cornstarch on your counter and rub some on your hands before removing the dough from the pot.

  • Place the dough mixture onto the counter and knead the dough until its nice and smooth.If your dough starts to stick add more cornstarch. You will know that the right amount of cornstarch is in it when it becomes smooth and clay like.

  • Once your air dry clay is done, shape the dough into what ever shape you would like. You can at this point roll it out with a rolling pin and have the kids make hand prints in it or have them shape it into animals or whatever else they want to create.

  • Once you have the shapes done, or the ornaments made, let the clay dry for two days. I leave our projects on the kitchen counter, you want them to be in an open space to dry out. After the 2 days drying time you can then paint the clay or leave it as is.

Keyword air dry clay

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How to Make Air Dry Clay at Home (EASY Air Dry Clay Recipe!) (7)


Hey There! I am Lauren, a short mom (4 foot 10 to be exact!) who has a passion for helping others and always has a cup of coffee in hand. With amazing recipes to help the home cook become a home chef, along with fun family travel, fun crafts and More! Grab a cup of coffee and join me! Read more...

Created by Stephanie

With a degree from the Culinary Institute of America in baking and pastry arts, a love for tasty food and amazing photography skills Stephanie brings the amazing recipe ideas we come up with to life. Stephanie loves crafting, all things Disney and traveling whenever possible.

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How to Make Air Dry Clay at Home (EASY Air Dry Clay Recipe!) (2024)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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